Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 23 Marriage

Chapter 23 Marriage
Ying Baoyue sat up from the bed, and looked at Gui Chen who was standing beside the bed, staring at her face.

"what happened?"

"You asked me what's wrong?" Gui Chen stared at her as if seeing a ghost, "You just..."

"I just now?" Ying Baoyue pointed to herself.

"Did you just disappear for a moment?!"

The boy pointed at her and spoke in disbelief.


Ying Baoyue looked down at her body, she was still wearing the pajamas she was sleeping in, and the next moment, a drop of dew slipped from her hair and fell into her palm.

This is……

Ying Baoyue raised her head, no matter the towering giant tree or the magical starry sky were gone, she seemed to be lying on Guichen's bed, having a dream.

But this drop of dew on the palm told her that everything really happened.

That tree, that patch of stars, and that distant boy who strayed into it.

Ying Baoyue looked up at the terrified Gui Chen, and suddenly understood what happened.

That tree is not a delusion in her mind, but a real alien world, once entering it, people will disappear, probably when she just came back from there.

Gui Chen just pushed the door open and came in.

Then I saw a flash and a big change.

Ying Baoyue looked at the cold sweat on the young man's forehead and let out a sigh of relief. It was just a coincidence of time. If Gui Chen could have found her disappearance earlier by pushing the door, it would not be so easy to explain.

"What did you say?" Ying Baoyue exhaled and looked at Gui Chen, "Aren't I here well?"

"This..." Gui Chen looked at the girl who looked at him suspiciously and was momentarily at a loss for words.

Also, what is he talking about?

How could a living person disappear?
Everything just happened too fast, when he opened the door and came in, he was startled when he saw the empty bed, rubbed his eyes and found that Ying Baoyue was lying there quietly the next moment.

"Probably... I read it wrong..."

Maybe I'm really too sleepy, it's very common to see something wrong with sleepy eyes.

Feeling relaxed, Gui Chen, who had watched the stars outside most of the night, yawned.

But he still felt that something was wrong in his heart, and it was difficult to move his gaze away from the girl's face on the bed.


"Are you sleepy?" Ying Baoyue looked at the young man who couldn't lift his eyelids and insisted on staring at him, thought for a while, moved into the bed, and then patted the position beside him.

"Come up?"

Gui Chen, who was about to fall asleep, trembled all over, and was completely woken up by this girl's action.

She...she...what is she doing!
" are you doing!"

Ying Baoyue looked at the boy whose eyes widened instantly and his hair was about to stand on end, and spoke inexplicably.

"What else can you do? Isn't this your bed?"

You can't let people sleep on the ground all the time.

It took a while for Ying Baoyue to realize what he had thought, "It's almost dawn, I don't care."

He cares!
"You are really..." Gui Chen looked at the girl with clear eyes, as if she didn't care about anything, and sighed deeply.

"I never asked you, did you remember what Chu Ji treated you so badly yesterday?" Gui Chen said while sitting cross-legged and leaning against the bed as before.

He is still more at ease like this.

"No," Ying Baoyue shook her head. It was the truth. Chu Ji said she wanted to see her memory, but in the end she made herself like that, but she was not touched by anything.

"Hey," the boy beside the bed sighed, "Aren't you afraid at all?"

"Afraid?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"I don't know what happened to me in the past, maybe your family or enemies are looking for you."

Gui Chen glanced at the bed, thinking of his conjecture just now, he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, but he still spoke out.

"At your age, maybe the family has already made a marriage contract for you," Gui Chen said calmly, "If you live in a man's room like this, you won't be afraid that your fiancé will not want you after you recover your memory and go home? "

Family and enemies...

In the dark, Ying Baoyue's eyes are as bright as stars, and she hides her thoughts in her heart.

But as for the fiancé...

"I don't think you need to care about this." Ying Baoyue suddenly laughed while lying on the bed, "Even if there was, I don't think he would know."

After all, her fiancé is far away in Nanchu.

Ying Baoyue thought with ease.

"Really?" Gui Chen asked suspiciously, wondering where this woman's self-confidence came from.

"And, if there is such a day," the girl on the bed turned over and said quietly.

"Whether to choose me is his freedom, and whether to choose him is my freedom, and it has nothing to do with other people or other things."

There was no trace of haze in the girl's voice, just as clear as her eyes.

She actually smiled lightly like that.

"I will respect his opinion."


In the darkness, Gui Chen was stunned.

Although he is a stunned boy who has never been engaged to a marriage contract, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs run away. Even he knows that a marriage contract is the top priority for a woman, and some women even value it more than their lives.

Not to mention whether there is anyone who dares to want such a woman, but if there is a man who is engaged to show a slight retreat, it will be a great shame to any woman, and she will die forever!
Even if it is a mandatory marriage contract, it is the man who has taken advantage of it.When the man withdraws from the marriage, he is stepping on the woman's face in the dirt, and is forcing his fiancée to a dead end.

This is a normal thought in this world.

But this woman...

"Okay, why are you thinking so much about things you don't even have?" The woman's chuckle interrupted Gui Chen's thoughts, "It's too late, go to sleep."

oh sleep...

Just mentioning this, I am really tired, too many things happened in just one day...

Guichen heard that his thoughts seemed to be soaked in warm water, and the air was filled with a very pleasant fragrance, like...

on her...



The sky was bright, and Gui Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

When did you fall asleep?
He actually has no memory at all, he only remembers him leaning against the bed and chatting with that girl, and then... nothing more.

Looking at the sun shining on his face, Gui Chen gasped.

What time is it now...

At this moment, Gui Chen, who was about to get up, felt the soft touch under his body, and his whole body became stiff.

He remembered that he was sitting on the ground before falling asleep, but now...

He is lying on the bed.

Then she...

Gui Chen stiffly turned his head to look to the side, and the next moment his heart was empty.

No one is empty.

He was lying on his own bed alone, covered with the coat worn by the girl.

Did she cover him?
Gui Chen squeezed the soft cloth on his body and sat up, looking around in a daze.

Where has she gone?

Thinking of the conversation last night, Gui Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Is it...

The next moment, the boy took a deep breath, jumped up from the bed, grabbed the medicine basket in the corner and rushed out the door, and just as he was about to rush down the steps, the boy's footsteps slowed down.

The girl who was sitting barefoot by the yard wall turned her head, looked at him holding the medicine basket, and smiled.

"Guichen, today I will go gather medicine with you."

Ying Baoyue clenched her painful left wrist.

She was going back to the mountain where she was buried.

Find answers.

 Second update.If there are many recommended votes, continue to double update every day~
  PS Some content was added in the last chapter. If you haven’t seen “Tree Networking”, I suggest you read it again. This setting is very important.


(End of this chapter)

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