Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 202 The Heavy Rain Is Coming

Chapter 202 The Heavy Rain Is Coming
Nanchu is rainy and humid.

I don't know if it's Chen Zichu's illusion, but I always feel that the rain this year is extra heavy.

He is also crazy, to accompany a girl from the former Qin Dynasty and her guards to Zihua Mountain in such a heavy rain.

"That's Zihua Mountain," Ying Baoyue, who was sitting by the window, lifted the curtain and looked at the towering peak in the distance in the rain and fog.

She had seen this mountain from afar in her previous life, but she had never climbed it.

Zihua Mountain got its name because of the purple smoke hovering on the peak under the sunshine, but today's Zihua Mountain no longer has the most famous grand scene.

Because of the heavy rain today.

Big raindrops ruthlessly washed away the sky and the earth, making the distant peaks more and more blurred.

But under such a heavy rain, countless small black spots can be seen from a distance rushing towards the foot of the mountain in the distance, like countless ants desperately approaching an isolated island in a flood.

"It's raining so heavily, yet there are so many people..." As the carriage approached, Gui Chen couldn't help but secretly startled when he saw that these little black spots were all people and horses.

"Otherwise, where do you think this is?"

Hearing this, Chen Zichu proudly looked at the boy opposite, "This is Jixia Academy!"

"Jixia Academy screening, as long as it is a practitioner who has never participated before, let alone rain," Chen Zichu asserted, puffing out his chest, "Any knife will come!"

"So exaggerated?" Gui Chen's eyes widened in astonishment. Although he had heard of the prestige of Jixia Academy in the former Qin Dynasty, it was the first time he felt its influence among practitioners so intuitively.

Ying Baoyue looked at countless horses and chariots going forward in the rain through the curtain of the car, and there were even practitioners wrapped in raincloths and walking forward on foot.

Noticing her gaze, Chen Zichu sighed and said, "Those are children from poor families. Although they have cultivation talents, they don't have the cultivation resources. The selection by the Twelve Palaces of Heaven and Dao is their only chance to advance."

Ying Baoyue nodded, feeling some comfort in her heart. Although only the prosperity of the upper fourth palace remained, the Jixia Academy still provided opportunities for many young people.


Seeing the mountain gate gradually approaching not far away, who are strictly checking the people entering the mountain, Ying Baoyue's eyes became serious.This opportunity is still conditional.

Accompanied by the sound of splashing mud and water, the carriage stopped in front of the mountain gate of Zihua Mountain.

"Then we have to get out of the car and go on foot," Chen Zichu said.

Guichen and Ying Baoyue nodded in the car, and Guichen looked at the lush mountain in doubt, "By the way, where is this Jixia Academy?"

No matter how I got to the foot of the mountain, I couldn't see a shadow.

You can only see an ancient temple on the top of the mountain.

"Where is it?" Chen Zichu chuckled, "It's right in front of your eyes."

Gui Chen was startled, but saw Chen Zichu pointing towards the mountainside, and said with a smile, "Jixia Academy is built on the mountainside in front of Zihua Mountain."

"The reason why you can't see it is because your realm is too low," Chen Zichu shrugged, "There is a formation outside the Jixia Academy, and ordinary people can't see it. I'm afraid you have to walk into the mountain gate to see it."

In the same way, ordinary people can't even walk through the mountain gate.

With the patter of raindrops, Ying Baoyue could see many teenagers in front of the mountain gate not far away who were blocked from the gate, and were even driven out by guards with sticks.

"Those are eight-year-old boys who haven't awakened or are born ordinary people want to try their luck," Chen Zichu sneered. It's all light!"

Gui Chen was startled when he heard the words, and looked at Ying Baoyue beside him.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that the atmosphere in the carriage was not right, Chen Zichu asked.

"Nothing," Gui Chen shook his head.

"Really?" Chen Zichu frowned and turned his head, but he didn't see Gui Chen's complicated eyes behind him.

Looking out of the car window at the countless teenagers struggling in the muddy water after being beaten out with the sticks of the gatekeepers, Gui Chen felt extremely complicated.

If it wasn't for the woman beside him, he might end up in the same fate as these people at this time.

And looking at Chen Zichu's disdainful face towards these people, Gui Chen thought that this person didn't know that he was sitting in the same carriage with him at this time, but he was actually not a born practitioner.

Chen Zichu was the only natural practitioner in this carriage.

Presumably this kid knows, his face will be very exciting.Gui Chen thought narrowly.

Ying Baoyue lifted the curtain of the car, and Guichen jumped out of the car one step at a time, holding an umbrella and reaching out to him, "What are you thinking? Get out of the car!"

Thinking that you are really amazing, Gui Chen thought.

His original nervousness about so many people participating in the screening was swept away at this moment, and he jumped out of the car confidently holding Ying Baoyue's hand.

However, Gui Chen's mood of finally relaxing was knocked to the bottom in the next instant.

"Wait!" Outside the mountain gate, the tall and strong school guards wearing raincloths frowned and shouted loudly at Ying Baoyue who was about to follow Chen Zichu across the mountain gate.

"Which family is this female relative? This door is for women to enter?" The guard held a big stick, and his saliva almost pierced through the rain, staring at the girl in front of him.

"Quickly back away! It's unreasonable for a woman to come here!"

Gui Chen heard that a vein appeared on his forehead, he clenched the handle of the umbrella in his hand, stood beside Ying Baoyue and said loudly, "Did you see clearly? She is a practitioner!"

The young man pointed angrily at the other practitioners who filed in without showing any proof, "Why can they enter and she can't?!"

In the heavy rain, the boy shouted hoarsely, "Why?"

"Practitioner?" The guard at the mountain gate looked Ying Baoyue up and down with a big stick in his hand, and suddenly burst out laughing at the angry Gui Chen, "Why do you ask? Which country are you from? Are you stupid?"

The gate guard looked at Gui Chen like a fool, "Why else? Of course she is a female cultivator!"

"This is your family's female relative?" The big man looked at Gui Chen, "You are not very old, I advise you, the female cultivator should be locked up at home as soon as possible and don't let her come out to meet people! They are all witches! Why don't you hurry up and let her go?" !"

Gui Chen looked at the mouth of the man in front of him opening and closing, as if he saw the most incredible scene in the world.

Once upon a time, did he also believe in these statements?

Gui Chen wanted to speak, but his hand was suddenly held by a cool hand.

"Mingyue?" Gui Chen looked at the quiet profile of the girl in front of her through the rain curtain, she was silent from the beginning to the end, but the next moment she took his hand and walked forward.

It was as if the blocking of the sticks of the gate guards in front of him did not exist.

She never saw it.

"Go," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "Let's go up the mountain."

Although he can bully ordinary people wantonly, this guard of the mountain gate is only rank nine.Feeling the real energy gradually rising from Ying Baoyue's body, the gate guard opened his eyes in disbelief, and suddenly picked up a big gong beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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