Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2080 Watching

Chapter 2080 Watching

To be precise, only he should know that it was a ghost.

Chu Yan stared blankly ahead.

Just when Ying Baoyue was about to be besieged by a large number of disciples from the Buddhist monastery, a short and fat disciple with rough clothes appeared behind her.


Some disciples yelled and called out the identity of this person with great cooperation. Those who didn't know thought he was an inner ghost.

This short and fat disciple seemed to hold Ying Baoyue hostage from behind with a knife, but any elder could tell that this person was probably the spy who brought Ying Baoyue into the monastery.

"Okay, Gren, isn't it?"

Chu Yan accompanied this actor expressionlessly.

"Geren, you have made meritorious service this time. Bring this woman here, and I will report this matter to Zen Master for your meritorious service."

The short and fat disciple was so "excited" that he was trembling all over, "This woman killed my senior brother, I want to kill her with my own hands!"

Even if he wants to take her away, is it necessary to act so exaggeratedly?
Seeing Elder Lan and the others around him stunned for a moment, Chu Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart.

Although he had seen this person's acting skills since he was a child, he never imagined that this person would one day use his acting skills that he had practiced since he was a child for a woman outside the Great Wall.

From childhood to adulthood, he has acted with this person in many scenes, but most of the time, both of them know it well.

But this time, this person probably doesn't know that he will cooperate with him on purpose.

Chu Yan quietly watched the short and fat disciple who was holding Ying Baoyue hostage, smiled, and signaled the disciples around him to stop, and coaxed him as he approached.

"It was the human-faced beast beside you that killed your senior brother, and it has nothing to do with this woman."

"Give this woman to me, and I'll catch that man-faced beast and tie it up for you later..."

It should be almost.

Sure enough, thunder rang out the next moment, and Chu Yan stood in the dust amidst the smoke and dust and the violent real yuan storm, watching Chunyuye flee with Ying Baoyue, and he didn't even forget to let go of the human-faced beast.

This guy.

Chu Yan clearly saw Chunyu Ye's every movement, every look in his eyes, and even when he turned around for the last time, their eyes met for a moment.

A look of surprise flashed across Chunyuye's eyes very quickly.

He should be surprised, Chu Yan glanced at the pool of blood on the ground, and sure enough, he saw that there was still a persistent smile on his face.

Chunyuye hated him laughing the most, and probably would be so disgusted by him that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

However, this kid should be frightened for a while.

After all, he just escaped by himself, and greedily wanted to run away with a man and a beast. Does it really mean that the monastery is his home?
Chu Yan sneered in his heart. If he hadn't just pretended to be deceived by Geren and asked the other disciples to stop, how many people did he think he could deceive with this guy's poor disguise?
But... It can't be said that Chunyuye has become stupid.

Chu Yan's gaze was slightly deep. With Chunyuye's shrewdness and prudence, even if he went back ten years, he would not have been able to do this kind of temporary pretense and come here to be tough with the Zen principal.

It can only be said that he was really pushed tonight.

And the person who pushed him into a hurry...

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, and the appearance of Chunyuye when he appeared behind Ying Baoyue appeared in his eyes again.

He had never seen Chunyu Ye look like that in his eyes.

But in the mirror, he had seen himself look like this.

Chu Yan closed his eyes, feeling a little sad in his heart.

It can only be said that the woman may really have a magic power, which can actually turn the devil king.

To be honest, compared with Chunyu Ye, Chu Yan felt that he was a normal person.

After all, he doesn't have such a father, such a mother, such a brother, or such a sub-father.

It's just that I didn't expect that Chunyuye would turn out like this. I don't know if Yun Zhongjun also expected it?

"Chu Yan!"

"I want to report to Zen Master, you actually let those two people go on purpose?"

Elder Lan's piercing roar interrupted Chu Yan's thoughts, and he glanced at the distraught old man beside him.

Although it is rare for this old guy to be right once, how could he admit it?
"I didn't let it go on purpose."

Chu Yan put his hands in his sleeves with a serious expression.

Well, how was he going to let those two go without showing a trace?
It had to arouse Chunyuye's suspicion and give him a sense of accomplishment that he escaped with Ying Baoyue.

Chu Yan was thinking quickly in his heart.

"These two can't run very far, block all exits and search for me!"

The exit must be blocked, but the matter of face must be done.

Over the past few years, with the constant death and change of elders in the monastery, he has worked from the original eighteenth elder to the thirteenth elder, and he can still make up his mind when he has to make up his mind.

"Pass my order," the young man looked at Muren who ran out disobediently behind him, and said expressionlessly, "Notify all the slaves and handymen in the yard, and don't let any handyman be spared."

"Just say that the thirteenth elder said, whoever provides clues to these two people will be rewarded with a hundred gold!"

Well, if he pays the reward, he will definitely give him any clues, and no one will report them to other elders.

"The same goes for you," he said to the other disciples, "if you find it, I will reward you with so much gold."

The surrounding disciples scrambled to disperse, and ran desperately to various places in the courtyard.

"The momentum is good."

Seeing everyone disperse one after another, Chu Yan felt a little happier.

All the disciples were busy blocking people near the obvious exits, so no one would notice Chunyu Ye and Ying Baoyue who escaped from other exits.

If he closes the door and lets the dogs go, he is not afraid that those two people will not be let go.



That night, everything that happened after that was almost in Chu Yan's expectation.

He hid his body on a giant tree in the cemetery, and watched Chunyuye walking carefully with Ying Baoyue from a distance.

Well, Chu Yan nodded in satisfaction on the tree.

Sure enough, Chunyuye's brain was fine, and it was not in vain that he told this guy the secret exit.


The exit was not unguarded.

Chu Yan looked down at Chunyuye approaching the grave drenched with black mud, and clenched the hilt of his sword tightly.

This exit is actually the most dangerous exit in the monastery. The underground of this mass grave is very close to the dark room, and there is an opening connected to the mud pool, and the opening is just under the tomb bag flowing with black mud.

Normally this opening is closed.

And this opening is a key to the demise of the Buddhist monastery.

Chu Yan looked dignified.

The reason why the owner of the Chanyuan told him the exit was because he handed over the key to him.

The existence of this exit is integrated with the underground darkroom.

This exit closest to the underground darkroom is the last valve for the survival of the Buddhist monastery.

If the Zenyuan encounters an unprecedented crisis, when foreign enemies invade and are about to capture the entire Zenyuan, according to the instructions of the owner of the Zenyuan, he will lead all the enemies to this place and open the interface between the mud pool and the exit.

The black mud will rush out, engulfing the entire Buddhist monastery and all enemies.

 Looking back at that night, there were actually many mysteries.You don’t really think that the Chanyuan is really that easy to get in and out of (Touch your cheeks)

(End of this chapter)

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