Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 191 Ideal

Chapter 191 Ideal
Facing the boy's serious proposal, the girl in front of him also replied seriously, "Yes."

But right after that she added, "Let's talk as we go."

Ying Baoyue looked up at the sky, "It's getting dark."

It's getting dark, I don't know why this sentence sounds a bit weird in this situation... But I really need to find the woman's place before dark.

Ji Jiashu overcame the weirdness in his heart, and started this weird marriage contract negotiation with Ying Baoyue... while walking towards his elder brother's yard.

"What's the attitude of Qianqin?" Ji Jiashu asked, staring at the side face of the girl in front of him.

This is also testing her true attitude towards this engagement.

Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "I can't influence my brother's decision at the moment, and I don't think he will change his mind for the time being."

Although Ji Jiashu was disappointed by the answer, he had to be sure that the woman was telling the truth.

For this marriage, Qianqin was more eager and enthusiastic than Nanchu from the very beginning.

"Is there anything you can do here?" Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in front of him and asked.

Ji Jiashu paused, but the next moment the boy's eyes narrowed slightly, "There is no sure way, but there is still a possibility."

It is difficult to change his father's mind, but fortunately, his father is a person who will be moved by interests.

If he can earn more merit for this family than solving the marriage problem for the royal family of Nanchu, and if he can handle the matter beautifully without causing too much diplomatic dispute, then use this as a bargaining chip to let his father invite Nanchu It is not impossible for the royal family to withdraw their orders.

But the premise is that this matter can't make the Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion look too bad, which is why Ji Jiashu needs to discuss with this woman.

According to Ji Jiashu's original plan, if she was found to be an incommunicable person during the previous trial, Ji Jiashu would try to unilaterally dissolve the engagement.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

"Then it seems that it's not going to work now," Ying Baoyue sighed in his heart, can he only think about it in the long run?Fortunately, Ji Jiashu was much more rational than she expected, which gave her some hope.

However, compared to the frowning young man, she doesn't have much energy and time to devote to this marriage contract, she can only care about the things in front of her.

Staring into Ji Jiashu's eyes, Ying Baoyue asked quietly, "So the engagement banquet can't be avoided now?"

Ji Jiashu pursed her lips, and also sighed inwardly and nodded.

Although he had a lot of plans, the time for the engagement banquet was too close.

"The engagement banquet is three days later, August [-]th." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "It's too late to stop it."

What's more, this time their engagement banquet is held together with the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony, and practitioners from all over the world will participate together.The Southern Chu royal family will always have princes present, and this is a big matter, and no one can afford to make any troubles.

Seeing the boy in front of him explain the engagement banquet to her, Ying Baoyue frowned.

"This is the first time that the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony is held together with other banquets." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled wryly. "The scene at that time was probably very difficult to control."

You must know that the opening ceremony of the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony is not just a show of practitioners from all over the world, but a more important and terrifying battle will be held together.

Really everything came together.

Anything can happen.

Ying Baoyue looked at the complicated gaze of the young man in front of him, and always felt that a storm was coming ahead.

But no matter what was waiting for her in this "feast" ahead, Ying Baoyue's attention was focused on another layer of information revealed in the young man's words.

Beginner Ceremony...

"In short, no matter what you want to do, you have to wait until the engagement banquet and the opening ceremony are over." Ji Jiashu didn't know what the girl in front of her was thinking, and said seriously, "I will find a way to resolve the engagement after the primary ceremony begins."

Thinking that the girl could only stay in this mansion during this period, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and said, "You should not cause too much disturbance in this mansion for the time being, of course I will not restrict you, you You can come and go freely."

Although he didn't say that the woman might come and go freely... Anyway, her father was not at home, Ji Jiashu thought that nothing would happen, even if she wanted to go to his elder brother's yard... the elder brother probably wouldn't open the door for her.

However, at this moment, the girl's voice suddenly sounded.

"When is Nanchu's primary ceremony?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Ji Qingyuan was startled, "Just three days after the opening ceremony."

Ying Baoyue nodded, time is really running out.

"What about signing up?" she continued to ask.

"Three days before the official start." Ji Jiashu continued.

That is to say, as of the day of the opening ceremony, Nanchu is still very efficient in this regard, and has always had fixed procedures and rules.

The girl in front of her continued to nod, looking thoughtful.

Ji Jiashu was a little puzzled. What was she asking these questions for? Was she asking for someone else?There did seem to be a young practitioner beside her, but before Ji Jiashu could suspect anything else, Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked at the remote courtyard in front of him, and looked sideways at the young man beside him.

"One last question." Ying Baoyue looked into the boy's black and white eyes and asked quietly.

"Please ask your friend, when you were outside Jiangling City," the girl with clear eyes asked, "Why did you come?"

Why would you want to come and help me?

Help a stranger?
It's not from a love affair that has nowhere to grow and no friendship, so where did it come from?
Ji Jiashu stared at Ying Baoyue's eyes, then smiled slightly.

"I just want to protect the justice in my heart." The boy looked at the slender girl in front of him, and said seriously, word by word.

"This marriage was not out of the will of the two of us, then you are innocent, and you shouldn't die in the assassination."

The real profiteers, those who used her as a tool to push her out of the country, and those who blocked her from profiting from her death, these people are all living well.

Then why did she have to die?

He may not be able to change anything, but at least he cannot turn a blind eye to the injustice he sees.

Bystanders are also accomplices.

He has no feelings for her, but whoever he is, he's just fighting for what he believes in.

Although in the end, the woman saved herself.

Ji Jiashu smiled wryly in his heart.

But he was happy to see it all.This is his resistance.Maybe it was a childish rebellion, but it was because he was still young that he could still do such childish things.

Maybe he just wanted to be childish for once.Throw away titles like Chunqiu Junzi and Chunhua Gongzi, and do something out of the ordinary.

Ying Baoyue was startled, looked at the black and white eyes of the boy in front of him, and also smiled softly.

Here Ying Baoyue finally understood.

Ji Jiashu is a young man with a strong sense of justice.

I really don't know how Ji Mo, a pragmatist, gave birth to such an idealist son.

At this time, Ying Baoyue only listened to the young man speaking calmly to someone's other son.

"Brother, I don't care where she lives."

Ji Qingyuan's face suddenly became very exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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