Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2110 The True Body

Chapter 2110 The True Body
Ying Baoyue walked cautiously to the side of the sleeping girl and knelt down.

"Hua Li!"

"Hua Li, wake up."

The girl lying on the stone remained motionless, still in a deep sleep, as if she had taken sleeping pills.

"Hua Li?"

Seeing her like this, Ying Baoyue panicked.

She stretched out her hand towards her body, and was about to violently shake Huali awake, but the moment her fingertips touched that body, the world suddenly spun.

The familiar dizziness came over.

With a thud, Ying Baoyue fell headlong to the ground.


Seeing this scene, Xu Yishan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Ying Baoyue was going to call Huali, why did she also collapsed?
At this moment, a white light flashed across the body of the silver-haired girl who fell on the ground.The figure on the ground gradually shrank and turned into a snow rabbit.

"This is……"

Xu Yishan watched this scene in astonishment, and the next moment his pupils shook.

Next to Snow Rabbit, "Ying Baoyue", who was sleeping, opened his eyes and slowly got up from the ground.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, glanced at her hands and feet, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally home.

She finally returned to her body.

Ying Baoyue walked to the snow rabbit on the ground, bent down, picked it up, and put it on her shoulder.

"Changed, changed back?"

Xu Yishan looked at the scene in the light sphere, watched the opponent's movements, and realized that Ying Baoyue might have returned to his body.

At this time, Ying Baoyue in the light sphere raised her head and gave him a thumbs up.

Xu Yishan stared at her in a daze, the Huali who had been by their side before turned out to be Ying Baoyue in disguise.

Although I don't know why she lied to them, but in short, it's good to change back.

Xu Yishan just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the next moment his heart tensed up again.Although Ying Baoyue has returned to her body and soul, she has not escaped from the edge of the mud pit. This person and beast are still standing on the edge of the cliff!

Xu Yishan's full attention was immediately focused on the mud pit at Ying Baoyue's feet.Fortunately, the huge mud vortex was still only turning slowly, and there was no sign of riot.

Ying Baoyue also had a heart hanging. She glanced carefully at her feet, and the huge and deep scene instantly gave her goosebumps.

It's almost as if you want to suck people in.

Ying Baoyue didn't dare to look any further, hugged the snow rabbit and floated up slowly.

Xu Yishan opened his eyes wide, watching the ball of light rising from the edge of the mud pit, and rising towards his direction.

near, near.


Holding Huali in her arms, Ying Baoyue floated up again several hundred meters away from the mud pit, and swam to the front of Xu Yishan.

"Sorry, before I..."

"It's okay, just come back, just come back."

Xu Yishan interrupted what she wanted to say, and glanced at her feet in shock, "Let's talk a little further away."

Ying Baoyue nodded, and the two continued to float up, and they floated up another [-] meters. The mud pit that was originally four football fields in size now seemed to be only as big as a football field.

But as long as you are in this lake, you can't avoid the radiation range of this mud pit.

Almost the entire bottom of the lake is almost occupied by this mud pit.

Xu Yishan was shocked, and looked at the snow rabbit in Ying Baoyue's arms, "This is... Senior Huali?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue looked down, "After we each returned to our own bodies, she became like this."

I don't know if it's because she was too tired to maintain her human form or for some other reason, but Huali still didn't wake up after turning back into a snow rabbit.

There was no scar on Snow Rabbit's body, the flow of true energy in her body was normal, and her breathing was normal when she fell asleep. Ying Baoyue couldn't figure out why she hadn't woken up until now.

Huali's body was still hers until just now, and she knew very well that the body was not injured, so could it be that Huali's injury was at the level of the soul?

"Since Senior Huali has found it, Junior Sister, you should go up first."

Xu Yishan's eyes flashed, "Senior Huali's question, you take her above the water and discuss it with Jiashu and the others to see what's going on."

With this mysterious and unpredictable mud hole, it is too dangerous to stay underwater.

Ying Baoyue tightly hugged the rabbit, "I can't go up yet."

Although Huali was found without any danger, her task of entering the water was only half completed.

She hasn't forgotten that person yet.

"Brother, you go up first with Huali, I'm going to find him."

Ying Baoyue reached out and handed the snow rabbit to Xu Yishan, and spoke softly.

She didn't say who that "he" was, but Xu Yishan already knew it well.

He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

It wasn't that he had forgotten Li Ji's existence just now, he knew that there was still this big living person who hadn't been found yet.But the reason why he urged Ying Baoyue to go up was that he didn't want her to look for it again.

He couldn't let her go.

"You want to find him, where are you going to find him?"

Xu Yishan didn't pick up Huali, but just looked down at the mud puddle under his feet, "Do you know where he is?"

Ying Baoyue was silent.

She raised her head and looked into Xu Yishan's eyes.

"Brother, you know."

If Xu Yishan hadn't guessed it, he wouldn't have tried to stop her just now.


Xu Yishan's chest rose and fell slightly.

They have found Huali, but Li Ji's whereabouts are unknown.

It would not be accurate to say whereabouts are unknown.

At this time, they had already floated up to a position close to the water surface, and with the help of the moonlight shining into the water surface, they could already see the whole picture of the bottom of the lake to a certain extent.

The existence of this huge mud pit has actually divided the bottom of the lake into two parts, the outside of the mud pit and the inside of the mud pit.

They found Huali outside the mud pit, but they didn't see Li Ji's figure, and his figure didn't float or sink in the lake.

So where is Li Ji?
This question is already on the horizon.

Although Xu Yishan didn't want to admit this idea, since Li Ji was not outside the mud pit, there was only one possibility left.

Li Ji was in that huge mud pit.

Although she didn't know whether he was dead or alive, but Ying Baoyue said that she was going to find him, which meant that she was going to enter that huge mud pit.

"Hold the moon, you..."

Xu Yishan looked at the girl in front of him with unwavering eyes, and tasted blood in his mouth. How could she, how dare she...


Ying Baoyue knew what he was thinking and knew that he was afraid.

She is also afraid.

The most frightening thing is the unknown. Facing such a huge and deep mud pit, it is impossible for her not to feel fear.


"Brother, I have to go."

She smiled wryly, "I...we can't leave him behind."

If he was left here, then she would no longer be her.

Xu Yishan looked at the girl in front of him, and at the snow rabbit handed to him.

His arms trembled slightly, and he took Huali from Ying Baoyue's hand.

He originally wanted to say something, but at this moment the snow rabbit that had just arrived in his hand suddenly opened his eyes and screamed.

"Hold the moon, be careful of the dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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