Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2081 Leave

Chapter 2081 Leave
Chu Yan stood on the tree, quietly staring at Chunyuye and Ying Baoyue who were separately searching for the exit in the chaotic graveyard.

At this time Chunyuye found the tomb with black mud flowing, saw him calling Ying Baoyue to come over, and Ying Baoyue approached step by step, Chu Yan's muscles tensed involuntarily.

Even though the interface between the tomb bag and the mud pool is currently closed, as soon as Ying Baoyue walks there, she will be the closest to the remnant soul in the underground darkroom.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and held his breath.

Although he had already decided to let the two go this time, but thinking of the wish of the remnant soul underground, he began to hesitate again.

If he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult for him to catch Ying Baoyue again.

He is the elder of the monastery, and he is completely opposite to Ying Baoyue, the former Qin princess.

Unlike the remnant soul who had been with him for a long time and was still unconscious at the beginning of the meeting, it was impossible for him, who was already an elder of the Buddhist monastery, to gain Ying Baoyue's trust.In the future, if he wants to bring Ying Baoyue to the underground darkroom, he may only rely on force.

But the problem is that Ying Baoyue's realm is rising too fast, Chu Yan is really worried, this time he let her go, next time he might not be her opponent.

How should he be?

If he really let Ying Baoyue go today, what would that "her" underground think?
Chu Yan's gaze lowered, that "she" had been waiting underground for too long.

"She" was bound by her kindness and stayed underground for eight years.

Faced with her body approaching at this time, what choice will "she" make?

Chu Yan tightened his five fingers holding the hilt of the sword one by one. When Ying Baoyue was still some distance away from the underground darkroom, the flame had already sensed her presence.

He was so close at this moment, he didn't believe that the remnant souls underground would not notice it.

Chu Yan stared closely at Ying Baoyue who was approaching, and his heart ached.

What exactly happens when these two beings come close to each other?
Will Ying Baoyue discover the underground spirit?Or will the spirits from the underground call her?

However, everything was beyond his expectation.

Just as Chunyuye called Ying Baoyue over, the two of them approached the tomb, and the black mud used for defense rushed out of the tomb.However, when the black mud approached Ying Baoyue's feet, it immediately receded.

Chu Yan straightened his body, watching this scene with deep eyes.

Sure enough, like the spirit in the ground, the Ying Baoyue who appeared in front of him was also the nemesis of Hei Ni.

It's no wonder that Chunyu Ye dared to bring her to the Buddhist monastery, not only would she not be a drag on him, but she could become his shield.

Seeing the black mud retreat when they met Ying Baoyue, and when Ying Baoyue began to inspect the grave with his sword, Chu Yan's expression became serious.

He hides in the dark naturally because he doesn't want to be discovered by these two people, but if Ying Baoyue touches the hole in the ground and the consequences are disastrous, then he has to take action.


Chu Yan looked at Ying Baoyue in the distance and used his sword to explore the tomb bag little by little.

The expression on her face was very calm, and the inspection was very serious, as if she had been called by someone.

The divine soul in the ground actually remained silent at this moment.

Chu Yan slowly clenched his fists, wondering what "she" was planning.

Before, he obviously hoped so eagerly that he could bring his body, but when he was so close, there was no movement.

Could it be that she was waiting for him to do it?

Chu Yan clenched his teeth, feeling the smell of blood from his mouth.

He closed his eyes, and the long sword sheathed in his hand slipped out of his mouth, but the next moment, his hand stopped.

Chu Yan's pupils shrank, and he stared in astonishment at the ugly old man who appeared beside Ying Baoyue in the distance.

He knew that there was a grave guard near this exit, but he had only seen this person three times over the years.

The old man was not so much guarding the tomb as he was afraid of people. He basically avoided the disciples of the Zen Academy when he saw them.

Chu Yan didn't know why the master of the monastery put such a person in this place, but because this person never approached and didn't get in the way, he never took it to heart.

But he never expected that the ugly old man that everyone feared in his impression would take the initiative to get close to outsiders like Ying Baoyue.

Chu Yan looked at Ying Baoyue and said a few words to the old man, the old man seemed to be staring at something on Ying Baoyue's chest, then the ugly old man walked forward, followed by Ying Baoyue and Chun Yuye .

What's the trouble?
What does this person want to do?
Chu Yan was at a loss, but seeing where the ugly old man was going, he was too shocked to speak.

That position is where the exit is located.

Chu Yan originally planned to wait for Chunyuye and Ying Baoyue to find a similar one. If they still couldn't find it, he would give a hint from the air to guide them to find the exit.

Unexpectedly, this ugly old man led them to find the exit first.

What is this old man...

Chu Yan's eyes were focused on the ugly old man leading the way, and his eyes were slightly concentrated.

Judging by his appearance, this man is the lowest-ranked man slave in the Buddhist monastery.It is not uncommon for slaves to guard the cemetery, but why do slaves know the secret exit of the Buddhist monastery?
Besides, the location of this exit is also related to the survival of the monastery. Would Mr. Yunzhong really tell a slave such an important matter?

Many doubts floated in Chu Yan's heart, but before he could think about it, Chunyuye had already reached out and opened the lid of the coffin that concealed the exit.

The two are about to leave.

Chu Yan watched Chunyuye jump into the coffin with Ying Baoyue in his arms, and he didn't forget to turn his head and raise his sword to kill the old man who led them.

Chu Yan touched the hilt of the sword and narrowed his eyes.

It can only be said that as expected of Chun Yuye, he is still so vicious.

But before he could stop Chunyuye from killing him, there seemed to be a strong force in the coffin, and Chunyuye was pulled down violently.

With a plop, Chunyuye was dragged into the coffin and disappeared.

Chu Yan let go of the hilt of his sword and stared at the coffin in the distance with a complicated expression.

If he guessed correctly, it could only be Ying Baoyue who dragged Chunyuye down at the last moment.

The girl in white who stood in front of the iron gate and picked up the bouquet of flowers appeared before Chu Yan's eyes.

It can only be said that they may really be the same person.

Chunyuye and Ying Baoyue left after all.

But Chu Yan was not in a completely relaxed mood. He turned his gaze to the ugly old man standing beside the coffin.

Before Chunyuye fell, he raised his sword to cut off his head, but the old man stood motionless in front of the coffin, neither resisting nor dodging.I don't know if he is really not afraid, or if he is too old to react.

At this time Chunyuye and the others disappeared, the old man still looked so dull, he stretched out his wrinkled and warped hands, and slowly closed the coffin lid.

Then he staggered towards the densely packed graves, and his figure disappeared among them.

(End of this chapter)

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