Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 203 Sword Nature

Chapter 203 Sword Nature

The guards of Jixia Academy may not be sensitive to other things, but they are extremely sensitive to the true essence of practitioners.

Even the lowest-priced mountain gate guard.

Just when he felt the aura rising from the girl, a trace of fear quickly flashed across the eyes of the guard of the mountain gate who had originally looked contemptuous, and he no longer waved the big stick as readily as he did with ordinary students before.Instead, he immediately picked up the big gong beside him, waved the big stick and wanted to strike the gong.

But the next moment he couldn't swing his big stick. The man looked up the stick with the rain flowing, and only saw the white hand held on the end of the stick.

"You!" The guard of the mountain gate looked at the girl who grabbed the stick in his hand in astonishment. He was so unexpected just now, how did this woman do it?
"It's raining so hard," he only heard the girl say to him with a smile, "don't ask the teachers to go down the mountain."

The guard's fleshy face was even more astonished. How did she know that he was trying to call someone?
"Wait, wait," Chen Zichu, who was planning to let the girl retreat in spite of difficulties, finally couldn't stand watching.

He finally understood that it was the hardest thing in the world for this woman to retreat despite difficulties, and she would only cause bigger troubles.

The existence of this person is a disaster for a person like him who loves to let things go.

Chen Zichu took out a waist card from his pocket and handed it to the guard who was blushing with anger, put one hand on Ying Baoyue's shoulder, squinted and smiled at the guard and said.

"Tian Er, do you still remember me? This is my friend's sister. Let's go up and watch the excitement. Just close your eyes and let us go there."

The guard looked at the waist card stretching out in front of his eyelids, and stared at the boy who had been covering his face with an umbrella, "Chen... Mr. Chen? I'm sorry, it's raining too much, and the villain didn't look at it for a while. Come out, really..."

The man's voice became humble in an instant, and the next moment he looked at Chen Zichu's hand on Ying Baoyue's shoulder and frowned, although he was a little puzzled, he stepped aside.

"But Mr. Chen, if people in the academy ask..."

"Then let them come and look for me!" Chen Zichu patted his chest, now who knows her identity on this mountain except Xu Yishan?Anyway, this person is not her fiancée, and if something really happened, she should find Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu thought.

"The villain will follow suit." The guards of the academy hesitantly moved out of the way, Ying Baoyue, Chen Zichu and Guichen finally went up the mountain road.

But because of the previous disputes in front of the mountain gate, many practitioners who had already entered the mountain looked at the figure that was obviously a woman, secretly discussing and pointing.

"That's why I've said it all, even if you have to come along, dress up as a man," Chen Zichu said angrily as he walked on the steep mountain road, thinking how much trouble this would save him.

Ying Baoyue just smiled and said softly, "I want to go up the mountain as a woman."

Chen Zichu was startled when he heard the words, he felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't tell why.

But even though he said that, he was actually a little fortunate.Seeing the slender figure beside him walking forward without hesitation, Chen Zichu heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that she was now more at ease for Chen Zichu.

After all, if she really disguised herself as a man, Chen Zichu still secretly worried that she would really rush into the selection team.

But since she went up the mountain as a woman, he felt more at ease.

After all, no one would dare to break into a man's world as a woman.

If a woman really wanted to participate in the primary ceremony, Chen Zichu couldn't think of a better way than to dress up as a man.

Since she didn't, it seems that she still didn't have such a crazy idea.

At this moment, the three people who were walking on the muddy mountain road suddenly heard the cheers of countless practitioners in their ears. Guichen and Ying Baoyue raised their heads and saw a large open space suddenly appearing on the mountainside before them, shocked looked up.

This is a large open space hidden in the mountains and forests, which can only be discovered by walking in. A huge and simple stone gate stands above the open space, surrounded by huge rocks.

Four huge seal characters are engraved on the stone gate - "Jixia Academy."

And the boulders scattered on the open space are not arranged randomly, exactly 12 yuan, arranged in the sequence of yin and yang and five elements, and each boulder has a huge character.

"Wind, fire, water, thunder, mathematics, literature, medicine, history, commerce, agriculture, engineering, and arts."

It is in line with the number of the twelve palaces of heaven.

"We have arrived!"

Chen Zichu was shocked when he saw the Shimen not far away, pointed to the Shimen and the boulder in the distance, smiled and introduced to Ying Baoyue and Guichen, "This is the gate of Jixia Academy!"

The appearance of the stone gate and the boulder are simple and unpretentious, but standing in the vast open space, there is a sense of solemnity.

Looking at this gate, the practitioners on the mountain path all looked forward to it and quickened their pace.

Stepping through this stone gate, it suddenly became clear.

The moment he stepped over, Ying Baoyue understood what the formation Chen Zichu was talking about.

This stone gate is a large formation, and behind the stone gate is a paradise for practitioners.

The boulder, which seemed to be empty at first, was suddenly crowded with black crowds, and the noise soared to the sky. The originally quiet mountain forest was as lively as a temple fair.

Even the soybean-sized raindrops in the sky became smaller.

Guichen opened his eyes wide and looked at the vast world in front of him. He found that the open space on the mountainside was far wider than he imagined, and the 12-yuan boulder was far larger than what he saw outside.

Each of the 12-yuan boulders is taller than two people, and four of them stand out from the crowd, like four huge stone monuments standing in the southeast, northwest, and north.

Unsurprisingly, the four large characters were engraved on the four stone tablets.





"This is the stone tablet of the Upper Fourth Palace." Chen Zichu looked at the four stone tablets and raised his chin, "The thing you are looking for is under the stone tablet."

Gui Chen took a closer look and found that there was actually a stall under the four stone tablets.Just like the stalls selling maltose at temple fairs, there are long queues in front of each one.

"You mean those stalls?" Gui Chen asked suspiciously, frowning.

"What stall?" Chen Zichu's forehead was tingling when he heard that.Is this person visiting a temple fair?

Ying Baoyue watched from the side and laughed.She knew why Guichen asked such a question, the crowd gathered under the boulder really looked like shopping at a temple fair.

But it’s not quite accurate to say it’s a stall, it’s more like the registration office for freshmen when she was in school.

Through the gaps in the crowd, Ying Baoyue saw that there was a stone table under each boulder, and behind the stone table stood a few practitioners with deep aura, and the practitioners who had just entered the mountain scattered in the open space would sit there after thinking hard. Choose a boulder to line up.

Practitioners who arrived in line would pick up the things on the stone tables and fiddle with them. Some of them shouted in surprise after a few fiddles, and then walked behind the stone tablet under the direction of the seniors behind the stone table, not knowing what to do. up.

However, there were also some people who fiddled with it a few times, but it was as if the statue was fixed, so they had to leave dejectedly to line up in other lines, and some practitioners who had already left other lines stood in the last line and begged bitterly, but were caught by the high-level practitioners behind the stone table. Those who threw it out mercilessly.

"What is that doing?" Gui Chen looked at these teams and asked curiously.

"That's the first level of the test in the fourth palace," Chen Zichu said, "As for the queue..."

He nuzzled like something on the stone table, "That's testing each practitioner's adaptability to sword nature."

"What?" Gui Chen was confused.

"In layman's terms, it is the fate between you and the four major swordsmanship of wind, fire, water and thunder," Chen Zichu explained, "For example, some people are born with fire instincts, and some people are born with good water instincts, so it is only promising to practice related swordsmanship."

To put it bluntly, it is testing the elemental attributes of each practitioner.

Ying Baoyue said heartily.

"If you fail this basic test, it proves that you have no destiny with the Four Great Swordsmanship," Chen Zichu said lightly, "Then you should go back and forth."

Gui Chen's expression froze.

"Then..." Chen Zichu looked at Gui Chen and asked, "Boy, which sword palace do you want to try?"

What kind of sword nature is this kid suitable for?

Which sword technique should he choose...

Gui Chen was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent, Chen Zichu looked at the young man in front of him and wanted to urge him impatiently.

But at the next moment, the boy in front of him was looking straight at...the girl beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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