Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2367 Trading

Chapter 2367 Trading
The morning light shines on the golden feathers of the bird in the center of the room, making it as dazzling as a small sun in the center of the room.

Li Jinniang looked at the sun, but her whole body felt cold.

"Is it... the poison administered by His Highness the Second Highness?"

"Who knows? News about the entire Nanchu Palace has been blocked. But, does the truth really matter?"

The golden-winged bird looked at her sideways, half-smiling, "Do you think he did it?"

"Can he do it?"

When he said these words, a hint of malice flashed in the eyes of Doudou, who originally looked stupid as the Golden-winged Dapeng.

"Even if there is evidence that he did not do it, will others believe that he did not do it?"

Li Jinniang felt a chill in her heart.

As the bird said, it is impossible for outsiders to see such secrets in the palace. Even if Jiang Yuanyuan said righteously that it was not him, and Ji Mo patted his chest and promised that it was not him, others would not believe it.

Because there is no doubt that His Highness Nanchu is the biggest beneficiary of this matter.

He has the motive and the ability to do this at this time.

Although the King of Southern Chu was old, he did not linger on his sick bed.Now that he died suddenly, he died suddenly.Under such circumstances, the Nanchu Palace must be in chaos. If Jiang Yuanyuan is really ambitious to aspire to the throne, this is indeed the most appropriate time to take action.

Once the prince of Nanchu stabilizes the political situation, the palace will become like an iron barrel. It is hard to say whether Jiang Yuanyuan, the younger brother of the king, will be able to enter the palace by then.

Anyway, His Highness Nanchu had always been weak and sickly, and he died of vomiting blood due to grief, which was a perfect excuse.

The prince has no descendants, and the king of Nanchu has no other sons. As long as he dies, the throne of Nanchu can only fall on Jiang Yuanyuan.

Jiang Yuanyuan participated in the medicine battle in the practice ceremony. No one believed him even if he said he didn't understand medicine and poison, not to mention that he didn't have any masters at his disposal.

What's more, besides the second prince, who can get close to the prince who is waiting at the bedside of the King of Nanchu?

This is simply the most suitable murderer.

The prince of Nanchu died at this juncture. Regardless of whether it was Jiang Yuanyuan's fault or not, he couldn't clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River.

As a concubine, many people did not want to see him ascend the throne.No matter the other royal families or the prince's original forces, they will never let him go and will definitely use this rumor to attack him.

"So is His Highness Nanchu still alive? What is the situation in the Nanchu Palace now?"

Qian Bofang and Wan Liuyun also understood the danger and asked worriedly.

Although both of them hate Ji Mo and have no feelings for Nanchu, Nanchu is Lin Shubai's hometown after all, and it is now the largest country in the Shanhai Continent.If Nanchu falls into civil strife at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

"His Highness was still alive when I was thrown out," said the golden-winged bird, "but Brother Suzaku said that he probably won't survive tonight."

In just two days, there were two more important people to be mourned in the Nanchu Palace. When the time came, they would not even know how to host the state funeral.

"The Imperial Preceptor has suppressed all voices that wanted to punish the poisoner, and is now sitting in the palace arranging the funeral."

I don't know if it was the golden-winged roc's illusion, but I always felt that Ji Mo had aged a lot overnight.

"Brother Suzaku originally asked me to come to the mansion to have breakfast," Golden-winged Dapeng muttered, "but when I arrived, the guy suddenly changed his face and asked me to find the Crown Princess."

At that time, it thought that the Crown Princess had left the Prince to play outside, but who knew that the Crown Princess was actually far away in Shanhaiguan!

Suzaku, you uncle!

I took away its nest and let it wake up and found it in Houliao. Now I used my divine power to flap its wings to the far north!

If it hadn't been for a high enough god level, it would have almost died on the road.

"You girl ran so far away," the golden-winged bird looked up and glared at Li Jinniang, half of its head twitching with anger, "I will come to pick you up in person, come back with me quickly."

"I..." Under the impact of too much news, Li Jinniang's mind was in a mess. Facing the aggressive bird, she struggled to utter three words, "I'm not..."

"Nothing?" The golden-winged bird glanced at her, "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. Your husband is almost dead, you know?"


Li Jinniang's eyes flashed before Jiang Yuanyuan's face when she said goodbye to her under the Xiling Snow Mountain.

"I'm going back to Nanchu to do what I should do. If you want to stay, that's up to you."

"I won't chase you anymore."

Calculating the time, he should have just returned to Nanchu not long ago.

There was a bitter taste in Li Jinniang's mouth. Could it be that what Jiang Yuanyuan said she should do was to compete for the throne?

"Wait a minute, Lord Dapeng, you may have made a mistake."

At this moment, a person next to her suddenly held Li Jinniang's cold hand. Li Jinniang felt the warmth and raised her head in surprise.

Wan Liuyun stood in front of her and smiled gently, "Second Miss Li is indeed engaged to His Highness Nan Chu. But the two are not officially married, and His Highness cannot be regarded as the second Miss's husband."

She knew very well that Li Jinniang escaped from Nanchu just to escape her marriage.

"I was entrusted by my old friend to take care of her. If Miss Li doesn't agree, you can't take her back."

Li Jinniang's heart stopped for a moment, and she stared blankly at Wan Liuyun, with tears of gratitude welling up in her eyes.

The crisis in the Nanchu royal family was pressing down like a mountain. Her personal wishes were so insignificant before major national events that no one asked her for her opinion.

Unexpectedly, Wan Liuyun chose to protect her in front of the divine beast.

"What? Not married?"

The golden-winged bird's eyes widened, "But Zhuque made it clear that the person I want to take away is General Li's second daughter. The Imperial Preceptor said she is the Crown Princess of Nanchu, there is no way there can be a mistake."

Wan Liuyun sighed in his heart.

Ji Mo was indeed not wrong, but he didn't take Li Jinniang's personal wishes to heart at all.

Wan Liuyun knew very well that Zhuque was ordered by Ji Mo, and it was Ji Mo who made the decision to bring back Li Jinniang who was in exile.

The legal authority of Jiang Yuanyuan's succession to the throne is questionable, and he is now in an embarrassing situation. Whether he is attending the funeral or ascending the throne, he needs a legal wife by his side to take care of it.

More importantly, he needs supporters.

And this help was Li Jinniang's father.

Li Jinniang's father, Li Mengyang, was the priest of Jixia Academy, and his disciples' old friends were spread all over the government and the public. His power was second only to Chen Zichu's father, Nanchu Grand Sima Chen Yan.

Chen Yan's status as the commander of the troops was sensitive and he could only remain neutral at this time. On the contrary, Li Mengyang's attitude was more important.

The marriage that the King of Nanchu arranged for Jiang Yuanyuan was the biggest help that Lao Wang gave him.

In a battle for the throne that could wipe out nine clans, only the in-laws can be trusted.

In order to successfully ascend to the throne, the marriage between Jiang Yuanyuan and the Li family was inevitable at this time.

For the Li family, this is also an extremely cost-effective deal.After all, marrying a second daughter and changing to a queen, there is simply no deal with a higher return rate in the world.

 I wonder if anyone still remembers Li Jinniang’s father?

(End of this chapter)

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