Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2358 Take Over

On the Xirong grassland, killing and being killed, conquering and being conquered are as commonplace as ewe giving birth and leek flowers blooming.

So when Chun Yutan, the king of Eleventh Zhai, received the news of the death of his uncle, King of Tenth Zhai, and the change of ownership of Ding Ling at the border of Jiankun and Kunming, he was not surprised at all.

But when Chun Yutan took his adopted son and a large group of troops across the dividing line between the two countries' territories, preparing to kill the wild boy who appeared out of nowhere and dared to encroach on the Chunyu family's territory, and then justifiably took Ding Ling into his arms, But he found that things were different from what he imagined.

Since the person who delivered the letter was a cavalryman who defected from Dingling, he died not long after the letter was delivered. Chunyu Tang did not have time to question this person carefully about the details of the rebellion. He only heard this person vaguely mention that the Tenth King Zhai was in His subordinates were beheaded while robbing a woman.

Chunyu Tang then thought that this was a civil strife caused by the rebellion of the tenth King Zhai's subordinates.After all, with his uncle's behavior, it would be a matter of time.

Even though the Chunyu clan has a very high number of bastards, his uncle can be regarded as the bastard among bastards, and he is still a brainless bastard.

After all, even if you are violent again, no one with any brains will attack the people around you, otherwise you won't know when they are being tricked by the people around you.

But it happened that his uncle was a vegetarian. He just liked to kill guards and slaves, and he often played with each other's wives in front of his subordinates.

Because of this preference, Chun Yutan always felt that sooner or later his uncle would have his head chopped off by someone around him.

However, although he had already seen through this, he never advised King Shi Zhai.

Rather, Chun Yutan has been waiting for this day.

Neither Jiankun nor Dingling was a prosperous place, but the idiot King Shizhai had Dingling all to himself, yet he wanted to be with Chunyu Yefen, which really made Chunyu Tan feel unhappy.

So he has been waiting for his playful uncle to play himself to death.

Because he loved to play, King Shizhai was so angry with his wife that he did not give birth to a legitimate son. Instead, he gave birth to more than a dozen concubines with more than a dozen concubines, plus countless illegitimate children.

None of these sons with impure blood can convince the public after the death of Lao Wang. As long as King Shizhai dies, civil strife will inevitably occur in the Tenth Royal Court.

As long as there is civil strife in the Tenth Royal Court, Chun Yupan will have reason to send troops and embezzle Ding Ling.

Anyway, he was closest to Ding Ling. By the time the White Wolf Court sent someone, he had already finished the work.

It's a pity that maybe God is blind, but King Shizhai has not been hacked to death by his subordinates for a long time. Chun Yutan was already impatient to wait.

This time, relying on the White Wolf Court's request for King Twelve Di to lead the royal army to counter the rebellion, he agreed to gather with the troops at the Black Lake with King Shi Zhai, just to take the opportunity to test the depth of King Shi Zhai.If the opportunity is right, Chun Yutan plans to send his arranged agents to provoke a mutiny, take the opportunity to kill the Tenth King Zhai, and merge the two kings' armies.

As a result, Chunyu Tan never expected that before he could take action, the Tenth King Zhai died on the way to meet him.

He also died at the hands of an unknown person.

But Chun Yutan was not worried that the cooked duck would fly away.Although it was an extra step, it was impossible to tame the wild horses on the grassland without the blood of the Chunyu clan.Since someone helped him kill his uncle, he could just kill that guy again.

Chun Yutan took his men and horses and continued to the Black Lake.

But just when he thought he was going to see a bunch of leaderless rabble, what he saw was beyond his expectation.

Beside the Black Lake, the king's cavalry of the Tenth King Zhai was still fluttering in the wind.

All the cavalry troops were camped by the Black Lake. The light cavalry and heavy cavalry escorts had clear division of labor and strict order, even more orderly than when the Tenth King Zhai was there.

Chun Yutan was surprised. Could it be that he had received false information?King Shi Zhai is actually not dead?

But as the team approached the Black Lake, Chun Yutan noticed something was wrong.

The entire Black Lake was filled with the strong smell of blood.

However, there was no trace of blood on the gravel and grass beside the lake.

This is the scariest thing.The scene had been cleaned, but the smell of blood lingered, enough to show how many people had died in this place.Chun Yutan carefully looked at the tents in the distance and found that there were some things missing from the Tenth King Zhai's tent.

That was the big cage containing slaves that King Shizhai would take with him wherever he went.

Those specially made huge cages were like the symbol of the Tenth King Zhai. Now those cages are still there, but they are all empty and scattered in the open space.

This is something that would never happen when King Shizhai was alive.

Just as Chun Yutan was looking at the cages, the sound of gnashing teeth came from a horse beside him.

Chun Yutan glanced at him and said, "Yizhixie, you have nothing to do with those things anymore."

The face of the little boy riding the horse turned red, and he looked at the cages with hatred in his eyes.

Chun Yutan knew very well why he had this reaction. When he first picked up Yizhixie, he was a slave locked in these cages.

If Ying Baoyue hadn't saved him from the Tenth King Zhai's arrow, this kid would have died like a wild dog in the nearby grass.

Yi Zhi looked away sideways, but the hatred in his eyes did not diminish at all.

At this time, the cavalry patrolling by the Black Lake discovered the royal army of the Eleventh Royal Court, and a small cavalry team came forward to greet them.

Chun Yutan frowned. According to the rules, King Shi Zhai should personally lead his troops to greet him.

"King Eleven Zhai."

The leading cavalrymen saluted him on their horses, stroking their chests and saying, "His Royal Highness, King Zhai, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Chunyu Tan's eyes twitched, "Your Highness, Prince Zhai, are you okay?"


The cavalrymen who came to greet him looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Chunyu Zang narrowed his eyes, "It seems that your master has changed."

He underestimated the guy who chopped down the tenth King Zhai.To be able to conquer the tribe in such a short period of time and completely replace King Zhai's position is not something ordinary cavalry can do. Which of his cousins ​​is so capable?
Chun Yutan's own bloodline is not close to that of the previous White Wolf King, and being a cousin with him is not a noble thing.Although the Tenth King Zhai is senior, he is not the biological brother of the current White Wolf King. Even if his son is a legitimate son, he is not noble enough, let alone a concubine and an illegitimate son.

Xirong's noble blood system calculates kinship based on the blood relationship between nobles and the White Wolf Kings of the past dynasties.Just like Chun Yuye's older brother Chun Yuya, because he was the biological son of the White Wolf King and the grandson of the previous White Wolf King, he had a transcendent status among the Xirong nobles and could beat and scold them at will.

Whether it's a human or a ghost, you'll know it when you see it.

Chunyu Tang threw the riding whip to Yi Zhixie and jumped off the horse, "Which tent is your King Zhai in? Lead the way."

The cavalry leading the way looked at each other in fear and led Chun Yuye to a black felt tent.

The personal bodyguard who originally belonged to the tenth King Zhai opened the curtain, and Chun Yutan strode in with a sneer.

"I heard that someone killed my uncle? Who was it?"

"it's me."

A hoarse voice came from deep inside the tent. Chun Yutan raised his head, his pupils contracted slightly.

He saw a figure he had never imagined sitting on the throne in the tent.

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