Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2145 Shuttle

Chapter 2145 Shuttle

After listening to Ying Baoyue's explanation, Ji Jiashu and the others looked at the deep and terrifying sinkhole below, speechless.

Is it because they were abused along the way?Ying Baoyue actually thought it was easy to fall into such a deep pit?
"Wait, I didn't say this pit is easy."

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Ying Baoyue knew that they didn't understand what she meant, and gestured incoherently, "No matter how difficult the process of climbing the pit is, it's just a test of our bodies after all, but..."

"Baoyue, do you think it's not the style of a god to just test physical strength?"

At this time Li Ji suddenly opened his mouth, Ying Baoyue was startled, looked at him and nodded.

Li Ji said exactly what she wanted to say.

Although they experienced a lot of extreme states in the psychedelic valley before, it was not the natural environment, but the human heart that almost brought them into a state of total annihilation in the psychedelic valley.

Their bodies and souls were exchanged, and they were suspicious of each other. This was the most dangerous situation at that time.

From this point of view, the test of the gods is more inclined to test their inner self than simply setting difficult levels.

Ying Baoyue looked around again, not only was there no enemy here, she didn't even find any Buddhist formations around.

All indications indicated that Yun Zhongjun should be very worried about Teng Snake's self-defense ability. He believed that no one could take Teng Snake's wings away, which is why he was so loose in defense.

So what is the method that makes Yun Zhongjun feel at ease?

Ying Baoyue looked at the vast tiankeng in front of him, and sighed in his heart.

No matter how much doubts she has, it's useless to stand here and guess wildly, they still have to go down.

The question is, should everyone play together, or one by one?

If it is according to the previous method of manipulating the crowd by Yinglong God of Psychedelic Valley, the more people go down, the more dangerous it will be.But if fewer people go down, the possibility of being killed will also double due to the complexity of the environment below.

Ying Baoyue stood on the cliff in a dilemma.

Finally she made up her mind.

"How about it," Ying Baoyue turned to look at the people standing behind her, "Xiaolong and I will go down and have a look first, you wait for my news up there."

Li Ji frowned, "Isn't this what I said earlier to find someone to go down first to explore the way? If that's the case, then let me go down first. I'm a heavenly rank anyway, so it's safer to encounter anything."

"It's better for me to download first."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, raised the little dragon in her hand and waved to him, "Don't worry, I still have it."

Finding the wings of the Soaring Snake was her own private matter. Strictly speaking, Li Ji and the others all came with her, so naturally she should go first when encountering danger.

Besides, Xiaolong, as a god, has a certain deterrent power to the surrounding beasts, and can detect the aura of the flying snake in advance.She carries it and is basically safe.

"I'll go as well."

At this time, Huali turned into a snow rabbit and jumped onto Ying Baoyue's shoulder, "Let's go, Baoyue."


Li Ji and Ji Jiashu looked at each other. They were very worried at first, but now that Ying Baoyue has two more amulets, it's not easy to stop them for a while.

Besides, with Ying Long and Hua Li following her, even ordinary beasts can't embarrass her.

"Okay, but you must be careful when holding the moon."

Li Ji felt in his bosom, and handed a bamboo tube with a lead wire to Ying Baoyue, "This is something you made in Soochow before, and I always carry it."

Ying Baoyue took it, a little surprised.

This is the signal flare she made after improving the ordinary flame formula.When I did it, it was just to satisfy a momentary interest, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"Okay, when I get below, if there is no problem, I will use this to inform you."

Ying Baoyue put the signal flare into her arms, turned around and walked towards the sinkhole.

She carefully slid down the rock wall, Xiaolong rolled out of her arms, and flew clumsily in front of her, while Huali sat on her shoulder, staring ahead as if facing a formidable enemy.

The rock wall was covered with weeds as tall as a person, which greatly blocked Ying Baoyue's sight.

After skating for an unknown amount of time, Ying Baoyue finally saw a place with less weeds in front of her, but at the same time, a gust of water vapor rushed towards her face.


Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, and she kicked her legs quickly, but the momentum of her fall could not be stopped.

With a plop, she fell into the underground river.

When submerged by the icy river, a vague idea emerged in Ying Baoyue's mind.

She should be almost at the bottom of the pit.

The tiankeng is a karst landform, and there are many underground rivers underneath, which she has known for a long time.

But why did she, a water mage, only feel it when she was close to the river?

Under normal circumstances, she would be able to detect it from a long distance, and it is impossible to make such a mistake.

The water in the underground river was very fast and extremely cold. Ying Baoyue grabbed a big rock and stuck his head out.

At this moment, a huge wave hit her, and her eyes went dark.



what time is it

So cold.

Didn't see the signal flare, did Li Ji and Ji Jiashu climb down too?
So cold.

No, she had to remind them to be careful about underground rivers.

So cold.

What happened to Xiaolong and Huali?

So cold.

so cold.


Ying Baoyue opened her eyes suddenly, and was almost stimulated by the strong light to close her eyes again.

"here it is……"

The scenery in his eyes was blurry, and Ying Baoyue could only see a lot of blue and white colors.

So, she came out of the underground river?
Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide and tried to look forward.

But when she saw everything in front of her clearly, she froze instantly.

She looked down at her feet in disbelief.

Her feet were not wet.

Most importantly, she wasn't standing on a rock or in a stream of water.

She is standing on a hillside.

In front of the hillside, there are two piles of ashes.

Ying Baoyue stood on the familiar hillside, looking at that familiar place.

The place where the ashes were located was exactly where the tent where Du Ziqing's family lived was.

Ying Baoyue looked at the ashes and pinched her palm hard.


Ying Baoyue stepped on the ground under her feet, too stunned to speak.

She was not dreaming.

For some unknown reason, her body and soul moved completely.

This process is simply like traveling through time.

Before Ying Baoyue recovered from the shock, she suddenly noticed a breath approaching here.

"I checked in the morning, there should be no one."

A deep male voice sounded behind her, Ying Baoyue was startled, she quickly lay down in the grass, because she was slender, hiding in the lush grass, it was difficult to be found from the outside.

At this time, the sound of footsteps was getting closer.

"Brother, why did you think of giving that token to a little girl?"

"Now how do we save Brother Du?"

Hearing these two words, Ying Baoyue froze in the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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