Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2188 Save yourself

Chapter 2188 Save yourself


Chunyuye lowered his head abruptly, Bitong froze slightly.

Just after Ji Qingyuan sank, the place where he fell was instantly closed, and the hole disappeared.

Chunyuye stretched out one foot and stepped on it, the sole of his foot sank slightly like quicksand, but he couldn't get in any further.

"His Royal Highness King Zhai?"

Murong Heng, who had already rushed to the small mound in front, sensed something was wrong and turned around, "What's wrong?"

"A big living person disappeared out of thin air."

Chunyu Ye raised his head, his eyes were cold, "Be careful, there are weird things in this place."

"Any weird?"

Murong Heng was stunned, when the tabby cat squatting on his shoulder suddenly grabbed his collar with its claws, "Ah Heng, the fluctuation of divine power is not here!"

"Where is not here?"

Chunyu Ye frowned, "Did you lie to us just now?"

The tabby cat's pupils became erect, and its expression became fierce, "What do you know, you idiot!"

The white cat's front paws slammed down.

"The most violent direction of divine power fluctuations is indeed here, but it's not above the ground, it's underground!"


The image of Ji Qingyuan falling just now floated in front of Chunyuye's eyes, and he lowered his head suddenly.

Could it be that this is where Ji Qingyuan is now?




The moment Ji Qingyuan fell into quicksand, his mind went blank.

He only remembered that he was talking to Chunyu Ye, and the feeling of weightlessness suddenly swept over his body.It felt like falling into a swamp, and the lower body was instantly swallowed by viscous liquid.

He opened his eyes wide, but only saw quicksand engulfing him in all directions.

He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but before he could make a sound, grains of sand choked into his mouth and nose.

A sense of suffocation hit his face, and Ji Qingyuan immediately mobilized his whole body to resist, barely choking to death by the sand.

In the next moment, he only felt that several thousand catties of quicksand were pressing on his body, the bones and muscles of his whole body were being squeezed, and his chest cavity was soon out of breath.

Ji Qingyuan's eyes turned black for a while, and he knew that he was probably drawn into the interior of the sand dune, being squeezed by countless sand grains.

He was buried alive by quicksand, and if no measures were taken, he would soon suffocate to death.

But with his state, at best, he can only keep his seven orifices from entering the sand, but it is impossible to push away the sand dunes weighing thousands of catties on his body.

With the passage of time, the air in the chest cavity became less and less, and the feeling of depletion of true energy also hit the limbs and bones.

Ji Qingyuan breathed with difficulty, staring in his eyes, and gradually began to hallucinate.

Is this... the danger that Baoyue and the others have been facing?

Since he traveled with Ying Baoyue, because of his low level, he was always stopped by Li Jiji, Jiashu and the others. He didn't have to rush to the front line, and he rarely encountered the danger of dying.

Now that Baoyue is not around, Li Ji also has problems, and his younger brother has left him.

He is alone.

It turns out that this is the world that Baoyue and the others have been looking at.

Ji Qingyuan closed his eyes and calmed down from the initial panic.

But the suffocation in his chest did not ease because of his calmness. Ji Qingyuan only felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and his squeezed limbs became numb and gradually lost consciousness.

Is this what death feels like?

Ji Qingyuan didn't expect that he would be so calm when facing death.

Those who kill people will always kill them, and those who have power will eventually be destroyed by power.Even though his realm is low, as a practitioner, he has long been aware of his end.

The life of a practitioner is like duckweed, and the journey is like a battlefield. Once you step out of the house, you must be prepared not to come back.

Ji Qingyuan didn't regret leaving Southern Chu, nor did he regret entering the Xirong Grassland.

His only regret is that when he died...she wasn't by his side.

At such a dying moment, Ji Qingyuan thought he would think of Ying Baoyue.However, the next moment, in the white field of vision in front of him, the back of a tall and thin woman appeared.

The woman was wearing a long national priest sacrificial robe, and the black robe was embroidered with the pattern of flying snakes.


Ji Qingyuan was dimly conscious, staring blankly at the picture in his memory.

The woman in black sat sideways on the roof of Qing'an Yuan, quietly looking at the bright moon above her head, and softly recited a poem.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

The little boy stood in the yard and raised his head, asking ignorantly.


The woman in black lowered her head and looked at him gently, "That's a sentence my mother will never forget."

"What is it?"

The woman in black stared at the bright moon in the sky and said softly.

"Poor bone beside the Wuding River, still the person in the spring girl's dream."

Poor Wuding Riverside Bone is still a spring boudoir dream.

Covered by thick sand, Ji Qingyuan was stunned looking at the picture in his memory.

If he just died here, Ying Baoyue might not even find his bones.

In whose dream will he appear in the future?

Ji Qingyuan couldn't help shivering. Although he couldn't move in all directions, he struggled violently.

He didn't want to be the bones by the Wuding River, he promised Ying Baoyue and would wait for her to come back.

Ying Baoyue will go further, how could he die in such a place!
Ji Qingyuan's struggle became more and more violent, and wet liquid oozed out of his seven orifices, with a bloody smell.

The breath of death is like a shadow.

No, he doesn't want to die!

Ji Qingyuan opened his eyes wide, and a white light flashed in his pitch-black field of vision, like a shooting star.

He seemed to have returned to the night when she first met Ying Baoyue, when she carried him up to the roof to watch the stars.

Unfortunately this is not a good sign.

Ying Baoyue's figure gradually blurred, and Ji Qingyuan finally became desperate.

Yeluhua and Meng Shi didn't come together, and Chunyuye didn't treat him as one of his own, so no one would come to rescue him.

Ji Qingyuan's mouth and nose were already full of sand, and he opened his mouth with difficulty, waiting for the final moment to come.

Soon, the last moment hit.

Ji Qingyuan tried his best to open his eyes.


At this moment, the sound of sand being pushed away suddenly came from his ears.

Ji Qingyuan's body lightened and he almost fell down.

The sand dunes were separated like flowing water, forming a whirlpool. Before Ji Qingyuan could do anything, he was sucked into the bottom of the sand river.

Ji Qingyuan fell heavily to the ground.

There is only a thin layer of sand on the ground. If it wasn't because he first mobilized his whole body's true energy, he might have fallen to his death here.

Ji Qingyuan got up from the ground in a daze, the surroundings were pitch black, he lit the sword fire and looked around.


Ji Qingyuan found that he seemed to have fallen into a huge, naturally formed cavity.

"By the way, what about the others?"

The surrounding area was empty and quiet, and Ji Qingyuan walked forward slowly.

I don't know how many turns to go around, suddenly there was a violent wave of true energy in the air.

Ji Qingyuan thumped in his heart, and looked in that direction.

A tall black figure was sitting cross-legged on the ground with its back to him.

(End of this chapter)

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