Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046
"This is……"

Ying Baoyue touched the Adam's apple in her throat, her mind went blank.

She had seen this thing before, but she hadn't touched it much.

If it's just her body that grows this thing, maybe it's not the scariest thing.

Ying Baoyue's hand slowly moved up, and she touched the short stubble on her chin.

The boy's stubble is still a little soft, but there are already signs of prickling.

Ying Baoyue estimated the length of the stubble by relying on the feel of her hands, and she looked straight ahead with serious eyes.

The length of the stubble is neither short nor long, as if its owner just didn't have time to take care of it for a few days and let it grow like this.

This length... She happened to be familiar with it too.

Wouldn't it be what she imagined?

Ying Baoyue walked forward mechanically, the air was getting thicker and thicker with water vapor, and the sound of gurgling water could be heard in her ears, and she saw a small stream among the trees.

Ying Baoyue couldn't help but quicken her pace. She ran to the edge of the stream, stood still by the stream, and fixedly stared at the reflection in the stream.

A boy in plain clothes appeared in the stream.

Ying Baoyue stared at the face in the water.

Or more precisely, Ji Jiashu's face.

Ji Jiashu's figure appeared in the stream.

She frowned, and the "Jijiashu" in the water also frowned.

"Ji Jiashu" had a small snake coiled around his shoulder, and he was staring at his master who had changed his appearance with snake eyes in shock.

It turned out to be the case.

Ying Baoyue stared at the figure in the stream for a long time, and finally accepted the fact.

She became Ji Jiashu.

To be more precise, her body took on the appearance of Ji Jiashu.

The clothes on her body and the things in her arms have not changed, and what is reflected in the stream is a Jijia tree wearing her clothes.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes. Fortunately, she changed into a different attire before she left this morning. The plain clothes she was wearing were simple in style and could barely be worn by men. Otherwise, the one who appeared in the stream at this time was a Ji Jiashu of women's clothing is gone.

Although Ji Jiashu's face must be able to control it, but Ying Baoyue still doesn't want to see such a picture.

Only now there is a problem.

Is this weird scene in front of her a hallucination, or is it real?
Was it a hallucination that made her see herself as Ji Jiashu, or were her and Ji Jiashu's bodies really swapped?
Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the boy in the stream, and slowly touched down with his hand.

From chin to chest, all the way down the chest, and then down.


When Xiaohua saw her movements, the snake's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"You little thing, what are you thinking?"

Ying Baoyue's palm rested on the hip bone, and she glanced at it speechlessly.

Her hand stuck to her lower abdomen, but she didn't continue to touch it.

Because touching here is enough.

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in the lake, his eyes darkened.

She was almost certain that all this was not her hallucination.

Just like when she took over the former Princess Qin, her body and inner nature are probably really swapped with Ji Jiashu.

At least the body under her hands is not a product of her delusions, but a real one.

Hallucinations are based on people's memories. If she can touch things that she has no impression of, it means that everything in front of her is not an illusion at all.

Regardless of whether it is an illusion or formation manipulation, the practitioner's own memory is the basis of everything.

In the illusion, it is impossible to have something that the practitioner has never seen before.

Ying Baoyue glanced down at her body, then quickly looked away.

She let out a long breath.

In short, she and Ji Jiashu should have had a brief body exchange.It may be because of the special magnetic field here, or it may be because of the divine power leaked from the Soaring Snake... But no matter what the reason is, such strange things really happened.

Ying Baoyue took one last look at the face in the stream, and stopped walking along the stream.

Now that she has become like this, where is her original body?

What happened to the others?
Just like when she fell into the ice tower forest before, she entered this canyon with Li Ji and others, and she and them were separated at the entrance of the valley.

It is impossible for so many people to disappear at once, that is to say, from that time on, the group of them has been involved in this strange incident together.

There is no doubt that there is a big problem with this canyon.

Ying Baoyue thought of the face of Chu Yan she saw before entering the canyon, and her heart skipped a beat.

She stopped and stood quietly by the stream.

She had never seen Chu Yan's face before, and this person was indeed very young. If she guessed correctly, this person should be about the same age as Li Ji.

It's just that compared to Chu Yan's appearance and age, she cares more about the sword skills and formations he uses.

Thinking of the Forbidden Sword move that he saw before, Ying Baoyue's breath became short of breath.

The fire sword that Chu Yan used was exactly the sword technique she created. Not only was the sword move similar, but the sword he swung was standard in movement and harmonious in meaning, so it could be said to be flawless.

Even Lin Wangong may not be able to practice like this back then.

This is by no means something that can be learned from the sword manual or by stealing from others.

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists tightly. If she hadn't lost her memory completely, she would even wonder if this person was her long-lost apprentice.

Chu Yan's move seemed to be taught by her.

Even the formation he used to ambush everyone before was one she had used many times on the battlefield, and it was her trump card.

Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue's breath was a little unsteady.

She just lost one year's memory, and an apprentice can't be taught in one year.

Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue calmed down a little. She looked around and continued to walk forward.

She walked along the creek to the end, and a huge lake appeared in front of her.

There are not only trees, streams, but also lakes in this canyon.

Ying Baoyue looked at the tranquil lake in front of him, and inexplicably remembered the scene when he met the snake in Yuezhang Lake in Qingluan Peak.

At that time, a group of them stood together on the shore of the lake and looked down.

Ying Baoyue walked to the lake and looked at the rippling water in front of her eyes. She hesitated for a moment before slowly leaning forward to look into the lake.

No matter how you say it, it is impossible for such a place to have a mythical beast like a snake. Even if there is, it may be the key to breaking the current situation.

However, just as Ying Baoyue came out and looked down at the lake, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared under the lake.

That black shadow occupies more than half of the lake, which is as huge as a hill.

"This is……"

Ying Baoyue froze, she immediately wanted to turn around and stay away, but reason told her that doing so would only irritate the giant creature at the bottom of the lake.

In order to appease the other party, she couldn't even look away.

She stared fixedly at the bottom of the lake, and the huge black figure in the lake was also staring at her.


Just when Ying Baoyue was about to speak, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her head.

With a bang, the back of her head was hit hard, and she fell down by the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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