Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2357 Light

"Zhao Guang!"

Ji Ange's shrill scream echoed across the lake, but her voice was instantly covered up by the sound of arrows.Seeing everything in front of him was dust and horse hooves, Ji Ange fell to the ground and was in severe pain. He didn't know what happened for a while.

The moment the sounding arrow was shot, Zhao Guang let go of her hand and pushed her further away.

Ji Ange wanted to look up, but a cold light suddenly flashed across her eyes.A bloody line was drawn on her throat by the tip of the sword. Ji Ange looked up in shock and saw Zhao Guang's blood-red eyes flashing across his eyes.

The murderous look in Zhao Guang's eyes made Ji Ange freeze up.Although it was only a very short moment, she understood the other party's meaning.

Zhao Guang, he just wanted to kill her.

But for some unknown reason, perhaps due to a mistake or due to hesitation, Zhao Guang's sword only passed through her throat and did not cut off her throat.

The next moment, the boy's figure disappeared from Ji Ange's eyes.

"Zhao Guang!"

In the morning light, Zhao Guang held a sword in one hand and rushed towards King Zhai who was riding a horse.He ran so fast, like a vigorous cheetah, with no trace of the poison he had been exposed to before.

Because of his fast speed, he dodged most of the arrows directed at him, and the place where he originally stood was suddenly filled with arrows.

But even though he escaped the concentrated rain of arrows, he continued to be hit by remaining arrows because he was rushing in the direction of the Tenth King Zhai.

Zhao Guang raised his sword and cut off most of the arrows coming towards him, but his arms, shoulders, and thighs were still hit by arrows.

But Zhao Guang seemed to feel no pain, and still rushed toward the Tenth King Zhai with long strides, so fast that it turned into a dark light in Ji Ange's eyes.

His whole body was like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into the dense cavalry formation.

King Zhai was surrounded by heavy cavalry with heavy equipment. Zhao Guang rushed in with two legs. The heavy cavalry were unable to turn for a while and actually fell into chaos.

There was a commotion among the heavy cavalry. Some cavalrymen wanted to raise their arrows and shoot, but they hit their own men. Some of them bent down to chop with their sabers, but they hit their own horses' legs.

But this is a well-trained king's army. Soon the leading guard captain reacted, "Don't shoot! Don't turn around! The people behind him will hit him and kill him!"

The heavy cavalry began to move forward collectively, like a black wave.

But in this violent black wave, Zhao Guang walked against it, and his bravery shocked even the people of Xirong.

Even though he was hit by the saber, because it missed the vital point, Zhao Guang still dodged and rolled forward between the horse's legs.

"Is this guy really from the Central Plains?"

The King of Shizhai was surrounded by heavy cavalry. When he saw Zhao Guang abandoning the woman and rushing towards him, his face was full of ridicule.But at this moment, seeing the blood-stained figure swimming upstream getting closer and closer to him, the flesh on King Shizhai's face trembled, and he gradually felt that something was wrong.

"Your Highness," an old voice came from the carriage behind him, "This person is not malicious. Please come into the carriage."

"What a joke! You actually asked me to hide in the carriage?"

King Shizhai laughed ferociously, his face twitching with anger, "Young men in front of you, listen to your orders, that woman is a reward for you! Go and enjoy it!"

His eyes and hands were all covered in blood, and Zhao Guang, who had turned into a bloody man but continued to move forward regardless, paused for the first time.

There was a buzzing in his ears, and there was the sound of horse hooves everywhere, but among the noise, a clear cry reached his ears from afar.

"let me go!"

That was Ji Ange's cry.

The voice was so clear that Zhao Guang's mind was so groggy that he couldn't tell whether it was reality or an illusion.

As long as King Zhai gives the order, Ji Ange, who is among the cavalry, will be the prey of the wolves.Originally, the group of men did not take action, but according to convention, women are the leader's prey and must be sacrificed to King Zhai first.


The sound of a woman's clothes being torn came from a distance.

Zhao Guang's brain was about to explode. He held the blood in his heart and continued to rush forward.

He had no shame in going back to see her again.

If he didn't catch up, he would probably regret that he didn't die at this time.

"Zhao Guang!"

Ji Ange's shout rang in his ears, and Zhao Guang did not look back.

He couldn't even tell whether Ji Ange was crying.

While rolling on the ground, he saw Ji Ange trying to jump into the lake out of the corner of his eye, but was caught and surrounded by a dozen Xirong cavalry.

Then, he lost sight of her, and only saw the Xirong people surrounding her as densely as insects.

She must hate him so much, she must want to kill him with her own hands.

The heavy cavalry moved forward, and Zhao Guang was still fifty steps away from the position of the tenth King Zhai.

Looking at Zhao Guang who continued to rush forward with red eyes, the smile on King Shizhai's face became a little stiff.

In his eyes, men from the Central Plains are all weaklings who value so-called propriety, justice and integrity.If the woman he brings is touched by another man, the Central Plains man will collapse immediately.

He has always loved watching such scenes, and from time to time he would catch some slave couples for fun.

But the boy who was charging towards him single-handedly at this moment was so ruthless that he didn't look like a Central Plains person.

Zhao Guang rushed ten steps in front of King Zhai's horse. He was covered with bruises, but he was still not stopped.

"A bunch of trash!"

The Tenth King Zhai became angry and drew his saber, and his guards surrounded him.

Having already rushed to the front, Zhao Guang could no longer dodge.Seeing his bodyguard raising his sharp saber towards the bloody man, King Shizhai laughed loudly, "You bitch, go to hell..."

The man's smile froze on his lips.King Shizhai suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the head of his personal guard.

With a grunt, the helmeted head rolled off his shoulders and was replaced by a head stained red with blood.

On that head was a pair of amber eyes the same color as his.

Zhao Guang reached out to grab the hair of the middle-aged man opposite him through his neck that was chopped bare by the steam.

"His Majesty!"

An exclamation came from the carriage not far away, but King Zhai could no longer hear it.

Zhao Guang jumped on the tenth King Zhai's horse and stared at the head with a feather crown in his hand.

"You are the bitch."

All the surrounding cavalry who witnessed this scene retreated in shock, but Zhao Guang had no intention of caring about these people. He slammed the head of the Tenth King Zhai on the horse's back, "Drive!"

King Zhai's car rushed out like a shooting star.



The moment countless hands stretched out towards his body, Ji Ange thought about biting his tongue and committing suicide.

Ji Ange felt as if he was in an ice cave when he saw that the boy didn't turn around when he heard her call.

His clothes were stripped off and his body was ravaged. Instead of living and suffering such humiliation, it would be better to end it like this.

Until the last moment when the bottom line was about to be breached, Ji Ange did not call for help.

She has her pride and her own dignity, even though her dignity has been almost completely insulted.As a natural practitioner, she could not save herself, but at least she could kill herself.

Biting his tongue to kill himself was not enough to kill a natural practitioner. Ji Ange closed his eyes and prepared to break the meridians throughout his body.

She didn't blame anyone for ending up like this. She only blamed herself for being too weak and unable to protect herself.

When people really reach the end of despair, they can be so calm.

Ji Ange took a deep breath, and a small firelight appeared from the grass beneath her. She was about to exhale her last breath, and the pressure on her body suddenly lightened.

Ji Ange opened his eyes and his face became wet.

A round head fell from her shoulder, with a lewd smile on her face.

The Xirong cavalry pressing on her turned into a headless corpse.

The other Xirong soldiers surrounding her swarmed up and held down her hands and feet. They were horrified. Someone grabbed the bow and arrow still on the ground and turned around, "Who?"

"Your master."

Hearing this familiar voice, Ji Ange exclaimed.

Zhao Guang was riding on a black horse, holding a sword in one hand and a bloody human head in the other.

Some Xirong soldiers recognized the identity of the human head in his hand and howled in shock.

"He killed His Highness King Zhai!"


"kill him!"

An arrow flew from nowhere. Zhao Guang tilted his head and the arrow broke his bun. The young man let his hair down.

At the same time, because the movement was too big, his already tattered clothes completely shattered, exposing his upper body.

The frantic Xirong cavalry around them suddenly became quiet, and they all stared at the chest of the man on the horse with wide eyes.

"What are you shouting for?"

Zhao Guang rode on his horse and raised the head of the Tenth King Zhai high in his hand, "According to the rules, I am your new master."

He shouted sharply, "Everyone kneel down!"

The blood on the head of King Zhai fell drop by drop on the grass. The stunned Xirong soldiers around looked at Zhao Guang's chest and looked at each other.

One of the cavalrymen put down his saber and knelt down blankly.

Gradually, more and more Xirong cavalry knelt down.

The surroundings were deathly silent. Ji Ange sat up holding his chest and looked in the direction of Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang was riding a horse shirtless.

There was a wolf head tattooed on his chest.

"Miss Ji, I haven't told you my real name yet, have I?"

The young man lowered his head and gave her the gentlest smile.

"According to the tradition of my mother's family, I should take my mother's surname instead of my father's surname."

"My name should be."

"Chun Yu Guang."

Where there is light, there is night; where there is night, there is light

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