Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 20 Starry Sky

Chapter 20 Starry Sky
That year.

"If the widow sleeps forever one day, the widow will sleep forever under the entire starry sky."

"I heard that you started building the mausoleum ten years ago," the little girl lying on the railing said without looking back, "You can't see the starry sky in the mausoleum."

"As long as I want to, I can move the starry sky to my world."

"Your Majesty, do you want to monopolize the entire starry sky?" The little girl lying on the railing turned her head and smiled softly, "You are too greedy."

The man's eagle-like eyes were fixed on her.

"It's not greedy to let go of your master's widow."


Looking at the starry sky composed of 28 constellations on the top of the canopy, Ying Baoyue was in a trance.

This was not a memory she had just recalled. When she emerged from Qin Ling's coffin, the first thing that caught her eyes was the starry sky.

Reminds me of that conversation.

Back then, the conversation with the young Shao Si Ming was just a joke, but after seeing this starry sky for the first time, she realized that the man was actually telling the truth.

Now, the joke has come true.

The reason why it was taken as a joke was that this idea was too far-fetched, and she was afraid that the man would go out of his way to torment Master again, so she didn't respond.

It's just that even Shao Si Ming didn't expect that such a major event as the construction of the mausoleum, but that person never let Da Si Ming intervene from the beginning to the end.

Obviously involving the technique of the underground palace formation mechanism, no one in the entire empire can surpass the master.

Ying Baoyue pursed her lips tightly.

Now that I think about it, many crises have already been lurking early on.

Because they had never participated in the construction of the mausoleum, they knew little about the underground palace from the beginning to the end.

After she regained consciousness, she chose to leave as soon as possible. At that time, staying in such a strange and secret place with her physical state was tantamount to suicide.

The last thing she looked at before leaving was the starry sky.

That scene was firmly imprinted in the depths of her eyes. Back then, she had also thought about how the man planned to move the starry sky into the mausoleum.

When she saw the real thing, she couldn't hide her shock.

This starry sky is enough to shock everyone.

Of course, the starry sky at the top of the imperial mausoleum is not a real starry sky.

But Ying Baoyue did not expect that person to move the starry sky in such a form.

It is more accurate to say that it is a starry sky, but it is actually a star map.

The most iconic feature is the 28 brightest stars.

The reason why Ying Baoyue can recognize this starry sky at a glance is because of these 28 stars.

No, the accurate statement should be.

28 constellations.

If a tree can form a forest by itself, then a star can also represent a sky.

Looking at the 28 big stars on the crown of the tree, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, touched the rough bark of the banyan tree with bare hands, and began to climb up.

With the girl climbing a tree, 28 stars shine above her head.

This is the world's oldest way of dividing the starry sky.

28 constellations, also known as 28 stars.This is the star, but also the coordinates.

The entire starry sky is divided into 28 regions because of these 28 stars, four palaces in east, west, north, south, and seven constellations in each palace.

Eastern blue dragon, Jiao Kang Di Fang Xinwei Ji; northern Xuanwu, bullfighting female empty room wall; western white tiger, Kui Louwei Pleiabi, ginseng; southern red bird, well ghost willow star Zhang Yizhen.

While climbing, Ying Baoyue looked up at the stars embedded in the light she emitted.

I don't know what kind of material that person found to create these 28 stars, and when these stars are arranged in their positions very skillfully, it becomes the most primitive and most complicated formation.

The formation was in motion, and the stars reappeared.

bright light.

However, when Ying Baoyue climbed closer and closer, she found that although the position of the stars on the top of the banyan tree was almost the same as that of the stars on the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum, the light was much dimmer than when she first saw it.

Even this gloom is familiar to her.

At that time, the time was too short to take a closer look, but when her real body in the coffin began to burn, Ying Baoyue did feel the flickering and weakening of the starlight above her head for a moment.

Could it be that I was once, also a part of this starry sky formation?
Ying Baoyue didn't know how long she had been crawling, the sweat slipped from her cheeks and seeped into the bark, and just as the sweat flowed into her eyes, the starlight reflected dreamy colors in her blurred vision.

Ying Baoyue raised her head in a daze.

Near the Big Dipper for three days, Zichen, brushing the white clouds on the two sleeves of the dangerous fence.You can pick the stars, whoever believes in the Toad Palace will leave me alone.

She stood on the canopy of the tree, stretched out her hand, and could pick the stars.

It doesn't matter that the dangerous building is hundreds of feet high, the tree under her can communicate with the world.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head and looked at the three seal characters on the top of the treetop.

"Giant spirit wood."

That's right, a very apt name.

The top of this tree stands tall, with a rich root system that seeps into the soil underneath, and stars all over the canopy, and she can touch them when she climbs up the tree, and she can really pick the stars with her hands.

It's like climbing a ladder to the ceiling of your home.

The stars in front of her eyes are like the luminous stones that her master hung in her mosquito net when she was a child, but it's a pity that the color of each one is a bit dim.

As if in a dream, Ying Baoyue grabbed the treetop with one hand, and stretched out her hand towards the star closest to her with the other.

However, the next moment, a strong wind suddenly blew through the entire space!
This is……

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, and just when her fingertips touched the dim star, an unimaginable sense of opening suddenly penetrated her whole body!
The banyan tree is connected with the stars in the sky through her body.

Complex lines like inscriptions appeared on the leaf veins, and the next moment.

The biggest star in the south.

was lit.



And the next moment.

"who are you?"

"Who is there?"

In the ear, no, a strange male voice suddenly sounded very clearly in Ying Baoyue's mind!

Clear, melodious, like a breeze.

However, the doubt and shock that could not be concealed in his tone.

The sound was very close, yet it seemed to be coming from far away.

This feeling is a little strange, but also a little familiar.

Ying Baoyue shuddered and looked at his fingertips.

A bright and even warm light fell on her fingers.

This is...the stars in the south.

Ying Baoyue looked down at her other hand. Countless lines appeared on the surface of the bark on the top of the tree, emitting faint fluorescence. The veins of the leaves were clearly visible. They actually flowed down the trunk like an integrated circuit, leading into the luxuriant root system of the giant spirit tree. .

spread far away.

Looking at the complicated veins, Ying Baoyue suddenly had a bold guess in his heart!

Is it...

"Excuse me... is there anyone?"

The strange boy's voice came from afar again, Ying Baoyue closed his eyes and spoke quietly.

"I'm here."

The voice of the other party gasped from the opposite side, and the next moment he spoke again, with a solemn voice, "Who are you? Why did you find me in this way?"

this way?

Ying Baoyue changed into an unfathomable voice, and spoke quietly.

"Who are you?"

She is the one who connects to the Giant Spirit Wood.

She should have asked him to state his name first.

The boy on the other side fell silent, and just when Ying Baoyue thought he was going to keep silent, that pleasant voice came.


The boy paused for a moment.

"Ji Jiashu."

 "Zichen near the Big Dipper for three days, brushing the dangerous fence with white clouds on both sleeves. You can pick the stars, whoever believes in the Toad Palace, let me be idle." ——Yuan · Zhang Kejiu "[Double Tune] Zhe Gui Ling Qian Tang Immediate Reliance"

  [Baidu Encyclopedia: 28 Constellations]: 28 Constellations are 28 star regions divided by ancient Chinese astronomers to observe the movement of the sun, moon and five stars.It is used to explain the positions of the sun, moon and five stars.Each night contains several stars.As one of the important components of traditional Chinese culture, it has been widely used in ancient astronomy, religion, literature, astrology, astrology, feng shui, auspicious selection and other spells.

  Different fields give it different connotations, and the related content is very complicated.

  The current literature knowledge of the 28 constellation system can be traced back to the early Shang and Zhou dynasties, and was completed in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods.The records about the 28 constellations and the four images were first seen in the early Warring States period.In terms of cultural relics, the lacquer box from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng during the Warring States Period unearthed in Suixian County recorded the complete names of the 28 constellations for the first time.It is generally accepted by historians that the 28 constellations were first used in astronomy, so it plays an important role in the history of astronomy, and has always been a topic of interest to Chinese and foreign scholars.

(End of this chapter)

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