Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2366 National Chaos

I don't know if it was because its body was too heavy, but the golden fat bird stumbled all the way. As soon as it flew into the window frame, it fell straight down with a bang, making a crater in the bluestone floor tiles.


The three people in the room were startled, and they felt as if a piece of gold had smashed in from the window.

It was the first time Li Jinniang saw such a funny bird. After rubbing her eyes, she was convinced that the thing that fell on the ground was indeed a bird and not a gold nugget.

At this time, Wan Liuyun saw the appearance of the birds on the ground clearly, his expression suddenly changed, and he squatted down suddenly.

"Master Divine Beast?"

Mythical beast?

Li Jinniang calmed down and realized that the bird that flew in was definitely not an ordinary bird. After all, ordinary birds would have fallen to death long ago.

Although the bird on the ground is lying with its feet upward and motionless, it looks almost as if it is dead.
"Could it be's the Golden-winged Dapeng?"

Qian Bofang also realized what he was doing. He suddenly leaned down and saluted respectfully to the bird on the ground, which was not much bigger than a sparrow.

Li Jinniang looked at this scene in astonishment. Although she was confused, she had no choice but to salute.After all, these two people are well-informed and should not admit their mistakes.

But, this fat bird is actually a golden-winged roc?

The little bird on the ground shook its two little feet in the sky, and suddenly turned over, "Suzaku, I'm going to kick you like a fairy!"

The words coming out of the bird's mouth were human words, or curse words. Even though they were mentally prepared, the three people gathered around were still startled.

Even wealthy people like Wan Liuyun and Qian Bofang had their eyes twitching slightly.

"What is it talking about? What happened to the Suzaku God?"

This guy actually has a southern accent when he curses people.Qian Bofang looked at the only southerner among the three and smiled bitterly, "Miss Li, do you understand what Master Shenniao means?"

Li Jinniang raised her head with a wonderful expression.

"Xianren Banban" in Nanchu dialect means something like "then your ancestors were eighteen generations ago".

This little golden-winged bird just used a very disrespectful way... to greet the ancestor of the Suzaku God.

After listening to Li Jinniang's euphemistic explanation, Wan Liuyun's expression became wonderful.

But after all, she has been running a flower shop for so many years, so she is still stable.She turned around and took out a carved wooden plate from the cabinet, covered it with golden silk cloth, and held it in front of the bird on the ground.

The golden-winged bird, which was furious at first, glanced at her with surprise, tilted its head, and jumped onto the tray.

Wan Liuyun picked up the plate and placed the golden-winged bird on the coffee table. The three of them no longer had to squat on the ground.

Perhaps Wan Liuyun's courtesy calmed down his anger, and the golden-winged bird combed its feathers with its beak and calmed down.

"Well, I didn't expect someone here to recognize me."

Wan Liuyun smiled and said, "I once had the honor to look up at the portrait of Lord Dapeng. May I ask why Lord Divine Beast flew to the north?"

The little bird that had just calmed down suddenly became furious again, "I didn't fly here, I was thrown here!"


Thinking of the bird's dirty mouth just now, Wan Liuyun asked tentatively, "Did Lord Suzaku God send you here?"

"That's right," the golden-winged bird grinded its teeth, "He asked me to come here to find someone and pass on a message."

I thought it was a high-level mythical beast, but it was actually used as a messenger pigeon!
The golden-winged roc secretly swore that the next time Suzaku asked it to treat it to a good meal, it would not go even if it was beaten to death!

"Who are you looking for?" Qian Bofang asked softly.

In fact, he already knew it.

Thousands of miles away, to throw such a high-level mythical beast through the air with such accuracy, the person the Golden Winged Roc is looking for must be in this room.Golden Wings glanced at the room, his eyes locked on Li Jinniang, and said angrily, "I'm looking for the Crown Princess of Nanchu."

The room was quiet for a moment.

Li Jinniang was sure that the bird was looking at her, but she couldn't understand what the bird said, "Who is it?"

"The Crown Princess of Nanchu," the Golden-winged Dapeng said impatiently, "If I'm not mistaken, it's you, right?"

"Lord Divine Beast, you may have made a mistake," Li Jinniang said with a grim look on her face, "My daughter did have a marriage contract with the Nanchu royal family, but it was only with His Majesty's second prince."

Jiang Yuanyuan was not the crown prince of Nan Chu. He was neither a direct descendant nor a eldest son in the royal family of Nan Chu. He was just a concubine born from a concubine.

Qian Bofang and Wan Liuyun on the other side looked at each other with serious eyes.Both of them are human beings, and they understand that something big must have happened in Nanchu.

Behind the Suzaku God is Ji Mo. As the Imperial Master of Southern Chu, Ji Mo cannot possibly mistake the identity of Li Jinniang.Unless her fiancé's identity has changed.

The golden-winged bird looked strangely, "What? You don't know yet?"

Li Jinniang's heartbeat was racing. She had not received any news from Nanchu since she went to Xirong. She suddenly became uneasy and asked, "What happened?"

"Not only will you be the crown prince, but maybe soon, you will be the princess."

The golden-winged bird's eyes narrowed, "His Majesty passed away last night."

With a click, the tea cup Qian Bofang held in his hand broke into two pieces, and his face turned pale.

The King of Southern Chu passed away?

This is too big.Why didn't Shanhaiju receive news that King Nan Chu was critically ill before?Did Ji Mo block the news?
"Wait, that's not right."

Wan Liuyun was also shocked, but she could still keep her mind moving, "If the King of Southern Chu dies, Miss Li should not be the crown princess."

Ji Mo could conceal the news of the death of King Nan Chu, but it was impossible for the new king to ascend the throne without telling the whole continent.Therefore, the new king of Southern Chu has not yet ascended the throne, and the prince of a country should still be the prince.The prince of Nanchu had been decided many years ago, and he was the eldest son of the king of Nanchu and the elder brother of Jiang Yuanyuan.

"Yes, did you make something wrong?" Li Jinniang breathed rapidly, not daring to think about that terrible possibility.

"Who told you that His Majesty was the only one who died last night?" The golden-winged roc rolled his eyes at her and dropped another piece of bombshell news.

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, who was in the palace last night, was so sad that he vomited blood and fell into a coma. The imperial doctor diagnosed him as having run out of medicine and medicine."

A deathly silence fell over the room.

Wan Liuyun, Qian Bofang and others all looked at the bird speaking human words on the tray in disbelief.

The king passed away and the prince of a country also became critically ill at the same time?

For Nanchu, this is simply not the sky falling, but the sky falling and the earth falling.

The eldest son of the King of Southern Chu was indeed frail and sickly since childhood, but was it really a coincidence that such things happened on the same day?

"Is what you said true?"

Li Jinniang's face was as white as gold paper.

"Believe it or not, I'm just a messenger anyway," the golden-winged bird pecked its feathers indifferently. It was not at the bedside of the old king last night. It flew to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion for breakfast and was caught by Suzaku. Thrown out.

"So what's going on in the palace now?"

"What else can we do? It's a mess," said the golden-winged bird. "The Imperial Master made the decision and asked His Highness to take in His Second Highness as his adopted son when he was still breathing. Now His Highness has been named the Crown Prince. Yes. But..."

Golden-winged Dapeng changed the topic.

"But rumors are spreading in the palace now, saying that His Highness will vomit blood and it was His Highness who administered the poison."

It's chaos

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