Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 21 Jiashu

Chapter 21 Jiashu
Summer in the south is always hotter than in the north.

For Ji Jiashu, this was an ordinary summer night.

The only thing that is unusual is his mood.

After dinner, he walked out of the yard alone and headed for the back mountain of the house, regardless of the shouts of the ice book boy behind him.

His home was built against a mountain, and unlike other aristocratic houses decorated with rockery, the mountain behind his home has not been decorated in any way, with dense forests and primitive verdant.

This kind of construction method is naturally an anomaly in the family house, but as long as his family is involved, it is not an anomaly, but a mystery.

This house was built when his father became an official, and there are still many secrets left, which are talked about instead of being talked about.

Because his family is special in this country.

But Ji Jiashu was not very interested in fame and power, and he didn't feel that his identity was special since he was a child.

Until I got that news a few days ago.

Thinking of the inexplicable fate that befell him, Ji Jiashu walked out of the house, walked into the forest step by step, found his favorite ancient tree since he was a child, raised his head against the trunk, and began to watch the stars.

True essence circulated throughout his body, and the spiritual veins in the ground became active, all because he had already started to practice.

Ji Jiashu looked up at the starry sky, concentrating on understanding.

His realm has passed the stage where he needs to rely on stargazing to practice, but when Ji Jiashu can't calm down, he will enter the back mountain alone and choose this way to practice.

He inherited the court training from a young age and understood that as a son of an aristocratic family, no matter what happens, he should be calm and gentle, and he has always done so.

There are often rumors that the fourth son of the Ji family is a real gentleman who will not get angry.

Ji Jiashu was still not angry tonight.

He's just bored.

He is indeed entitled to be bored.

If someone encountered what he encountered and could still feel calm, he would have become a saint long ago.

What's more, he is only a 16-year-old boy.

Ji Jiashu leaned on the trunk, shook his head, trying to forget about the incident that pushed him into the cusp these days.

He raised his head, trying to focus on the vast expanse of starry sky.

When his consciousness was connected to the starry sky, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and leaned back suddenly, entrusting all the strength of his body to the trunk behind him.

The big tree rattled.

There is no one around, leaving only the hustle and bustle of summer night insects.

This is the only way for the perfect fourth son of the Ji family to vent his anger.

"Tonight's astrology is much more active than yesterday..."

Ji Jiashu, who was concentrating on stargazing, frowned and muttered to himself.

At this time, a green leaf fell from the top of his head and fell from his starry field of vision. Ji Jiashu was slightly startled, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This situation really fits a line of poetry.

Very beautiful lines.

Ji Jiashu got up slightly, supported the big tree, looked up at the sky, and chanted the poems that came to his mind.

"The autumn orchids are like the moose, and the Luosheng is under the hall. The green leaves are like the plain flowers, and the fragrance is like the flowers."

However, just as his voice echoed in the forest night, the big tree behind him suddenly glowed with veins, and the light penetrated into the soil along with the roots!

what happened?
The stars in front of Ji Jiashu's eyes suddenly exploded, and he was in a daze. A star as bright as a jewel flashed past his eyes. His palm touching the tree trunk suddenly felt a tingling pain. The next moment, he heard an extremely beautiful female voice.

"Stars of the South."


Ji Jiashu stared at the palm of his hand holding the tree. The lines on the bark were clearly visible under the emerald green light and merged into his palm.

Then he heard it.

A voice belonging to another person who does not exist in this forest.

With the cultivation base of a high-level practitioner, he can hear it.

It was the sound of a woman's breathing.

Deep and shallow, very remote.

But it rang in his ears again.

But Ji Jiashu guaranteed with his 13 years of cultivation, that there was no sign of anyone within a hundred meters of him!
The voice was heard in the distance, but it was close at hand, and it actually came from the bark near his palm!
Indeed, it was a human voice.

who is it?

Ji Jiashu looked around, mobilized all the vital energy in his body silently, and tried to speak.

"who are you?"

"Who's there?"

He didn't intend to receive a reply from the other party. He was young but his level was not low. When encountering such a strange incident, Ji Jiashu only thought of two possibilities for a moment.

One is the unexplained mystery of this world.Ji Jiashu didn't consider it a magic weapon, after all, the most powerful sound-transmitting magic weapon in the world is only a hundred meters away, and it's not as good as a high-level practitioner's sharp eyesight.

But his father taught him since he was a child that there are still many things in this world that high-level practitioners cannot understand.

Practitioners must know how to be in awe.

After all, this is a world where there are true gods and spiritual veins.

The second possibility is that the owner of this voice is actually by his side, hiding his aura with spells or magic medicine.

But this is also very strange, since it is necessary to hide the breath, how can it be so incomplete.

With one last guess, Ji Jiashu's heart sank.

That means the strength of the opponent's realm is much higher than him,
If that's the case... well.

Then he has nothing to hide himself.

After thinking about all this, Ji Jiashu decided to ask the other party what he planned to do first.

There are many people in this world who covet his identity or ability, but he has never seen such a novel form. Will this mysterious woman respond...

"I'm here."

Ji Jiashu gasped.

Guessing is one thing, actually hearing a human voice is another.

In a place that he couldn't see, there really was a person talking to him in a way that even he couldn't see through!

His question almost blurted out, and the next moment the voice came again.

Compared to the vague first time, the voice became clearer this time.

The sound like ice and snow is not that cold, but has the texture of a clear spring.

She asked, "Who are you?"

Ji Jiashu didn't know what he was thinking at that time.

In the end he chose to give his real name.

If the other party is really a higher level cultivator than himself... Although he is very reluctant, at this time his family name can protect him more than his personal existence.

After all, he has such a father.

However, contrary to Ji Jiashu's expectation, upon hearing his real name, the mysterious being was only slightly silent for a moment, and then spoke again without emotion.

"Ji Jiashu, good evening."

"Good evening." Ji Jiashu almost stuttered.

It seems that the other side is also at night.

I did not travel through time and space again.

Ying Baoyue, who was sitting on the treetop of the Giant Spirit Wood, pondered.

She didn't pay much attention to the name given by the other party, after all, she has lived in modern society for 18 years.

This kind of invisible dialogue, who knows whether the opposite is round or flat, male or female, and whether the name is true or false?

She used to be a woman with eight screen names.

"You already know my name, how should I address you?" The voice spoke politely again.

Although she has many names, they are not all. When she encounters the same name and surname, she is questioned.

At this moment, Ying Baoyue paused, and a name suddenly flashed in his mind.

A name that is absolutely unexplorable.

Facing the flashing stones and stars above her head, Ying Baoyue showed a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"I am..."

Then she spoke with a smile.

"Teng Snake."

Teng snake?

How do you feel like you heard it somewhere?

Ji Jiashu repeated in a daze, and the next moment when he finally realized where he heard it, the arm he was holding on to the ancient tree trembled.

Teng snake?

Eight beast gods?
(End of this chapter)

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