Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2393

What do you mean?
King Shizhai plans to join forces with the rebels?
Baili Celing stared at Zhao Guang's gesture with surprise and uncertainty.

Zhao Guang was once Ying Baoyue's companion, so it stands to reason that this person is worthy of trust.But just now Suman personally recognized his identity as King Zhai of Xirong.

The White Wolf King is dead, and all Zhai kings are eligible to compete for the throne. As long as they get his head, they can get the recommendation of the Chunyu clan leader.

Such huge benefits are enough to turn a person into a ghost.

Baili Celing has seen too many "companions" who have changed like this.Who can guarantee that Zhao Guang didn't want to deceive him and take the opportunity to kill all the rebels?

After all, at this moment, he is no longer the king of Dongling County of Soochow, but the tenth King Zhai of Xirong.

"General! Where are we going to escape?"

Ding San's desperate cry interrupted Baili Celing's thoughts, and they had no time to hesitate.

The kings of Zhai and the nobles all started to move.The men and horses of King Dazhai and King Erzhai, who were originally fighting, joined together in a tacit understanding this time. The men and horses of Zhao Guang and Chun Yutan moved accordingly and slowly surrounded the rebel legions.

With no end in sight, the Xirong cavalry were moving on horseback, like beasts hunting hares, watching the rebels in the encirclement.

not good!

Baili Ce Ling's heart felt cold. This posture was the most familiar siege by the nobles of Xirong.

The Xirong cavalry were each under the control of King Zhai, but King White Wolf would regularly organize large-scale hunting to train the ability of each king's army to fight in groups.At this time, these four teams belonging to different kings of Zhai have rediscovered the rhythm of hunting together.

The nobles of Xirong were planning to surround them and slaughter them all before coming to snatch his head!

It is not unreasonable that the Chunyu clan can lead the Xirong people to survive until now.

Baili Celing's nerves were extremely tense. He had no time and had to make a choice.

Once the encirclement is formed, they will not be able to escape even if they have wings.


Ding San's anxious voice came again.Because of the siege by the Xirong cavalry, the rebels who had fled scattered gathered again under the instinct of survival.There were enemies on all sides, and Ding San led them around like headless flies, not knowing which direction to break through.

Baili Celing tightened the reins of his horse. At this time, there was only the king's tent where there was no cavalry surrounding him, but Suman stood there alone, like a thousand troops.


In the flash of lightning, Baili Celing made a decision.

"Rush over there!"

He raised the spear in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the Tenth King Zhai's army, "Follow me!"

"But general, over there is King Zhai's army! Do you want to break out?"

Ding San looked in the direction Baili Celing was pointing and was dumbfounded.Even if they want to break through, they must at least find a weak position in King Zhai's army, but the place Baili Celing pointed to was densely packed with elites, and it was the center of the king's army led by King Zhai.Are they really not going to die if they dive in like this?
"There's no time to explain," Baili Celing rushed out first, "That's not King Zhai, he's our internal agent!"

"Inner, inner response?"

Ding San almost fell off his horse and said that King Zhai was their internal agent. Even though he had absolute trust in the Black Tiger Twins, he felt that there was something wrong with Baili Celing's brain.He actually trusted a person who didn't know the truth and bet on so many lives based on his own guess.

"General, wait!"

But that was Baili Celing, who could catch up with his speed?

Baili Celing had already rushed out at the lead, and other King Zhai's men became excited when they saw his figure.

"catch him!"

While resisting the open and hidden arrows around him, Baili Celing struggled to turn his head and looked at the dazed slaves behind him, shouting desperately.

"Believe me!"

"If you want to survive, just follow me!" The slaves and hidden stakes who had been killed for several rounds were already in a state of confusion. When they heard Baili Celing's roar, they all moved and followed him to where the dense cavalry were. Run in the direction.

"Don't mess up the formation," Baili Celing commanded while leading the slaves forward, trying his best to prevent the rebels from losing their fighting ability.

Zhao Guang wanted to cooperate with them, rather than accept a group of defeated soldiers without the ability to fight.

"Lord King Zhai, the rebel army is rushing towards us!"

Zhao Guang had returned to the king's army at this time. As soon as he sat firmly on his horse, the deputy general reported to him happily.

Looking at the rebel army rushing towards them, all the cavalrymen seemed to have seen a big piece of fat and were gearing up.

Only Chun Yutan, who returned to the army with Zhao Guang, noticed something was wrong, "Wait, what did you just do? Why did those guys rush towards us?"

"Do you think we are weaker here?"

Chunyu Tang hoped that his guess was right. Compared with the troops of King Dazhai and King Erzhai, the troops of the two remote King Zhai were weaker. Moreover, they had traveled too far and were all exhausted.

It's probably...possible for the leader to break through from the two of them, right?

However, when Chun Yutan looked at the desperate rush from the opposite side, he always felt that something was wrong.

Zhao Guang got on his horse and looked at Baili Celing, who was really coming towards him with the remaining troops, and remained silent.

"Hey, wait, you...can't, right?"

Chun Yutan looked at Zhao Guang's profile, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"I called him."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Guang spoke lightly.

"I want to work with them."

Chunyu Tan's eyes widened, "You...what do you want to do?!"

This kid is crazy!
Su Man wants Baili Celing's head. Zhao Guang wants to save this man, which means he will become enemies of all Xirong people!

"you you you you you……"

Chun Yutan was speechless and regretted how he had been deceived by this kid and got mixed up with this guy.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to live," Zhao Guang stared at Baili Celing's figure fighting in the siege, "I didn't think about it just now, but now I have."

Just now at the king's tent, he said that cooperating with Baili Celing was just a temporary impulse, and he didn't want to see these slaves die like this.

But after Baili Celing chose to believe him, an unprecedented idea began to emerge in Zhao Guang's mind.

"I've already figured out what I'm going to do."

Chun Yutan was about to order his royal army to retreat away from King Shi Zhai's army when he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

Looking at Zhao Guang who put the knife on his neck, Chun Yupan said in shock, "What do you want to do?"

"Chun Yutan," Zhao Guang stared into Chun Yutan's eyes, "I want to become the White Wolf King."

Only by gaining absolute power can he survive on this land.

So he decided.

"I want those people to cooperate and kill Chun Yuyi."

Zhao Guang spoke calmly, "Now I give you a choice, be with me or be my enemy."

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