Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2047 Butterfly

Chapter 2047 Butterfly
The breeze blows, the leaves of the forest and the grass blades growing on the ground sway.

The surface of the lake was shimmering, and the light reflected directly on the boots of the man standing on the shore.

Chu Yan stood on the shore of the lake, quietly watching the "boy" who fell on the ground.

"Why is this kid down here?"

"Isn't this the Chunhua Lord of Southern Chu?"

The other men in black poked their heads out from behind him and formed a circle around the young man, staring at the unconscious young man on the ground with scorching eyes.

Chu Yan sized up the people on the ground a few times, then looked up at the rippling lake in front of him.

The surface of the lake is extremely quiet, without any abnormality.

Chu Yan's gaze deepened, and he said lightly, "Go and find other people. His other companions probably haven't gone far, and they should all be around here."

The people in black raised their heads and looked at each other with hesitation.

"Elder," a Zen disciple looked at Chu Yan's face and asked suspiciously, "Shouldn't you kill this kid now?"

Their mission this time was extremely secretive. Before they set off, Chu Yan had clearly instructed them that as long as they bumped into outsiders during the mission, they would be killed without mercy regardless of their identities.

At this moment, the man from Southern Chu fainted and was unconscious. It was a good time to kill him. Why didn't Chu Yan do it?
And from Chu Yan's tone, it seemed that he wanted to drive them away.

Chu Yan didn't speak, but quietly glanced at the disciple of the Zen Academy who asked the question.

The moment he met his gaze, the disciple of the Zen Academy who had just spoken shuddered all over, and his back felt cold.He quickly lowered his head, "I shouldn't talk too much, I should go find someone else."

Chu Yan chuckled, and returned to his previous amiable appearance.

He kicked the person on the ground with his toe, and said calmly, "I'll just watch this kid here, and you all go find someone else."

"Disciple obeys."

Several other scheming disciples of the Buddhist monastery did not open their mouths. Seeing Chu Yan express his attitude at this time, they all bowed their heads in agreement.

A few black shadows rose from the shore, and the people in black left one after another.

A gust of wind blew by, and Chu Yan was the only one standing by the lake.

"It's finally quiet."

Chu Yan walked to the boy lying on the ground and looked at the lake with his hands behind his back.

The people around were silent.

"It seems that I'm really dizzy." He looked down at the people on the ground and laughed, "What did you see in this lake?"

The people on the ground still did not answer him.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at the figure on the ground without saying a word.

The wind on the lake blew past his mask, Chu Yan's eyes were fixed, and he slowly stretched his palm into his arms.

When he took out his hand again, his palm had already clenched into a fist.

Chu Yan stared at his clenched fist, and slowly loosened his five fingers.

His figure was reflected on the surface of the lake, and the surface of the lake erupted with a more dazzling light than the waves.

Even in bright daylight, a little light can still be seen shooting from his fingers.

Chu Yan opened his palm, and saw a small light dancing in his palm, like a glowing butterfly.

He quietly stared at this tiny ray of light.

If someone was by his side at this time, I'm afraid they would be extremely surprised by the look in his eyes.

Chu Yan looked at the fragments in his palm with great attachment, his eyes and movements were extremely gentle, as if he was holding the most important thing in this world for him.

After watching for a long time, he finally made up his mind.

Looking at the young man lying unconscious on the ground, Chu Yan knelt down, held the fragment in his hand and lifted it to the back of his heart, then gently let go of his hand.

The glowing shard in his palm flew down like a real butterfly and landed on the back of the boy's heart.

Then a wonderful scene happened.

As soon as the luminous fragment touched the young man's back, it immediately melted and penetrated into it, like a drop of water falling into the surface of a lake, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Chu Yan stood aside and watched the scene intently, with extremely complicated emotions surging in his gray eyes.

"Knew it."

He quietly looked at the young man lying on the ground, and said to himself, "Even though the appearance has changed, the soul inside has not changed."

If everything before was just a guess based on his intuition, seeing this scene at this moment, he was finally sure.

"finally found you."

The lake was very quiet, only the sound of the lake water beating against the shore could be heard.

Chu Yan looked at the person on the ground, his vision gradually blurred.

The "person" in front of him, or the soul under the skin.

He has been searching for eight full years.



It is not accurate to say that it has been searched for eight years.

To be more precise, he and that existence met eight years ago.

Chu Yan quietly watched the figure on the ground, and the sound of water ticking rang in his ears.

That is the sound of groundwater flowing down the rock wall in the passage leading to the ground.

A dimly lit lantern was lit in front of him, and in the circle of light of the lantern stood a skinny young man.

It was a dark, long tunnel.

A thin young man held the lantern in one hand, and walked down step by step while touching the damp wall with the other.

He moved extremely carefully, because he knew that if he slipped and fell, he might die here without anyone knowing.

This is the deepest part of the Buddhist monastery.

It is the most secretive, gloomy, and dangerous place in the underground palace of the entire Buddhist monastery.

Standing under the scorching sun, Chu Yan felt cold all over his body.

This is a memory that belongs to him alone, and he has never told anyone about it.

In this memory, there is a teenager who is not completely crazy but is about to go crazy, a dark, empty room, and an inexplicable mass, he can't tell what it is.



"Ayan, you are here."

He was 13 years old in the fifth year when his mother sent him to the Buddhist monastery.

Unlike when he first came, he would no longer wake up crying in the middle of the night, touching the welts on his body and calling A Niang that he couldn't fall asleep.

But even so, every time he entered the Buddhist hall where the golden Buddha statue was enshrined, Chu Yan's muscles would still tense instantly.

"Zen Lord."

His throat seemed to be tightened by a rope, and it was difficult to breathe. A sweet smile appeared on his face, and he prostrated himself on the ground obediently, "Master Zen, what do you want from me?"

"How many times have I told you that you don't have to bow down to me," the golden Buddha statue said lightly, with a neither happy nor angry voice, "Your mother will be sad when she sees it."

"How could it be?" The smile on Chu Yan's face remained unchanged, "The Master of Zen has high virtue and prestige. The boy is impressed by your prestige, and he just throws himself on the ground."

If he would still be confused by such rhetoric at the beginning, he already knows it by now.If he thought he could complain to his mother, he was very wrong.

The moment he revealed the secret of the monastery, he would disappear even as a human being and become the nourishment for the black mud underground.

Like a butterfly that could not fly, it fell into the mud with a snap and was instantly submerged.

(End of this chapter)

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