Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2189

"Zhaohua... Jun?"

Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the figure sitting cross-legged, his nose suddenly felt sore.

This is not because of grievance, but because of anger.

He almost lost his life trying to find this guy, but this guy is sitting here safe and sound.

With Li Ji's state, he must have noticed the approach of him, Chun Yuye and the others, but this person remained silent and let him fall into the trap, refusing to save him!

Ji Qingyuan gritted his teeth and walked towards Li Ji, his footsteps were extraordinarily heavy due to anger.But halfway through the journey, Ji Qingyuan suddenly stopped.

Because of the dryness of the true energy, the sword fire in his hand was extinguished at some point, but he could still clearly see Li Ji's figure.

Although this cave is underground, the surrounding rock walls are covered with fluorite, and the whole cave is shrouded in a faint green light.

Under the emerald green light, Ji Qingyuan found that there were many grains of sand on Li Ji's shoulders.

And the color of these sand grains is different from the thin sand on the ground.

Ji Qingyuan froze, remembering what happened before he was dragged into the hole.

The grains of sand that had buried him tightly seemed to be loosened suddenly by a strong force, and he was dragged into the sand river.

That large number of grains of sand can't possibly separate for no reason.

Could it be that the force that separates the grains of sand comes from...

Ji Qingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a few steps forward, standing behind Li Ji.

Even though he had come so close, Li Ji just meditated quietly, with his palms on his knees, his expression serene, and his eyes closed.

Ji Qingyuan stood behind him, staring at the shoulders of the man on the ground with a complicated expression.

The robe on Li Ji's body was covered with grains of sand of the same color from the shoulders down to the cuffs.

Ji Qingyuan closed his eyes, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

It was almost certain that it was Li Ji who rescued him from the sand.

That is to say, even though Li Ji is in retreat, he is aware of everything that happens in the surrounding environment, and he has not completely closed the five senses.

However, Ji Qingyuan took a few glances at Li Ji, and found that Li Ji had no intention of opening his eyes or talking to him at all.

If the other party doesn't speak, then only he will come first,

"Mr. Zhaohua, are you alright?"

Ji Qingyuan looked at the people on the ground and asked hesitantly.

Ji Qingyuan still remembered that before Ying Baoyue left, he told him that Li Ji would stay and get rid of his inner demons. He was taken aback at that time, thinking that Li Ji had lost his temper while practicing.

It is no small matter for a heavenly cultivator to go mad.

But looking at it now, Ji Qingyuan found that the situation was completely different from what he had imagined before.

He has seen people who have gone mad, most of them have hideous faces, move and roar, unable to control their actions.

However, Li Ji sat on the ground intact, except for ignoring people, his face was as usual, and his meditation movements were extremely stable.

Is this person... really possessed?
Ji Qingyuan's eyes were fixed on Li Ji's body, and the next moment, his whole body suddenly trembled.

The true energy in his body recovered a bit, and he was finally able to sense something wrong with the surrounding environment.

how is this possible……

Ji Qingyuan opened his eyes wide, his child's hole shrinking slightly. …

The moment his true essence recovered, he felt suffocation for the first time.

He has escaped from the sand dunes, but he still seems to be buried in the sand!
The extremely strong pressure of true energy and something he couldn't explain filled the air, and there was nothing around, but Ji Qingyuan felt as if he was wrapped in an extremely viscous liquid, and his chest was squeezed. Pressure, soon out of breath.

"Zhao... save..."

Ji Qingyuan breathed out with difficulty, his eyes bulging out.

He didn't expect that he would experience the near-death experience again in such a short time, but just when his eyes widened again, a golden light flashed in front of Ji Qingyuan's eyes.

"This is……"

When he was on the verge of death, Ji Qingyuan didn't know if he was hallucinating, but Ji Qingyuan saw what seemed to be floating patterns on Li Ji's body.

No, not patterns, but actual light.

Ji Qingyuan's eyes widened, just on the surface of Li Ji's body, rays of light intertwined and floated, continuously converging into various patterns.

It looks like both words and totems, but the relatively regular pattern only stays for a very short moment, and the lines formed by light are constantly distorted, gradually becoming chaotic and weird.

Li Ji snorted softly.

Ji Qingyuan stared fixedly at the rays of light on the surface of his body, wondering if it was because of the reflection of the light, his mind suddenly cleared up a lot, and he tried his best to detect the atmosphere around him.

These rays of light are actually transformed from true essence!

At this time, the entanglement and strangulation between those rays of light became more and more intense, and the neck under Li Ji's mask became as bright red as blood.

"Could it be that this is..."

The pressure of the true essence in the cave was much lighter, Ji Qingyuan only felt that the force pinching his neck disappeared, and he slowly stood firm on the ground.

Although he was saved, it meant that the pressure of true energy that was originally concentrated in the entire cave was concentrated on Li Ji.

The light on Li Ji's body was still changing, Ji Qingyuan looked at it and felt a thump in his heart.

He was suddenly enlightened.

Although those rays of light floated on the surface of Li Ji's body, they actually came from Li Ji's body.

At this time, there are many forces in Li Ji's body competing for the initiative of the body.

Li Ji is indeed possessed.

The demon does not come from elsewhere, but from within himself.

Ji Qingyuan didn't have time to think about why such a thing happened to Li Ji, looking at Li Ji's tightly closed eyes, he suddenly became uneasy.

When Li Ji opened his eyes the next moment, would he see the Li Ji he knew before?

Ji Qingyuan didn't know, but just looking at the distorted lines on Li Ji's body, he felt pain all over.

The true essence in the cave and the unknown power just merged into Li Ji's body, but even such a powerful power only added an extra line to Li Ji's body.

So how many rampant forces are there in Li Ji's body now?

What is Li Ji going through under his seemingly calm appearance?
Ji Qingyuan didn't know, and didn't dare to think.

That must have been unimaginable pain for a person in his realm.

And before he came, Li Ji was also alone.

The person he most wanted to see was not by his side.

Ji Qingyuan stood rooted on the sand, he couldn't do anything, he could only just look at the scene in front of him like this.

After standing there for an unknown amount of time, the whole cave suddenly vibrated, and countless grains of sand rustled down.

"what happened?"

Ji Qingyuan raised his head in astonishment, but the vibration in the cave became more violent.

Just when he thought the cave was about to collapse, he suddenly heard an extremely long sigh.

It was like a sigh of relief from heaven and earth.

Ji Qingyuan lowered his head and found that Li Ji opened his eyes at some point.

His eyes were clear, but extremely tired.

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