Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2155 Command

Chapter 2155 Command
If the mountain is not for me, then it is not for the mountain.

It was impossible to snatch the horse from Chunyuye, so he simply didn't ride a horse.Ying Baoyue shoved the child to Chunyuye, and drew his sword towards Heli who was fighting.


The little boy in the bellyband was originally nestled in Ying Baoyue's arms and was eating vigorously, but was suddenly stuffed into Chun Yuye's arms, with a string of glistening saliva hanging from his chin, he raised his head in a daze, and looked at Bao Yue own people.

Chunyu Ye also looked down at him.

The little boy who looked harmless to humans and animals looked at him, his eyes gradually turned into vertical pupils, and his gaze became dangerous.

This is the beginning of the dragon nature...

Chunyuye was speechless, this guy was nestled in Ying Baoyue's arms and pretended to be an innocent baby, and it looked like he was going to tear him to pieces in a moment in his hands.Does Ying Baoyue just want this little guy to kill him if he can't convince him?

"Don't look at me, look at your mother."

Chunyuye reached out and pushed Xiaolong's head forward, just in time to see the back of Ying Baoyue, who was walking towards the crowd with a sword in hand.

The little guy's eyes widened in an instant, and most of the anger on his body disappeared.

Chunyuye heaved a sigh of relief, together with the child in his arms, they stared at the woman walking forward alone.

Ying Baoyue rushed forward with all her strength, and had already rushed to the front of the elders' courtyard.

Hurley was fighting with the strongest young man beside the old man. The opponent only held an iron rod in his hand, and his whole body was full of muscles. He was able to resist Heli's attack with only brute force.

It could be seen that Heli wanted to mobilize his true energy to fight back, but there were more than a dozen helpers beside the young man. Although not everyone could squeeze in, everyone was holding a steel fork, scrambling to attack Heli. Heli had to dodge these steel forks constantly, and his breathing was weak, which affected the mobilization of his true energy.

He wanted to swing his sword to kill those who interfered with him, but when he swung his sword, he was blocked by the iron rod in the young man's hand.Hurley lost to four hands with two fists and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Small household!"

The other cavalrymen around wanted to help him, but the other slaves were encouraged by this group of young people, and gradually became brave and fearless.Everyone, who could get on, got on, and those who couldn't hold the steel fork hugged the horse's legs, threw stones, and rushed up with the corpses on their backs. They piled up one by one, which actually prevented the cavalry from moving forward. .

One person, two people, three people, a group of people.

The scene was extremely chaotic, but there seemed to be a rush forward. Ying Baoyue's eyes were hot in the smell of blood.


She shouted loudly, and Hurley, who was in the crowd, suddenly raised his head.

"Sa Ren, don't come here!"

At this time, he had already been kicked to the ground by the young man, rolling and avoiding the steel forks piercing in all directions.When did the little householder in Suiye City suffer such grievances? Heli's eyes were bloodshot from the killing. After three breaths, he gritted his teeth and finally poured his true essence into the sword, and the sound of thunder resounded in the air.

"Herry! Stop it!"

However, instead of listening to his words and backing away, Ying Baoyue shouted sharply, "Don't hurt anyone!"

Don't... hurt people?
The corners of the eyes of the boy lying on the ground were wide open, as if he had been hit head-on, his face was full of astonishment.

The eyes of the young man wielding an iron rod lit up, and he hit his head with the rod.

His iron rod was suddenly hit by a strong force, and it tilted suddenly. The end of the rod brushed Heli's face and hit the ground, causing a big hole in the ground.

"This person is..."

At this time, the other slaves finally noticed the existence of Ying Baoyue, and the white-haired old man standing beside the young man who had been pointing them to attack turned his head and fixedly looked at the girl who was walking in their direction.

Because she was a young woman with a slender figure and a flat breath, no one paid attention to her at first.

But the white-haired old man looked at it, and suddenly his expression changed.

As she got closer, Ying Baoyue slowed down and gradually released her breath.

Most of the slaves had no realm, but they all instinctively sensed the change in the atmosphere in the air, and their movements gradually stopped.

The young man who was persistently trying to smash Heli's head with an iron rod was also stunned, and turned around holding the rod.

"Level four..."

The white-haired old man squinted his eyes, and looked at Ying Baoyue with a deep gaze.

"Which noble family has such a high realm."

"Ding Sangong, what are you talking about? Isn't this a woman?"

A middle-aged man with scars on his face approached the old man, frowning, "How can a woman be a practitioner?"

"You know a ball!"

Ding San scolded, feeling more and more uneasy.

Naturally, this group of slaves with limited information did not know, but the strongest practitioner he knew back then was a woman.

A high-level cultivator can control the situation of the battle to a great extent. He took the risk of starting an incident today, and he could not tolerate any mistakes.

How to do?
Ding San quietly stretched his hand into his bosom, it was really impossible, so he could only put his hands on this old bone?

"Wait, this figure, isn't this the Yan family of the city lord?"

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation in the crowd.

Ding San was taken aback, thinking he had heard wrong, but more and more slaves opened their eyes wide, staring blankly at Ying Baoyue approaching.

"It seems to be true. I saw it when Xiao Danghu accompanied her around the city before."

"The girl with the blue veil?"

"It's her! Before a baby was taken away by a vulture, she shot the vulture to death and saved the baby from the family in the west of the city!"

"Yeah, he's a nice guy."

There was a lot of discussion among the slaves, Ding San was stunned.

He had stayed in this city for seven years, and had seen the city lord Murong Heng from a distance many times, but he didn't remember that Murong Heng had such a high popularity, and even blessed his wife.

When Murong Heng came back with Yan Shi, he was taken by his master to a remote desert to graze. When he came back, Murong Heng and others had already left.

So he has never seen this woman.

A woman who can shoot sculptures?

When did Murong Heng have such a strong helper?

He happened to meet him when he was leading a riot?
The scariest thing was that the other slaves around seemed to have a crush on this woman.Ding San watched the slaves around him put down their weapons one after another, his eyes turned red.

"Get up! Have you forgotten how these noble lords ruined us?"

"Manzi, didn't you say you wanted to avenge your woman?"

He yelled at the young man holding the iron rod, "Smash the head of this little pawnbroker first, and then tie up the woman of the city lord, we will have a way out!"

"Look clearly! This woman has a sword in her hand, and she is here to kill us!"

"In Xirong, slaves are not considered human beings, have you forgotten!"

"Anyone who wants to be a human comes with me!"

The slaves who had been relaxed looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and picked up the weapons in their hands.

Hearing this man's cry, Ying Baoyue was inexplicably relieved.

Although his words were rough, this man was quite courageous and resourceful.

Faced with the approach of high-level practitioners, he can still remain calm and continue to command, which is a talent.

"Is your name Ding San?"

At this time, she was only ten steps away from him, looking into the eyes of the old man not far away, she said softly.

"Do you know this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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