Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2044 Psychedelic

Chapter 2044 Psychedelic
Chu Yan is not only fast with his sword, but also faster with his people.

It all happened in an instant, and at the moment when his sword move broke the water dragon through a big hole, his men also arrived.

The man's breath brushed the back of her neck.

Ying Baoyue froze and turned her head slightly.

I saw Chu Yan standing on the ground with one foot, holding on to the sword, standing behind her and looking at him with a smile.

At this time, everyone has almost reached the end of the water dragon, and the entrance of the canyon is very close.

Ying Baoyue pushed Meng Shi forward violently, turned around and opened her arms.

"elder sister!"

Meng Shi staggered and was thrown into the canyon by Ying Baoyue. Her voice rang out at the mouth of the canyon, but Ying Baoyue turned a deaf ear to it and just looked at the man approaching her with a sword.

Chu Yan looked at her and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Step aside!"

At this time Li Ji arrived from behind, and sparks flew in front of Ying Baoyue's eyes. Li Ji and Chu Yan caught a sword between the lightning and flint, and the huge shock wave spread out. The aftermath is not something the ground can bear, and there is a risk of blindness if you look at it more.


Chu Yan looked at his numb palms and raised his eyebrows. He stretched out his other hand and grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder.

"Don't touch her!"

The two breaths of cold and scorching heat intertwined around her, Ying Baoyue mobilized her whole body, barely opened her eyes, and slowly opened her eyes wide amidst the violent turbulence.

It's just a brief moment.

The mouth of the canyon was approaching, and Li Ji grabbed her by the shoulder and finally led her to escape into the canyon. She and Chu Yan passed by face to face, and his hand brushed her shoulder, but he didn't grab it in the end.

However, at the moment when he passed by, Ying Baoyue saw his eyes.

In the hurricane of true essence stirring, Chu Yan's eyes were still smiling.

Smile is his mask and his weapon.

But at the moment she was taken away by Li Ji, Ying Baoyue saw a different look in Chu Yan's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, she saw full familiarity in his eyes.

Looking at those eyes resting on her body in the strong wind, Ying Baoyue's chest seemed to be frozen.

She was familiar with this look.

That was the look in Qian Bofang or Wan Liuyun's eyes when they saw her.

Chu Yan looked at her as if he was looking at an old friend who had been with him for many years.

But even if she lost some of her past memories, Ying Baoyue can confirm that she can't get along with this person for too long.

With Chu Yan's age and status, it is impossible for her to have met him.

At this moment, Chu Yan looked at her and raised his hand to take off the mask.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide.

In the strong wind, black hair fluttered, revealing a young and pale face.

This face is completely unfamiliar to Ying Baoyue.

The canyon ahead is approaching.

Holding the mask in his hand, Chu Yan looked at the woman who was about to leave, his lips moved.

Amidst the fierce wind, Ying Baoyue couldn't hear any sound, but looking at his mouth shape, those words naturally sounded in her mind.

"I've always wanted to see you, but I didn't expect you to look like this."



With a bang, the huge tail of the water dragon hit the entrance of the canyon, and countless rocks rolled down from both sides, completely blocking the entrance of the canyon.


Several men in black rushed to the stone wall, looked at the blocked entrance, and slashed at it with a sword, but the gap blocked by the boulder was still tight.

"This damn Dongwu person really knows how to hide!"

"Otherwise, how can you say that he is the head of the six sons of the Warring States Period?"

Chu Yan put on the mask again, walked to the entrance of the canyon that was blocked in front of him, stretched out his hand to touch it, nodded in approval and said, "Not bad, you have some skills."

Only relying on a water dragon, not only blocked his formation, but also made a living for the group of poor practitioners. In the end, he directly blew up the water dragon and blocked the entrance with falling rocks, directly blocking them. Outside.

The whole process can be described as smooth and smooth, interlocking, and the future is also very thoughtful.

Even among the heavenly cultivators, there are no such people who have both powerful ability and meticulous mind.

"It's a pity that such talents cannot be used by our Buddhist monastery."

Chu Yan touched the rock and shook his head.

"Elder, get out of the way, let me blast this opening with three swords!"

At this time, a tall and thick man in black standing behind Chu Yan spoke loudly.

"No need," Chu Yan rolled his eyes back and glanced at him lightly, "you don't need to make such an effort, besides, your three swords can't blow away so many boulders."

"Then what should we do? Do you want to repeat the formation just now?"

The other men in black became impatient, their eyes annoyed.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Chu Yan touched the stone in front of him and yawned, "It's good to just block it like this."

Looking at the canyon with a ray of sky in front of him, he suddenly chuckled.

"They thought they had escaped from life, but they just fell into another trap."

Chu Yan said with a smile, he touched the stone in front of him, his eyes were tender, "Wait a little longer, and you will see it."

"Master Elder?"

Seeing Chu Yan's actions, the other black clothes looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Li Ji thought he had found a good escape route, but unfortunately he didn't know that not any canyon on this mountain can be drilled casually."

Chu Yan turned his head with a smile, pointed his chin in one direction, "Look over there."

The people in black looked over one after another, and were surprised to find that there was a canyon very similar to the entrance in front of them in the direction Chu Yan pointed in the wild grass.

"However, I have to say that that guy's intuition is still good. If it was the path he originally chose, it would indeed be a safe place to go."

"Original, the original choice?"

The tall and thick man in black looked at Chu Yan in a daze.

"Do you think I just let them go without doing anything?" Chu Yan laughed softly.

"But I didn't do anything." He looked meaningfully at the other canyon that was exactly the same as the place Li Jiying Baoyue and others fled into. It's just a change of location."

The other men in black stared wide-eyed, "You mean..."

The canyon that Li Ji, Ying Baoyue and the others were supposed to escape into had already been taken over by Chu Yan.

So, what is the canyon that group of people are in at this time?
"The group of Central Plains people must be quite surprised now."

Chu Yan looked at the entrance blocked by rocks and smiled.

"Oh, no, my uncle seems to have escaped in too."

Although Chunyuye was not sheltered by Li Ji's water dragon, he followed Ying Baoyue and others into this canyon while taking advantage of the chaos.

Then this can only be said to be retribution.

Chu Yan shook his head regretfully, "If this is a trick, it can only be said that it deserves it."

"After all, my uncle is also a man of temperament."

After all, the place they entered was not as simple as an illusion.

Chu Yan looked at the towering stone wall in front of him and smiled slightly.

"Everyone, welcome to the Magical Valley."

(End of this chapter)

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