Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2156

Chapter 2156
Of course Ding San's side is not easy to get close to, only ten steps away is the shortest distance she can get close to him.

Ying Baoyue has already noticed that although the dozen or so young people are all slaves, they have all received training, most of them are rank nine, and there is even a practitioner who is rank eight.

In a sense, practice is a game among the nobles. In such a poor land, it is hard to imagine how much painstaking effort it takes to train slaves into practitioners.These dozen or so young people looked at Ding San the same way they looked at their father.

There are very few acquired practitioners, and these people can only be born practitioners.If Ying Baoyue's guess is correct, these people should also have aristocratic blood, most likely they are the product of the Xirong nobles' one-night romance, because their father is a practitioner, so he is also a natural practitioner.

The Xirong people also value offspring, and nobles would recognize bastards, but not children of unknown fathers.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were gloomy. She could probably guess what the mothers of these children had experienced.

As Ding San said before, slaves are not considered human beings in Xirong.

Because it is impossible to determine who the father of the children is, these children are born in slave sheds and become slaves for generations.

Ding San should have discovered them, trained them to become practitioners, and even trained them to become his personal guards.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes. She didn't know whether the actions of the Black Tiger Army were correct, but in the middle of the desert, they also wanted to protect themselves.

For slaves, they lived in hell all the time.

The Black Tiger Army in her memory is a group of dandy teenagers galloping around the city of Guiyang. Everyone was only in their 30s and [-]s, and they were at their brightest age, full of heroism.

But now, all the members of the Black Tiger Army she met in the desert had gray hair and were dying of old age.

But in fact, only seven years have passed.

Ding San also looked like a horse slave who could be seen everywhere in Xirong, with shabby clothes just enough to cover his body, hunched back, looking old and unremarkable.But after Baili Celing's incident, Ying Baoyue found that some people really understood at a glance.

It was such a weak old man who dared to attack the first strong city of Jiankun with hundreds of slaves.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the Black Tiger Army.

Ying Baoyue's hand trembling in her arms.

She and Heihujun only knew about each other's relationship, but they didn't know each other.In this kind of place, it was impossible for her to recognize them with their real identities.

Chunyu Ye was watching her from a hundred paces away.

What she said just now should have moved his heart a little, but as long as she loses control of the situation a little bit, he will quickly turn against her.

It's not like Chunyu Ye didn't understand the situation she analyzed with him before, but the reason why he didn't move...

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, thinking that if she wanted to negotiate with someone, she must have strength after all.

She took the thing out of her bosom and hung it under her wrist.

Ding San was wary of her pulling out some hidden weapon from her bosom, when Ying Baoyue took out her hand, he took out a bright dagger from his bosom with a whoosh.

Everyone around him knows that this dagger cuts iron like mud, and is Ding San's most cherished thing.

At the end of the dagger, a wolf's head is engraved.

But when Ding San pulled out the dagger, he froze suddenly.

A string of chains hung from Ying Baoyue's wrist, and a strange-looking wolf's head was hung on the chain.

The wolf's head was dangling in the air, and Ding San's heart was also dangling.

Ying Baoyue noticed the change in him and was relieved, but then a little uneasy.

The wolf head that Baili Cering gave her had saved her once when she was in the Buddhist monastery.Now it seems that the remnants of the Black Tiger Army know this thing, so it should be some kind of token.

But Ying Baoyue didn't know what level this thing was, and how far Ding San could make concessions.

However, the next moment, Ding San's reaction greatly exceeded her expectations.

He grabbed the dagger in his hand and slowly knelt down to the ground.

The young people around him were stunned for a while, and they all imitated his appearance and knelt down on the ground.

The other slaves around were holding the weapons in their hands, their eyes were confused.

"Ding Sangong, didn't you mean to take us to kill those noble masters?"

"The owner of the city, Yanshi, is not a bad person..."

"The Ke Yan family is also a nobleman, how could..."

Ying Baoyue knew that asking the people to distinguish between these at this time would only confuse them, so she took a deep breath and walked towards Ding San.

The other slaves around stepped aside.

Walking in front of Ding San, Ying Baoyue knelt down and looked straight into his eyes hidden in the messy hair.

"I remember, we don't have to get down on our knees."

The Black Tiger Army has a rule, even if you want to kneel, you can only kneel on one knee, even in the face of the supreme commander.

Ding San's bone-thin shoulders trembled slightly, he raised his head, his cloudy eyes were surprisingly bright.

"You too?"

He is like a traveler who has been trekking alone in the desert for many years, and finally sees an oasis with people.

Looking at this person's eyes, Ying Baoyue felt extremely sad, but she closed her eyes.

"I'm not."

She is not the Black Tiger Army.

Ding San was stunned, he looked at the wolf's head in her hand, his eyes suddenly burst into anger, the dagger under his palm suddenly turned up, and slid towards Ying Baoyue's heart like a spirit snake!Ying Baoyue flashed by, the dagger seemed to have eyes, and it turned and cut the chain on her wrist.

When the wolf's head fell, Ding San stretched out his hand to catch it, but there was one hand that was faster than him.

An afterimage floated in front of his eyes, and the next moment the wolf's head was already held in the palm of Ying Baoyue's other hand.


"This is an important thing that someone gave me, and I can't give it to you."

Ying Baoyue looked at him and said softly.

Ding San's whole body was stiff, and he only made two gestures. He already knew that this woman's skill was higher than his.

It may even surpass the eldest brother he respects most in his heart.

He asked hoarsely, "Did a living person give it to you?"

"Yes," Ying Baoyue knew what he was worried about, "I didn't kill people to seize the treasure, it was handed over to me by the person you know."

"His own hands?"

Ding San's eyes were extremely complicated and full of confusion.

"who are you?"

Why did Baili Celing hand over the wolf's head to her?

"It doesn't matter who I am," Ying Baoyue caressed the wooden lump on his palm, "but I can tell you that the original owner of this thing, the person you are worried about, is fine."

Ding San opened his eyes wide, suddenly turbid tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Yes, that's fine."

He started an incident today, but he didn't expect to live until the next day.

He was already prepared for his death, but he didn't expect to hear the news that that person was fine while he was still alive.

"He's fine, it's just that your actions were too hasty," Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the wolf's head in his palm.

Once the first fire has been lit, it cannot be extinguished.

Open the bow without turning back the arrow.

Now that they have rebelled, they can only persevere on the road of rebellion.

Once the precedent of Suiye City is set today, other surrounding cities will inevitably increase their defenses against slaves after receiving the news. What's more, many slaves will be killed by those suspicious nobles for no reason.

There is only one way to reduce losses.

"any solution?"

 add more

(End of this chapter)

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