Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 22 Tree Nets

Chapter 22 Tree Nets
The other party's silence was expected by Ying Baoyue, she chose such a nagging name to prevent further questioning.

After all, the real owner of this name is still difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with.

But this silent time...

Is it a little too long?
"Ji Jiashu?"

"Ah, I'm..." Ji Jiashu, who was so shocked that he couldn't speak, finally came back to his senses, looked at the shining light on the bark, and took a deep breath.

However, his heartbeat was still so intense that he couldn't stop!

The title proposed by the other party...was too beyond his expectation, and it was too terrifying.

He has seen even celestial practitioners who can make practitioners tremble. He thought that except for the few characters in the legend, he would be able to keep calm no matter how powerful practitioners were.

However, he met one today.

A woman who calls herself by the name of a god.

Let's say it's a woman.

If the identity of the other party becomes true, it is far beyond his realm to spy on.

"Is it okay for me to call you by... this name?" Ji Jiashu almost mobilized his whole body to calm down and breathe, so that his voice didn't sound so abnormal.

The other party's unfathomableness far exceeded his expectations. Only at this time did he finally understand how great his father was.

This was his last temptation, at the risk of his life.

Why did it suddenly become an honorific?

Ying Baoyue on the opposite side didn't know Ji Jiashu's mental journey, so he laughed for a while,
"of course."

A calm and relaxed voice like a girl came from the opposite side.

But for Ji Jiashu, it was no less than a bolt from the blue.

Because the tone of the self-proclaimed Soaring Snake was taken for granted.

There was no hesitation, no fear, and no...

God damn it.

Is it really...

Ji Jiashu raised his head in a daze.

The reason why he received such a big impact is that...

It is impossible to impersonate the name of a god.

On this continent, anyone can pretend to be anything, but only the name of a god is impossible.


Because those who dare to impersonate have already gone to other worlds.

Commonly known as the dead can not die again.

Ji Jiashu clenched his other hand and looked up at the sky full of stars.

The beast god is a true god, a god with the same life span as the sky.

Even three-year-old children know that the true God is everywhere. From the moment they can speak, children will be taught not to talk nonsense, especially not to make fun of the name of the true God.

God may be insensitive to other things, but it is impossible to be insensitive to names. He is usually just too lazy to talk to humans, but once disrespectful words are spoken, God will hear them. Those who dare to pretend to be gods will be punished by the true God himself.

And this kind of punishment must not be thought to be a magical phenomenon such as divine enlightenment, it is guaranteed to be a blunt and incomparable divine punishment.

Commonly known as, thunder strikes from the sky.

The Eight Beast Gods are not benevolent gods, let alone have compassion for mere human beings.

No matter how high-level practitioners are, they are nothing more than ants. Only when they can enter the heavenly rank can they have the opportunity to talk to them.

But that's just a conversation.

Even if it is a heaven rank, it is impossible to pretend to be a god without punishment.

What's more, one of the eight beast gods, Teng Snake.

Although it has also disappeared from the secular world seven years ago, the upper class of practitioners knows the hidden secrets. After all, it is different from the Qinglong whose breath has completely disappeared.

It is said that the immortal officials of the former Qin Dynasty can still feel its breath.

Ji Jiashu looked back at his palm, his expression changing.

Could it be that the other party is... an immortal official from the former Qin Dynasty?

No, it's not possible.

Now the former Qin Immortal Official may have a hard time trying to get in touch. Whether Ji Jiashu is willing or not, he has to admit that the mysterious existence opposite is special.

If it wasn't for the pain in his palm, he really suspected that he was crazy.

Either crazy or dreaming.

To encounter such an existence.

"Teng Snake... my lord." Ji Jiashu stood up straight and spoke quietly.

"You don't need it, my lord," the voice laughed for some reason, "It's just a title, and honorifics are not needed."

Who actually said no need?
She... Let's use her first, who is she? No, is she really a human?
"Teng Snake." Ji Jiashu called out in a low voice, and was very worried that he would be punished by God soon.

"Well, I'm here." Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

This man really dared to answer... Ji Jiashu, who was not struck by lightning, had already given up on himself, "Excuse me, what is the reason for calling me?"


Ying Baoyue was startled.

Boy, all of this was probably pure accident.

"Summer nights are long, I met you by accident," Ying Baoyue thought for a while, "There must be some kind of fate."

I don't know who I'm shaking with?
"What were you doing?"

"I'm stargazing." Ji Jiashu suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and spoke seriously.

"Stargazing?" Ying Baoyue looked up at the star map above his head thoughtfully, and then there was a burst of intense cicadas singing in his ears.

The chirping of cicadas does not belong here.

"Are there any trees in your place?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Ji Jiashu looked at the tree trunk under his palm in a daze, "Yes."

Trees, starry sky, and... Ying Baoyue narrowed his eyes, "The poem you just recited really fits the occasion."

How does she know?

Ji Jiashu was startled, and then suddenly understood that there was something he didn't know about the existence of the other party.

"The forbidden poem made your Excellency laugh."

It turns out that it has become a banned poem now...

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and the next moment, the picture of the other party was outlined in front of her eyes.

This young man must have been touching the tree to gaze at the stars. For some reason, he also recited the Chu Ci, and became the target of being drawn into by the giant spirit tree.

Trees, stars, and Chu Ci Shao Si Ming.

Ying Baoyue initially summed up the triggering conditions.

But it shouldn't be that simple.

Although it was the stars that lit up, Ying Baoyue felt that the miracle was mainly caused by this tree.

Looking at the glistening lines of trees extending from the top to the root system on the giant spirit wood, Ying Baoyue's heart suddenly jumped.

It's almost like fiber optics.

The next moment, a word popped out of her mind.

Tree networking.

That's right, she had learned it in a biology competition before the college entrance examination.

The root system of a plant is the oldest network in the world.Through their pervasive root systems, trees can weave complex networks underground to transmit messages, even connecting to trees far away.

Just like a real network.

This is tree networking.

And the older the tree, the more exalted it is in the underground root system of the forest.

Giant spirit wood, maybe it is such a tree.

"Teng Snake?" Ji Jiashu's words interrupted Ying Baoyue's thoughts, "I'm sorry, did I touch something by mistake?"

"How come, it's quite interesting to hear voices from other places."

Anyway, she couldn't see the other party, thinking of this, Ying Baoyue spoke without any psychological burden.

"I've been in one place all the time, occasionally wanting to hear other voices."

According to her judgment, the teenager should be far away from her.

She just woke up, and entered a family that was forced to live in seclusion. She was searched by the court and couldn't go out. She also lost her memory related to her practice.

Ying Baoyue sensed from the few words just now that this young man might have something she needed.

Listening to him talk, maybe even an advanced practitioner, then it wouldn't do her any harm to have a chat with him.

At least this way, he doesn't have to worry about him seeing his face and recognizing his identity.

However, after hearing Ying Baoyue's words, Ji Jiashu, who was chatting with him across servers, suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

This supernatural existence... Could it be that he has been hiding from the world and is too lonely, so he uses his supernatural powers to find someone to chat relieve boredom?
"If it's about talking, I'm willing to help you." In short, the other party has hinted, so how can he still say he doesn't want to?

Looking at the star map above her head, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, tiredness rose from her limbs like a tide.

Tonight, it seems that this is the limit.

This tree network consumes too much power...

I feel like my body is going to be ripped out...

"I'm very happy tonight. I have the opportunity to chat with you again." Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Ji Jiashu."

Ji Jiashu was shocked, knowing that the anomaly was about to pass.

In order to live, he should have hoped that he would never encounter such strange things again, but he didn't know whether it was because the words of this person were different from his original impression or because of something else, Ji Jiashu suddenly spoke in a strange way.

"Excuse me, if I want to chat with you again..."

"Then you can try the same thing as tonight," Ying Baoyue smiled.

"it is good."

The boy's voice disappeared into the night sky.

Like a basin of cold water poured down her head, Ying Baoyue suddenly opened her eyes in the darkness.


Both the big trees and the starry sky disappeared.

Come into view.

It was Gui Chen's eyes full of fright.

Like seeing a ghost.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, we will add more updates today, and there will be another update later.

  Approaching the scientific tree networking: According to the research of Canadian forest ecologist Susan Simard, the networking between trees is not a fiction, but a real thing that exists on the earth and around us. This phenomenon is covered in detail in The Secret Life of Trees by Peter Worleyburn.


(End of this chapter)

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