Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2045

Chapter 2045
Countless stones rolled down the hillside, bringing up huge clouds of smoke and dust.

"Cough cough cough."

Ying Baoyue fled into the canyon with Li Ji and others, but the pursuers were blocked from the canyon, and everyone who managed to escape fell to their knees and coughed in embarrassment.

The surrounding smoke and dust were everywhere, and the figures of the people were gradually covered up.

"Ahem, Ah Ji, Jia Shu, are you all right?"

Ying Baoyue caught her breath, coughed and raised her head to ask.

But there was only silence to answer her.

"Li Ji?"

"Jia Shu?"

"Little poem?"

In the rising smoke and dust, no one answered her words.

Ying Baoyue froze in place.

With a plop, a small stone fell from the blocked canyon mouth behind her, hit her back, rolled down her shoulder, and fell to the ground.

The moment the stone fell, Ying Baoyue stood up from the ground.


The movement of her standing up stirred up the smoke and dust, and the dust fell little by little, revealing the empty surroundings.

There was no one around her.

"Where are people? Where have they all gone?"

Ying Baoyue turned around abruptly, looked around, but saw nothing.

The companions who were still breathing by her side just now were all gone.

The scene in front of him was strange like a dream.

Ying Baoyue bit the tip of her tongue violently, and felt severe pain, but the scenery in front of her remained unchanged.

"Is it an illusion? Or a formation?"

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and felt the flow of true energy around her.

Yet nothing.

In the air, there was only some remnants of true energy left by Li Ji and Chu Yan when they confronted each other before, and it was gradually fading away, and there was nothing else.

Since her rebirth, Ying Baoyue has also entered the illusion several times, but never has the scene in front of her been as real as it is now.

The smoke and dust fell, leaving only the bare ground around.There is no fog, no wind and sand, and no complex terrain like the Serac Forest.

It wasn't even night, but broad daylight with the sun in full bloom.

What exactly is going on?

Ying Baoyue turned around several times, but the surrounding scenery did not change at all.No matter how you look at it, this place is just an ordinary canyon, with bare cliffs on both sides, in front of the canyon...

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes looking at the direction from the canyon to the mountain.

This canyon is extremely narrow and long, and it can't be seen at a glance, but at the end of the canyon as far as she can see, there is a lot of greenery, as if there are lush trees growing, and the water vapor is rushing towards her face.

"There is……"

Ying Baoyue looked around. She was blocked by rocks behind her, and there were only cliffs on both sides. It was impossible for Li Ji and others who disappeared to hide there.

Whether she wants to find someone or go out, she can only go forward.

Ten thousand steps back, if she really fell into the illusion, she can only go forward and find a way to break through.

"Can we just go forward?"

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and walked towards the front of the canyon alone.



Walking through the narrow stone path like a ray of sky, Ying Baoyue's eyes suddenly opened up.

But seeing the scene behind the stone path, she couldn't help opening her eyes wide.

She was still in the canyon, but the scene in front of her was completely different from what she saw when she came in.

What appeared before her eyes was a large expanse of green. There were still stone walls on both sides of the canyon, but not only the stone walls but also the ground were full of greenery.

The woods in the valley are lush, just like the woods in the south.

It is not the first time that Ying Baoyue has seen such a vibrant canyon. Compared with the dense vegetation in the cloud forest, the scenery in front of her can only be regarded as nothing, but the problem is... she is now in Xirong.

How could there be such a large forest in the arid northern mountains?
Even if the terrain of the canyon can cause climate change, if there is no water source underground, the climate change will be useless.After all, there is no Yarlung Zangbo River here, and it is impossible for a second Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon to appear.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and found that the air here was really full of water vapor.

Not only water vapor, but also abundant energy of heaven and earth, even comparable to Cloud Forest and Xiling Snow Mountain in terms of intensity.

Not right.

Looking at the vibrant scene in front of her, Ying Baoyue still felt like she was dreaming.

Such a place on such a barren mountain range is so weird.

Could it be that……

At this time, only two hisses were heard, and Xiao Hua crawled along her arm and onto her shoulder.

"Little flower?"

Ying Baoyue turned her head to look at the little flower snake coiled on her shoulder.

Xiaohua straightened her upper body, spitting out the snake letter, and shook her long body towards Luyi in front of her eyes.

"Sure enough, did you feel it too?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the vibrant canyon in front of him, closed his eyes, and said softly.

"It must be the supernatural power of the Soaring Snake."

Looking at the lush canyon in front of him, Ying Baoyue's mood was extremely complicated.

This kind of vitality cannot be bred on the barren land of Xirong unless it relies on external forces.

She has been looking for the aura of Li Ji and others since she stepped into this place, but she didn't feel Li Ji's aura, but she sensed a familiar force.

This is the power of Soaring Snake.

The green canyon in front of me was created by the supernatural power of the flying snake.

In other words, she did not find the wrong place. The end of this road should be the place she was looking for.

Ying Baoyue settled down and stepped into the dense greenery in front of her eyes step by step.

Since there is water vapor, where is the water source?

Where are Li Ji and Ji Jiashu?

Walking on the wet ground, Ying Baoyue didn't forget to look around and search, shouting while looking around.

"Li Ji!"


"Little Poem!"

If she hadn't been drawn into the illusion that she was alone, she believed that Li Ji and others should have arrived at this place at this time.After all, Teng Snake's divine power is very strong. Once Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and others realize it, they will definitely come in this direction.

Maybe Li Ji and the others are somewhere deep in the dense forest right now.

Ying Baoyue walked forward step by step, leaving footprints on the wet ground.

She put her hand to her mouth and continued to shout loudly.

"Li Ji!"


Just when she yelled for the second time, Ying Baoyue stopped suddenly.


The little flower snake lying on her shoulder trembled like chaff, and stared at her blankly with a pair of snake eyes.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were also a little dull, and she felt that there was either something wrong with her ears or something wrong with her head.

Just when she called Jiashu for the second time, it was not her own voice that sounded in her ears.

It was a slightly hoarse man's voice.

She was still familiar with this man's voice.

Ying Baoyue's fingertips trembled slightly, and she reached out to touch her neck.

However, this time she found that she not only had a voice problem, but also touched a hard object in her palm.

There is a small bump at the position of her throat.

 It's not transgender, don't worry

(End of this chapter)

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