Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2144 Tiankeng

Chapter 2144 Tiankeng
After Huo Ran cheered up, there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of his eyes.

Ying Baoyue's pupils contracted violently, she stopped abruptly, and shouted, "Stop!"

"Don't run forward!"

Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and others who ran behind were stunned for a moment, and stopped in their tracks.

Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the scene in front of him, stretched out his hand to hold the tree trunk beside him, feeling a little dizzy.

The trees in front of him looked green, but in fact, what was waiting in front of them was not a forest, but a big pit.

This pit was even bigger than the mud pit she saw at the bottom of the lake in Magic Valley before. If that one was as big as four football fields, she suspected that the one in front of her was as big as ten football fields.

This pit is not only big, but also deep.


Probably the only word that can describe the dangerous terrain in front of us.

This huge pothole is like a huge funnel, with steep walls and bottomless bottom.

It means that she is not standing in the woods now, but on a cliff.

This is also the reason why Ying Baoyue stopped Li Ji and others from approaching before.

This tiankeng is surrounded by dense forests, hiding it extremely secretly, if one accidentally rushes down, all that is waiting is death without a burial place.

The reason why the one who led the way for them was able to rush so fast was because...

Ying Baoyue raised her head, silently looking at the little dragon in front of her, flapping a pair of small wings, hanging up and down in mid-air.

This little guy rushed so fast, he rushed out of the cliff with one kick, but the problem is, he can fly...

It can rush, but those without wings can't.


At this time, Xiaolong turned around, and seemed a little surprised why Ying Baoyue didn't continue to follow.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and waved to it helplessly, "Come here."

Xiaolong tilted his head, flapped his wings and flew back.

With a plop, it landed on the ground, folded its wings and swayed towards Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue originally thought that it was underdeveloped, and that it might take some time before its wings could be used, or it might not even be able to use them.But it turns out that this little guy is quite skilled in using it.

Xiaolong walked up to Ying Baoyue and started rubbing her legs.

Ying Baoyue bent down and picked it up, "Where did you want to take me just now?"


Xiaolong pointed to the tiankeng, his eyes were shining, and he struggled in her arms, "Keep going!"

"Mother, jump! Fly!"

Ji Jiashu, Li Ji and others all walked behind Ying Baoyue, and everyone also discovered the existence of the tiankeng. Hearing Xiaolong's words, they gasped.

Ying Baoyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pinched its paws in his palm.

Did this guy really regard her as his own mother?Thought she could fly too?
"I know where you're going, but we can't get in."

Ying Baoyue touched the wings on its back, "Mother can't fly, if you walk like this, you will fall."

"fall down……"

Xiaolong blinked, his eyes were a little dull.

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue patted its head, "Although we can't fly, we can walk from below."

The premise is that there is really something they want in this pit, otherwise it will be easier to go around.

"Xiaolong," Ying Baoyue looked at it solemnly, "Why did you bring us here?"

"There is...below."

Xiaolong said vaguely, his eyes averted a little.

"What's down there?"

At this time Li Ji stood behind, frowning slightly and asked.

Xiaolong's body trembled, avoiding his gaze, as if he was overcoming some fear, he said in a voice like a mosquito, "It seems to be my sister..."

Ying Baoyue's heart beat violently.

elder sister?

Teng snake?

"Could it be that the wings of the Soaring Snake God are under here?"

Ji Jiashu and the others became excited when they heard these words.After Ying Longshen said so, what they were looking for on this journey finally surfaced.

"Baoyue, what should I do?"

Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue, "How do we get down?"

Although Ying Baoyue hasn't spoken yet, he is sure that Ying Baoyue will go down to find out.

However, Ji Jiashu did not expect that Ying Baoyue, who should have been the happiest among them, was standing on the edge of the cliff with hesitant eyes.

"Embracing the moon?"

Li Ji was also a little surprised, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I was just thinking...the bottom of this pit should be very dangerous."

Ying Baoyue supported the tree trunk and looked at the bottom of the bottomless pit.

The tiankeng is covered with vegetation, the geological structure is complex, and the ground is completely blocked by dense moss and weeds. The sun is not visible inside, and the darkness seems to be full of traps.

"Dangerous nature is dangerous, but there are so many of us together, walking slowly along the rock wall, it shouldn't hurt to be careful."

Li Ji released his true energy and carefully looked at the terrain below.

The pit in front of him is indeed huge, but unlike before at the bottom of the lake, everyone can go down this time.Even if there were any traps underneath, or jackals, tigers and leopards, many of them would surely be able to overcome them.


Ying Baoyue looked at the bottom of the pit, hesitating to speak.

"Baoyue, what are you worried about?"

Ying Baoyue had been going forward bravely before, and had never flinched, but now he suddenly hesitated at the last hurdle.Looking at her hesitant back, Li Ji felt very strange.


She didn't know how to explain to Li Ji to convince him.

"Baoyue, if you are really worried about the danger down there, why don't I go down to explore the way first?"

"I'll go first, if there is no problem, you can come down later."

Li Ji bundled up his clothes, and Ying Baoyue suddenly grabbed his wrist, "Wait a minute."

"I'm not worried about danger at the bottom of the pit."

Li Ji was stunned for a moment, feeling that his mind could not keep up, "Then what are you worried about?"

"I... think it's not too dangerous," Ying Baoyue said.

"What do you mean?"

Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu and others were dumbfounded, but they didn't understand.

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, which was why she didn't know how to explain it to them.

"This pit does look dangerous, but I always feel that something is almost there."

Harsh environment, harsh terrain, and possibly fierce beasts that may appear.

These are difficulties, but they have encountered them before.

The pit in front of me looks like a dungeon of hell, but if there are only these, it is not hell at all.

Ying Baoyue looked at the huge pit in front of him, feeling uneasy.

According to Yinglong God's words, the wings of Soaring Snake are below.

But Ying Baoyue didn't see any traces of the Xirong people's fortification around them. The surrounding vegetation was extremely lush and there were no traces of being trampled on, which proved that no one came here at all.

As long as you overcome some harsh natural conditions, you can get the wings of the Soaring Snake...

In this way, although some of them were cheap and behaved, but considering the preciousness of Soaring Snake's wings, the process seemed a bit simple.

Ying Baoyue recalled the things she met in Magic Valley before.

Bizarrely switched identities, twisted spaces in the valley, and a murderous underwater bottom.

Ying Long can do so many strange things when he is dying...

Did Teng Snake test them just by letting them crawl through a hole?

(End of this chapter)

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