Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 190 pick out

Chapter 190 pick out
Chen Zichu, who was standing farther away from the residence of the eldest son of the National Teacher's Mansion, looked at the young man and woman in front of the gate in a remote corner, and it took a lot of perseverance not to laugh.

Beside him, Xu Yishan silently glanced at him while holding the sword, revealing his dissatisfaction with his eyes.

"It's not that I insist on taking care of their family's affairs," Chen Zichu spread his hands, "It's really that kid Jiashu is too miserable."

The fiancée he brought back after so much hard work actually wanted to live in his elder brother's yard... Chen Zichu died laughing every time he thought about it.

"He didn't." At this moment, Xu Yishan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his mouth, and closed his mouth tightly after saying this.

Chen Zichu was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Ji Jiashu's back with a serious expression.

Indeed not.

Maybe it looks miserable to outsiders, but gloating is gloating. Thinking of the conversation between these two people along the way, the boy's eyes dimmed.

This incident seemed ridiculous, and even related to a man's dignity, but few people could have imagined that Ji Jiashu came here with Ying Baoyue.

Facing the fiancée who wanted to knock on his elder brother's door, although Ji Jiashu was taken aback, he walked side by side with the woman until Ying Baoyue actually knocked on the door, and then stood under the tree.

From the point of view of the world, Ji Jiashu's reaction to this marriage was very strange. Chen Zichu once thought that this kid had met this princess before, and he had a deep love for her!

Otherwise, why would you go out of the city to pick her up even though you disobeyed your parents? If it were the sons of other aristocratic families who were forcibly engaged in a marriage contract, they would definitely go out to spend time and drink. Is it normal to avoid or despise your fiancée? !
At least if his father forced him to marry a strange woman, even one with a bad reputation, Chen Zichu would definitely do it.

It's not bad to let that woman fail to marry without resorting to tricks!
For someone like Ji Jiashu who doesn't trip up his fiancée or doesn't care about her, what reason can he have besides really thinking about her?
But until now, Chen Zichu finally understood that this was not the case.

Mr. Chunhua really lived up to his reputation.

Although they had been together for almost ten years, it was the first time that Chen Zichu admired him as a friend since he was a child.

In any case, he really couldn't learn the conversation this man had with his fiancée.

Just when Ying Baoyue was looking for Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange's yard, Ji Jiashu caught up with her from behind and asked the woman where she was going. After Ying Baoyue told the truth, Chen Zichu still thought that his friend would meet her. When she was saying something, unexpectedly Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of her and suddenly opened her mouth.

"Before you go, I have something to clarify with you."

That's right, looking at Ji Jiashu standing opposite Ji Qingyuan in front of him, explaining to his brother what happened in his yard just now.Ying Baoyue's mind also suddenly appeared the righteous eyes of the young man who was on the road before.

She also didn't expect... the boy would choose to reveal everything at that time.

Perhaps it was because Ye Jingshu and Wang Momo led all the servants to leave, and finally had a relatively quiet environment, so he immediately confronted her about everything.

Ji Jiashu stared at Ying Baoyue very seriously, and said the final word directly, word by word.

"I don't want to marry..."

The boy paused and changed his words but said firmly.

"I don't want to be engaged to you."

This is really straightforward, Ying Baoyue looked at the serious young man in front of him and said in his heart.

Not even a leeway was left.

He probably wanted to say "I don't want to marry you" just now, but he changed his words because he was too cruel.

Ying Baoyue looked calm, but she didn't know that Gui Chen, Chen Zichu and others behind her were shocked and speechless.Chen Zichu was dumbfounded.

Thinking of what the man said in the yard when he asked him to pick up the princess, Chen Zichu thought in his heart that this kid was telling the truth?

God knows that Chen Zichu thought it was this kid's duplicity at the beginning.

If it wasn't for someone around him, Chen Zichu would have almost cursed.

You really don't want to get married, what are you going to put in so much effort for?

But Ji Jiashu didn't have time to take care of his friend's mood at this time, he just stared at the girl in front of him, to prevent her emotional overreaction from causing any trouble.

Slap him in the face, cry bitterly and question the trivial matter, but it will be troublesome to run out or make trouble with his parents, and he will have to control her when the time comes.

However, to his surprise, the girl who came all the way to get married but was rejected by her partner just looked at him quietly, as if there was something on his face.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, didn't he just say it clearly enough?

In order not to give the woman room for delusions, he should have said enough to die.Sure enough, he really wants to say that he doesn't want to marry her at all?

Or did he have to explain why he didn't want to marry her?

Or this woman misunderstood him because of the incident on the road, and she wouldn't really treat him because of his reputation before Nanchu...

But at this moment, the girl stared into his eyes and said, "You don't want to marry me?"

Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the woman to say this directly.He made up his mind to say it before, and felt that this sentence hurt the woman's self-esteem so much that he couldn't say it, but the woman said it directly.

Rip away all the cover between them.

Ji Jiashu pursed his lips, looked at the girl in front of him, and only thought of one possibility.Is this woman trying to force him to back down in this way?Think he can't bear it?

But he had to get this straight.

The boy took a deep breath, looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and nodded.

From behind came the sound of Chen Zichu gasping for breath.

But the next moment, Ji Jiashu found that the girl in front of him seemed relieved.

He didn't know that Ying Baoyue had indeed let go of a big burden in his heart.

"Really," she said looking at Ji Jiashu, "then some things will be easier to handle."

Seeing the unexpected reaction of the girl in front of him, an incredible idea took shape in the boy's mind. Looking at the girl with a calm expression, Ji Jiashu tentatively asked, "You...don't want to marry me?"

Behind Ying Baoyue, the women's team formed by Lady Yao and Guili seems to have been hit hard.

But Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and nodded as well.

Regardless of her other people's reactions, Ying Baoyue was indeed relieved when Ji Jiashu admitted that he didn't want to marry her. She didn't have hurt feelings as Ji Jiashu imagined, but she felt that the other party was a normal person.

After all, she and Ji Jiashu only met outside Jiangling City for the first time, and they didn't get along very well afterwards. If Ji Jiashu didn't see her or wanted to marry her when he first met her.

Is her face lit up?

Although marriage in this world is often ordered by the parents and the words of the matchmaker, it is indeed a marriage, and it does not mean that two people are in love. Ji Jiashu needs to marry her and he wants to marry her are two different things.

Of course, so does she.

Since the other party is a normal person like himself, Ying Baoyue feels more at ease.

Looking at the clear eyes of the young girl in front of him, Ji Jiashu came back to his senses in a moment of astonishment. The various behaviors of this girl exceeded his expectations...

His previous assumptions were completely useless, the young man took a deep breath, and whether he was probing or pretending or had ulterior motives, he decided to get straight to the point.

"Since you think so too," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly, pulling up a barrier.

"Let's talk about how this engagement will be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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