Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 24 Fighting

Chapter 24 Fighting
"My brother is going up the mountain to do something important, why are you following along to join in the fun?"

A sharp female voice came from behind, Gui Chen frowned and turned around, Gui Li also woke up at some point, stood behind him with his hips on his hips and shouted to the girl sitting by the courtyard wall.

this girl...

However, the girl by the corner didn't care about her sister's bad words. Rather, after saying that she wanted to go up the mountain with him, the girl turned her head and looked somewhere.


Gui Chen looked at the back of the girl sitting by the corner, and his heart tightened.

That feeling came again.

That unreal feeling.This person is clearly here.

But it doesn't seem to be here.

It was the same before.

From the first night she woke up, when he walked out of the room and saw her for the first time, she was also like this, sitting there quietly, watching what he couldn't see.

What was she looking at, what was she thinking alone?
Who is she?
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Gui Li, who didn't even wait for the other party to turn around, was furious.

Gui Chen frowned even tighter. Although Gui Li's personality gradually became surly after being exiled to the village, he felt that his sister's attitude towards this woman was a bit too much.


"Ah, sorry, I was just thinking about something."

Before he could speak, the girl sitting by the corner turned her head and smiled at Gui Li.

Then Gui Chen clearly felt the younger sister behind him stiffen for a moment.

Guili really couldn't help being stiff.

If there were doubts before, but after coming out of Sima Mansion, Guili was sure and certain that this woman was definitely not an ordinary person.

There is a thing called a woman's intuition.

But when he saw the look in his brother's eyes when he looked at the woman's back just now, Gui Li's whole body was shocked and his heart's vigilance rose to the extreme.

This woman is too dangerous.

It will bring danger to this family and to my brother.

Must get rid of as soon as possible.

She is well aware of the characters of her brother and mother, and she is the only one in this family who can be this villain.

She also made up her mind to be the villain.

However, when the woman by the wall turned her head, her prepared evil words were blocked for a while.

This person smiles just like Chen Dew.

It seems to be able to enter people's hearts at once.

Gui Li was stunned, and felt even more regretful when he woke up.

It's hard to do.

No matter how provocative she was, she didn't care, as if everything she did was just a child's play in her eyes.

Next year, older and more mature people will be able to provoke themselves successfully, but this woman is completely unmoved.

It's almost as if he has no temper.

Aren't women of this age the most arrogant and arrogant?

Who is this.

What was even more frightening was that the woman's eyes were so clear, but she seemed to know what she was thinking.

"I just want to go up the mountain to have a look. If I can retrieve my memory or meet someone who came to me, I won't be able to trouble you any more."

Ying Baoyue looked at the little girl with thorns all over her body and said with a smile.

Gui Li was speechless, but then he looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes as if remembering something.

"I don't understand, why are you still laughing?"

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"I heard from my brother that you were lying alone in the field?" Gui Li looked at her and said, "Haven't you thought about what you went through before?"

Even a child like her knew that the woman's previous experience would not be a good thing.

Abandoned, killed, maybe it was the family members who succeeded.

After all, what kind of blow can make a person lose even his memory?

What she can guess, even if this woman has amnesia, can't she guess it?

Why can you still laugh?
Why dare to go back to that mountain without being afraid?
"I just want to know, so I want to go and see." Contrary to Gui Li's expectations, all the words came to this point, but the woman still didn't waver.

Ying Baoyue stood up and patted the dust off her body.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid."

What are these.

She looked at Gui Li soothingly, "Don't worry."

"Who's worried about you!" Gui Li was convinced by this woman, and was about to go back to the house as soon as she turned around. Just before she was about to cross the threshold, she suddenly turned her head and looked Ying Baoyue up and down.

"Don't mention anything else, can you really go out with your current state?"

Ying Baoyue was a little puzzled.



"That woman with no clothes came out again!"

Just as Ying Baoyue followed Gui Chen out of the courtyard, piercing laughter suddenly came from the side of the road.

"Come out, come out!"

"I really don't know how to be ashamed! I don't know how to be ashamed!"

Ah, that girl Gui Li was referring to this matter.

Ying Baoyue looked at the little girls and boys pointing at her by the side of the road, and smiled noncommittally.

In fact, this happened yesterday.

It's not a big deal to say the least, what ordinary people usually care about is nothing more than basic necessities of life.

Guijia's small courtyard is really poor, and the monthly bills sent by the mansion have been withheld. The three of Gui's mother and son can only live on food and clothing, and they have pawned everything that can be used at home. Naturally, it is impossible to have... what other people can wear clothing.

Guili and Ying Baoyue don't match in size, and of course I don't want to, so Ying Baoyue is wearing Mu's old clothes now.

Although the material is acceptable, the style and color are obviously not suitable for young women, and it is very unsuitable to wear it on Ying Baoyue.

This drew ridicule from the children in the village.

On the way to Sima Mansion yesterday and when she came back, she had already been laughed at twice for her clothes.

What an endless bunch of brats.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good-looking," Ying Baoyue looked at the darkened Gui Chen beside her and comforted her.

She remembered that Gui Chen's reaction was not that serious yesterday, did she feel tired after listening to it twice?

Standing beside Ying Baoyue, Gui Chen frowned tightly, never felt the laughter of these brats so harsh.

"You are really rude, and you have to laugh at other people's clothes." Just then, a childish voice came.

A little girl with shofar braids and pink clothes rushed out of the children and shouted to the other children.

"Here it goes again, you little lunatic."

"My mother said don't play with her, that she was born with a mother but not raised by a mother..."

"She is obviously a woman, but she also said that she wants to become a practitioner, isn't she a freak..."

It's this little girl.

Ying Baoyue remembered her. When the group of children were making trouble on the side of the road yesterday, only this little girl stayed silent, and the other children seemed to alienate her intentionally.

"Why can't girls be practitioners?" I saw the little girl in pink with her hips on her hips staring at the other children, "My mother told me it's okay!"

"But your mother died a long time ago!" The other children were a little scared at first, but then their eyes lit up and they yelled.

A child is a creature that can be scary if it wants to be.

"" The little girl had tears in her eyes, but the next moment she suddenly grabbed a stone on the ground and threw herself at the boy who was screaming the most.

"Wow! Xu Wenning hit someone!"

"Mom! Help me!"

The children rolled into a ball. It is also a blessing that they can have such a direct solution to their differences at this age.

Ying Baoyue stood aside, wanting to see the ability of this little girl who aspires to become a practitioner, but she didn't expect that someone grabbed her wrist the next moment.

It's Guichen.

"Go, go home." Gui Chen frowned and looked around at her.

"Go home? Are you not going to the mountains?" Ying Baoyue was a little surprised.

"Let's go in the afternoon." Gui Chen stared at her, and pulled Ying Baoyue home while speaking.

"I'm going to the market."

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, and we will update it tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)

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