Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 218

Chapter 218
"you you you……"

Seeing the girl covered in mud and water standing in front of his booth, Mr. Zhenshan's beard was about to stand up. The old man watched the bustle for so long, but he didn't expect the bustle to reach his own door.

He never expected that this woman would want to choose the water courtyard at this time.

Didn't even try other schools.


Although the series of actions of the Fire Academy just now are disgusting, it does not mean that Mr. Zhenshan can easily accept female disciples in today's world.

Seeing the girl staring at him quietly from a distance, Mr. Zhenshan frowned, and at the same time felt that the big apprentice beside him was also stiff.

The old man sighed secretly in his heart, just about to refuse directly.He despises Huoyuan's behavior, even if he disagrees with this woman's behavior, he doesn't want to torment this girl too much, why bother to humiliate others when he knows what he can't do.

Mr. Zhenshan looked at Ying Baoyue and was about to speak, but when he saw the empty space in front of the big characters written by himself, and then looked up at the huge "water" character on the stone tablet, the old man suddenly felt infinitely sad.

The world is funny, why is it this girl doll who is the only one who walks to her place?
If it is a man with a good reputation, no matter how talented he is, even if he is an old man, he will keep this man.

Because otherwise, the inheritance of their water courtyard would be cut off.

Mr. Zhenshan looked at the girl in the heavy rain and the only disciple beside him, gritted his teeth secretly.

No, not to mention men, if it wasn't for the fear of delaying this girl's life, he wouldn't even let his female disciple go.

This year, their water yard has really reached a level that no one can pick.

At this time, Mr. Zhenshan only hated himself for not being dark enough.

The old man's chapped lips parted, but before he could make a sound, the crowd around him booed suddenly.

"Hahaha, I thought I was going to run away with my tail between my legs, but I actually wanted to go to the water courtyard?"

"Anyway, a woman can't become a heavenly rank. Everyone in Shuiyuan wants to take it away now, but this girl will think about it!"

"But even if it's the water courtyard, this girl can still enter? The water courtyard is so hungry?"

"If you can't enter the fire courtyard, you can enter the water courtyard. This girl wants to be beautiful. Doesn't Xu Yishan in the water courtyard hate women the most?"

Mr. Zhenshan frowned listening to the cynicism of these boys.

The old man's eyes turned cold.

Although this young girl's behavior is a bit of a thing, but judging from everything she has just shown, he doesn't think that most of these boys who have come here by virtue of their ancestors are qualified to talk about her.

She was just born in the wrong era.

The old man looked at the girl with pure eyes not far away, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

Even under the cynicism of countless people, she did not give up, and there was not even a trace of resentment on her face, her anger was out of control, and she was as calm as before.If this kind of xinxing lived when those two great women were still alive, this girl would definitely have made great achievements.


"Isn't your water courtyard short of people?" At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded beside Mr. Zhenshan who was hesitating.

Mr. Zhenshan frowned and looked around. Mr. Haoran was looking at him coldly.

"Don't tell the old man, you hesitated instead of saying no." Mr. Haoran said coldly, "At the Jixia Banquet, at least two disciples are required to appear in the Sigong Douwu. If you can't recruit Renshuiyuan today, you will lose it." The eligibility to participate, you won't be distracted by this, will you?"

Xu Yishan was shocked when he heard that at least two disciples were needed.

On the other hand, Chen Zichu was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly realized why this woman suddenly came to the water courtyard at this time.

On the way here, he told Ying Baoyue about his request to participate in the Jixia Banquet. She... had expected this in advance?

Mr. Zhenshan listened to the ridicule of his colleagues, but he was not irritated as Mr. Haoran expected.

"You're right, the old man really can't recruit people," Mr. Zhenshan gave Mr. Haoran an indifferent look, "If there weren't so many practitioners who claimed to be able to ascend to the heavenly ranks in this world."

"You..." Mr. Haoran frowned. He planned to take advantage of his colleague's arrogance, but he didn't expect this person to be as easygoing as before.

"You don't even want to lose face, do you?" Mr. Haoran said coldly.

"The old man is about to break the lineage, so why should he talk about face?" Mr. Zhenshan just gave him an indifferent look.

Mr. Haoran frowned, and breath surged in his body, "If you really do something to shame Jixia Academy, as the next sacrificial wine, this old man will have to kill his relatives righteously."

"Really?" Mr. Zhenshan said calmly, "What do you want?"

"Naturally, the unrepentant practitioners are sent to Ninggu Pagoda." Mr. Haoran said coldly.

"What's more, this woman can't even rub the flint of my fire academy, her talent is so low, if you recruit disciples at will to make up for it, don't even think about participating in the martial arts in the fourth palace!"


Mr. Zhenshan's eyes darkened, he took a deep breath, and looked at the girl in the distance with regret.But the next moment, the old man's pupils suddenly shrank.

In the rain and fog, the old man opened his eyes wide, staring in amazement at the tiny water droplets that were mixed in the rain and were difficult for others to see, floating around the girl.

how come……

Mr. Zhenshan stopped looking at the people around him. The old man closed his eyes, took a deep breath and walked towards the girl who had been standing quietly under the stone tablet in the water courtyard.

Seeing Mr. Zhenshan's actions, the practitioners onlookers started commotion. Chen Zichu watched Xu Yishan follow him, and hurried to the east. Guichen stared at Ye Siyuan who was on the stage and ran over.

The young man walked fast, and Mr. Zhenshan saw the girl's brother running to her side first, and the old man's eyes brightened and he thought that he might be able to bring this boy to the water courtyard.But the next moment he didn't see the picture of his expected younger sister throwing herself into his elder brother's arms crying for comfort...

"Mingyue, are you alright? You really want to enter this water courtyard, but this academy already..." Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue, hesitant to speak, and just wanted to persuade her.

But the girl in front of her smiled, "I'm fine." The next moment she frowned and looked at him.

"What are you doing here now?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "Isn't your second round of tests about to start? Why don't you go?"

Gui Chen was startled.

Chen Zichu, who ran to the side, didn't react for a moment.

This girl actually still has the mind to let this kid continue the competition?
"Since you passed the first round, go to the second round," Ying Baoyue said while looking at Gui Chen.

"But, but he..." Gui Chen looked at Ye Siyuan who was standing behind him on the stage, "How could I..."

"The struggle of practitioners is like this. Winning or losing is common. What does my battle have to do with whether you want to participate?" Ying Baoyue smiled.The next moment she looked at Gui Chen seriously, and said quietly, "Go to your test, be careful of his left sword, and turn the tip of the sword inward three inches."

Gui Chen was taken aback, but the next moment the boy bit his lips tightly, his face flushed red.

Chen Zichu looked at him worriedly, but the next moment Gui Chen turned around without saying a word, looking at Chen Zichu, "Mr. Chen, can you help me get a sword?"

(End of this chapter)

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