Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2365 Missing

Chapter 2365 Missing
"You mean, you were still on the Xirong grassland a moment ago?"

The early morning sunlight shines into the top floor of Liuyun Building and shines on the faces of Wan Liuyun and Qian Bofang.

The two of them sat Li Jinniang in the middle and looked at the blood lines on her arms, both with solemn expressions on their faces.

Li Jinniang nodded, "I don't know what's going on, but..."

"But what?"

"Just before I came here, A Li... Guili disappeared before my eyes."

Li Jinniang stuttered and spoke, still in shock.

Speaking of what she saw before, no one would believe her if she was dreaming.

She and Gui Li originally went out to look for water, but when they came to the creek they had been coming to for the past few days and were about to bend down to fetch water, they suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing behind them, and the grass and blades around them were all moving. He fell to the ground.

At that moment, Li Jinniang felt a strange breath pass through her body, and her right arm felt a sharp pain.The pain disappeared in an instant, as fast as an illusion, so she didn't pay attention at the time, but immediately went to look for Guili who was not far away from her.

Gui Li was also looking for her, and when he saw that she had nothing to do, he ran towards her.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Gui Li.


Li Jinniang looked at the strange scene not far away and was so frightened that she lost her mind.

A black mist as tall as a person appeared out of thin air behind Gui Li. A hand stretched out from the mist and grabbed Gui Li's arm.


Guili screamed and turned around suddenly, but the fear on his face turned into surprise, "Brother?!"

The figure that emerged from the black mist turned out to be Gui Chen who had gone up to Langbei Mountain with Ying Baoyue.

"How will you be here?"

Li Jinniang was stunned, but Gui Chen had no time to answer her, and his attention was entirely on his sister.

"Ali, there's no time, come with me!"

"Where to go? Wait, I want to leave a letter to Ange and the others..."

Li Jinniang watched helplessly as Gui Li tore off the strip of cloth on his body and wrote a word before disappearing.

Also disappearing with her were Gui Chen and Hei Wu.

A piece of cloth with only one word written in blood fell from the air alone.


This was the last scene Li Jinniang saw. The next moment, she also lost consciousness.

"When I open my eyes again, I'll be here."

After Li Jinniang finished talking about her experience, she looked at the silent middle-aged man and woman in front of her with anxiety.

She chose to tell the truth about her experience, but in the eyes of normal people, what she just said was comparable to crazy words, and I'm afraid no one believed it at all.

However, to Li Jinniang's expectation, Wan Liuyun and Qian Bofang did not doubt the authenticity of her words immediately.

The two looked at each other, and Wan Liuyun grabbed Li Jinniang's arm, "Old Qian, what do you think?"

Qian Bofang was silent for a moment, staring at the blood line on the girl's arm, "It's probably some kind of curse from the gods."

Li Jinniang's appearance out of thin air and Gui Li's disappearance were probably caused by the power of the gods.

"Sure enough, you think so too," Wan Liuyun sighed and looked out the window, "To be able to do such a thing, I'm afraid the Soaring Snake God has completely awakened."

"I just don't know how far Her Royal Highness the Princess must go to satisfy Him."

Qian Bofang's face darkened, "According to his personality, this time he must force Baoyue to make up his mind."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Li Jinniang was confused by the conversation between Wan Liuyun and Qian Bofang, "Did Teng Snake God do something?"

Wan Liuyun looked at her and smiled, "Miss Li, it's not that we don't want to tell you, it's just that the past here is too complicated and you can't understand it." "Okay, then please tell me, what should I do now?" What should I do?" Li Jinniang said in frustration, "I don't know how to get back. Is there anything I can do to help?"

If she stayed in Xirong, she could still take care of the injured Zhao Guang and comfort Ji Ange.

As a result, the two people were now left in Xirong, Guili was taken away by her brother, and she returned to Shanhaiguan alone.

What's all this?

If this is the arrangement of the gods, does the gods have any deep meaning in throwing her here?

Li Jinniang was depressed for a moment, then suddenly became excited.

"Everyone, where is my sister? I want to see her!"

She couldn't see her sister the last time she came to Shanhaiguan. This time she finally came back, and she wanted to see that person at least once.

Li Jinniang believed that her sister would be able to answer her questions and tell her what she should do.

"Your sister, she..."

Wan Liuyun's pupils narrowed and he looked at Li Jinniang with some embarrassment.

"What? She still doesn't want to see me?" Li Jinniang stared at her, her eyes slightly red.

"That's not the case at all," Qian Bofang suddenly said, "You are not the only one who can't see her now."

People from Shanhaiju and Liuyun Pavilion could no longer contact Li Meiniang at this time.

"What do you mean by this?" Li Jinniang was shocked, "Did something happen to my sister?"

Qian Bofang and Wan Liuyun looked at each other again with complicated eyes.

"Miss Li Er," Wan Liuyun took a deep breath, "just half a month ago, your sister's team of [-] left the city to inspect a remote beacon tower and disappeared halfway."

Also disappearing with them was a group of civilians who were moving stones for the Great Wall, including Lou Shou.

"What's going on? Sister, she's missing?" Li Jinniang was trembling with fear.

"Don't worry." Wan Liuyun was actually very uneasy, but she held the girl's hand in front of her and comforted her softly, "It's still unclear whether your sister disappeared voluntarily or encountered something on the road."

With Li Meiniang's city and strength, it would be difficult for the ordinary soldiers around her to harm her, unless someone with a higher status among the border guards discovered her identity.

At this tense juncture, Li Meiniang's disappearance may have been forced by others, but it may also be that she has been dormant for many years and is preparing to do something.

The storm is coming and everything is unknown.

But since half a month ago, Shanhaiju and Liuyun Tower have lost news about Li Meiniang and Lou Tower. This is the actual situation.

"Then...where should I go?"

Li Jinniang stood blankly in the middle of the room, lost in thought.

She thought she could go to her sister, but her sister disappeared.

Wan Liuyun looked at the lonely girl in front of him and felt a little embarrassed for a moment, "There is a curse on you. Before you figure out what it is, you should rest here for a while."

At this moment, there was a sudden knocking sound outside the window.

Qian Bofang and Wan Liuyun were both shocked because the sound did not come from inside the building, but from outside the window facing the street.

The top floor was where they used to have secret conversations. There was no one on the balcony outside, so how could there be a knocking sound?

"Wait, this voice is..."

Wan Liuyun calmed down and suddenly realized that the sound was not the sound of human hands knocking, but rather the sound of a bird's beak pecking at the window frame.

She opened the window and saw a flash of golden light outside the window.

A little fat bird with a golden body rushed in with fluttering wings.

 The cooked bird appears
(End of this chapter)

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