Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2111 Dragon God

Chapter 2111 Dragon God
Watch out for dragons?
What dragon?

Ying Baoyue was startled, but before she could react, a huge suction force suddenly came from the bottom of her feet.

The lake, which was originally relatively calm, suddenly stirred up, and a string of bubbles floated from below, as if the bottom of the lake was boiling.

"what is that?"

Xu Yishan's exclamation rang in his ears, Ying Baoyue looked down, and he froze.

Just below their feet, there is a pair of huge eyes.

To be more precise, a pair of eyes emerged from that huge mud hole.

This is a pair of eyes without eyeballs.

Two black holes emerged from the slowly rotating mud, and the mud in the black holes rapidly rotated and sank down, like a pair of sunken eye sockets, from which two streams of mortar flowed out from below, like blood tears generally.

Eyes that don't look like creatures, but are more creepy than eyes of creatures.

"Master, junior sister..."

Xu Yishan had been paying attention to the movement of the mud hole under his feet, when he saw the two dark mud holes, he shook his hands and almost missed Huali.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hands to support Huali's body, staring closely at the two deep pits on the mud cave, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart.

"What is this..."

"It's a dragon!"

At this time, the hairs all over Huali's body exploded in her palm, and she arched her back towards the mud cave at the bottom of the lake, humming in a low voice.

Ying Baoyue looked at her, and her heart skipped a beat, "Is this a dragon? Huali, calm down and explain clearly what's going on."

So it seems that Huali was indeed lured into the bottom of the lake by the sound at the bottom of the lake, so what happened between her and this mud hole?What about the dragon?

She was taken aback at first, thinking that Huali was talking about the nearly extinct dragon god, but the dragon she was talking about turned out to be this mud cave?
The alert attitude of Snow Rabbit in the palm of his body still did not disappear, he raised his head tremblingly, his eyes became a little clearer, and he opened his mouth and said.

"Baoyue, you don't know, this mud pit is..."

Before Huali finished speaking, her pupils suddenly shrank violently.

"Hold the moon, run away!"

The scream of the little beast was still floating in the water near the lake, but the water was turned upside down.

The figures of Xu Yishan and Ying Baoyue disappeared in the lake.

Just before being completely dragged into the depths of the lake, Ying Baoyue seemed to hear a scream from the shore.

"Embrace the moon!"



Ji Jiashu, Meng Shi and others have been waiting by the lake.

The sky was gradually turning pale, but still no one in the lake showed up. Everyone gradually became anxious from the beginning.

"Chunhua, what should I do..."

Chen Zichu stared blankly at Ji Jiashu, "Yishan and Senior Hua haven't come up yet, so they've all been eaten by this monster in the lake, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yeluhua scolded, but his eyes were more serious than Chen Zichu's.He looked at Ji Jiashu who had been standing motionless by the lake like a statue for several hours, "What should we do next, should we continue to send people down to look for it?"

Before he asked this question, he was already prepared for Ji Jiashu to propose that he would go to the lake.

But what Ji Jiashu said was completely beyond his expectation.

Ji Jiashu stared fixedly at the rolling waves of the lake, "Wait another half an hour, if no one comes down, we will leave here immediately, leave immediately, and never look back."

The boy's voice was soft but firm.

"Chunhua? What did you say?"

Yeluhua was stunned when he heard that, and the others were also stunned. Chunyuye, who was leaning against the rock, cast his gaze over him, extremely cold.

"Chunhua, what do you mean by that? Don't you wait for Her Royal Highness and Yishan?"

Chen Zichu was also dumbfounded, looking at Ji Jiashu with a strange gaze, " you want to abandon them?"

"It's not that I want to abandon them," the eyes of the people around were like needles, and Ji Jiashu felt that he was burning inside.

"If none of those four people can solve the underwater problem, none of us can."

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes and said softly, "If you send people down again, it will be just meat buns beating dogs."

If the strongest combat power in their group has really been folded in this lake, it proves that the existence hidden in this lake is much stronger than they imagined.

If they continue to stay here, not only will they not be able to save anyone, they will only wipe out the entire army.

What can they do if the worst does happen?

only escape.

Ji Jiashu gritted his teeth. He had an inexplicable premonition that even if they escaped from the shore of the lake, they might still not be able to get rid of the influence of this lake. This lake might be...

Just when Ji Jiashu was struggling with himself, the mutation happened.


Meng Shi screamed, and everyone was startled and looked up.

Before everyone raised their heads, they already knew what happened.

The sky that was already glowing with the light of morning suddenly darkened.

Big and big dark clouds gathered above the lake, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and the strong wind suddenly blew up.

The next moment, there was a huge wave on the lake.

The waves of more than ten feet rushed to the shore of the lake and smashed heavily on the beach.


Ji Jiashu and the others looked at the lake shore in front of them, and retreated quickly.

With a crash, the huge waves continued to hit the shore of the lake with the momentum of wind and thunder. The waves became more urgent than the last. Countless birds flew out from the forest by the lake. Ji Jiashu and the others retreated several tens of feet in one breath, looking at the lake in the distance, terrified. .

Even if they were on the shore, what about Ying Baoyue and the others in the lake?

Just before retreating, Ji Jiashu seemed to see Ying Baoyue's figure under the lake, but her figure disappeared the next moment

"Embrace the moon!"

The boy's voice echoed on the lake.



That Ji Jiashu's call was clear and far away, just like her illusion.

But Ying Baoyue has no time to distinguish.

Just after seeing the huge eyes on the mud hole, the bottom of the lake suddenly trembled, the mud hole shook violently, the water in the whole lake was stirred up, and she and Xu Yishan were engulfed by the lake water and dragged to the bottom of the lake again .

This time, the force pulling them was more intense than the first time, so powerful that it made people desperate.

In the undercurrent of chaos, Ying Baoyue hugged Huali and desperately opened her eyes.

Numerous muds came oncoming, and under the coercion of the lake water, she and Xu Yishan smashed to the bottom of the lake like cannonballs.At this moment, countless fountain-like muddy water protruded from the surface of the originally flat mud hole, strands twisted and entangled together.

Looking at the twisting and changing mud hole that was getting closer and closer to her face, a white light suddenly flashed in Ying Baoyue's mind.

This mud hole is moving and alive!
"Huali, could it be that the Dragon God you're talking about..."

Huali was choked by the water and couldn't speak, but the next moment she stared at a bulging shape on the mud hole below, she let out a sharp whistle.

"It's that guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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