Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 219

Chapter 219
Chen Zichu always felt that the young man's words were murderous.

Although it is reasonable to say that at his level ten, it is impossible for him to have any aura that can affect him...

But seeing the boy's originally angry expression suddenly become as cold as ice, Chen Zichu's eyes circled between Gui Chen and Ying Baoyue, and for some reason he suddenly felt that these two were a bit like brother and sister.

However, the relationship between the two...

Chen Zichu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't help thinking about it. Seeing Gui Chen staring at him, Chen Zichu nodded. He didn't bring a sword today. He saw an acquaintance in Fengyuan in the crowd and borrowed it. Pass the sword to Gui Chen.

Watching the young man pull out his sword in an extremely unfamiliar way and walk towards the platform of the Fire Court in the south, Chen Zichu approached Ying Baoyue who had already turned around, "Hey, is your guard... all right?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "Ye Siyuan wouldn't be able to undo the depression talisman for him."

Chen Zichu's scalp jumped, and he looked at Ying Baoyue, "You know?"

She knew that Ye Siyuan was targeting her?
Ying Baoyue nodded.

"Then you're not angry?" Looking at the girl with the usual expression, Chen Zichu didn't know what to say.What is this woman's heart made of?What is she thinking all day long?
"If you lose, you're lost, not dead," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Since the attempt failed, then try another plan."

As long as feelings are not dead to this woman, nothing else matters?Does this person know that Ye Siyuan is aiming at killing her?
Thinking of this woman's keen perception of murderous intent, Chen Zichu swallowed his words.

He always felt that this woman might really know everything.

"The old man here is another plan of yours?" At this moment Mr. Zhenshan said coldly, he thought he was being ignored, but saw the girl salute him immediately.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "The little girl didn't intend to change attributes, but now it seems that she has to."

Change attributes?What is this girl saying?

Mr. Zhenshan opened his eyes wide in astonishment, staring at the woman but his eyes were once again attracted by the water drops around her.Ying Baoyue noticed the old man's gaze and smiled slightly. The water drops around her suddenly fell into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

"Second brother?" Zhao Guang, who was on the tree in the distance, immediately looked at Li Ji, but Li Ji gave him an indifferent look, "It's not me."

The drops of water he pulled out were only near the woman's wound, and they fell immediately.

"You don't think it's me all the time, do you?" Li Ji asked with a frown.

Zhao Guang was stunned, he had always thought it was true.

Li Ji shook his head, looking at the girl standing in the rain with dark eyes.Those tiny drops of water belonged to her from the beginning.

It wasn't the first time he saw these drops of water.

It was actually not the first time Zhao Guang saw it, but he didn't realize it.

"I should be able to pass the first level of the water courtyard." Ying Baoyue looked at Mr. Zhenshan and said.

Mr. Zhenshan squinted his eyes. The water droplets that the woman raised just now were so small that a talented practitioner could do it with a little help, but...

The old man stared quietly at the girl in front of him, "Who taught you this basic water control technique?"

Xu Yishan was on the side with a solemn expression. Although he had been reluctant to get close to this woman, he followed him all the way, but he never found that this woman was still hiding this trick.

Xu Yishan was on guard, but Ying Baoyue's eyes suddenly looked at him when he didn't expect it.

The boy's heart skipped a beat, and he held the hilt of his sword vigilantly, "Master, this disciple has never..."

Without waiting for Xu Yishan to get rid of the relationship, Ying Baoyue withdrew his gaze, looked at Mr. Zhenshan and said, "There is no one to teach it, but since it is an introductory skill, it can be figured out."

This can barely make sense, but if it is true, what Mr. Haoran said just now that this woman has no talent at all will be defeated without attack.

The entrance test of the water academy is to pinch water drops, to see if a drop of water can stand on the fingertips. The larger the drop of water that can condense on the fingertips, the more talented you are.

But this girl has already used her true energy to condense water droplets out of thin air, which means she has skipped this level and entered a higher realm.

At least in the line of water law, this woman has basic qualities.


"You really haven't polished Flint?" Mr. Zhenshan narrowed his eyes and asked in doubt.

It can still be done in the line of water art, how can it be so poor in fire art?
"Could it be a mistake in your water control technique?" The old man doubted.

Ying Baoyue smiled, raised her hand, and the next moment Mr. Zhenshan's pupils shrank.

Because the girl in front of her took out a piece of fur from her bosom, and with a light twist of her fingers, a burst of tiny lightning burst from her fingertips!

Thunder Academy entry test!

Mr. Zhenshan was astonished, this girl actually possessed what the Lei Yuan needed.But it wasn't over yet. The next moment, pieces of fallen leaves fell from the sky, as if driven by the wind, and circled the girl's body three times.

Chen Zichu's eyes widened. Although she wasn't flying a kite in the rain, this woman could pass the first level of the Wind Academy!
Zhao Guang's eyes lit up on the elm tree in the distance, no wonder he could always see the hurricane when he saw the woman break through, this woman really had a good compatibility with the wind method.

But in the next moment, Zhao Guang's eyes froze, and he looked at Li Ji suspiciously.

Wind, water, thunder, this girl has all senses, but there is no fire.

Ying Baoyue looked at the stiff old man in front of him and smiled, "Feng Shui Lei is fine with me, but fire is not fine this time."

What is this time called?Mr. Zhenshan didn't understand again.

Ying Baoyue looked at her fingertips and exhaled from the bottom of her heart. She was originally the type who could sense all four elements. All four veins are available, so I chose the path of fire method.

In this life, other things have not disappeared, only the sense of fire has been drained.

She wanted to use some method to continue to inherit her teacher's family, but she was not allowed.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, looked at Mr. Zhenshan and said, "The little girl has already proved herself. I think the husband has written that there are no restrictions on all conditions, so can the little girl join the Water Academy?"

"This..." Mr. Zhenshan had a headache looking at the slogan he wrote, looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "Since you can survive wind and thunder, why do you come to me?"

Ying Baoyue smiled, and looked around at the other practitioners who were watching her coldly.

"I've tried it, but when I went to the Wind and Thunder Academy, I just encountered the same thing as before."

Mr. Zhenshan sneered, "Then you think the old man is easy to talk, and the persimmons are soft?"

He is no soft persimmon!
Ying Baoyue smiled and shook her head, "My little girl just believes in Mr. and..." She glanced at Xu Yishan, "He is the character of a disciple of Gui Xuegong."

Looking at Mr. Zhenshan, she explained, "The little girl had a relationship with the big brother of Gui Xuegong before, and I am grateful for the help."

this kid...

Mr. Zhenshan glared at the wood-like Xu Yishan, took a deep breath, and looked at Ying Baoyue.

The old man said calmly, "You have to know that the water method can no longer be promoted to the heavenly rank."

"Yes," Ying Baoyue nodded, "I know."

"You came here even though you knew it. It seems that you are very clear that you will not be able to ascend to the heavenly ranks. You don't have the ambition..." Mr. Zhenshan snorted. Such a self-aware practitioner is rare, but he didn't finish his sentence.

Because he heard the girl in front of him continue calmly.

"But I will die if I don't ascend to the heavenly rank."

The old man was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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