Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2394 Concentric

"What do you think you want? Are you kidding me?"

Stunned is not enough to describe Chun Yutan's current mood.Although he held a humble position among the kings of Zhai, he had hung out with Chun Yuye before.

Even if Chun Yuye, the biological son of the White Wolf King, never said that he wanted to become the White Wolf King, Zhao Guang, a foreigner who had just recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, who gave him the courage to think that he could become the White Wolf King?

Didn't this man just become King Zhai?Do you dare to dream of being the White Wolf King?
Chun Yutan thought that Zhao Guang was crazy, but Zhao Guang's expression was very calm.

"King Eleven Zhai, I'm not kidding," the saber in Zhao Guang's hand buzzed.

Chunyu Tang's scalp was numb. This was the sound of true energy being injected into the sword's edge. This man really wanted to kill him!

"What are you going to do? Kill me?"

Chun Yutan was furious, "Do you think that if you kill me, my people will recognize you as their master? Can you walk out of my royal army alive?"

He is not the wimp King Shizhai!If Zhao Guang dared to kill him in broad daylight, his subordinates would definitely cut him into pieces.

"You can give it a try," Zhao Guang's pale eyes showed no trace of fluctuation, "but you can't see the ending."

"I'll cut off your head before that happens."

No matter whether his subordinates were loyal or not, Chun Yutan could not see his subordinates being loyal to him anyway.


Chunyu Pan was speechless. He had never thought that Prince Dongling could be such a calm lunatic.Before he was released, he could have guessed that Zhao Guang would not dare, but this man had already killed one King Zhai, who could guarantee that he would not dare to kill the second one?
Chunyu Pan had no intention of following in the footsteps of King Shi Zhai.

"Zhao Guang, put the knife down and talk to him if you have anything to say," Chun Yutan tried to ease the atmosphere. "You must think clearly. If you really attack Chun Yuyi, there will be no turning back."

Suman has recognized his identity as a descendant of the Chunyu family.As long as Zhao Guang does not get involved in the fight for the throne, there is a high probability that his life can be saved.

But once he shows his desire to fight for the throne, there are only two endings left, either win or die.

No matter how you look at it, the possibility of Zhao Guang becoming the White Wolf King is too low.

This was also the reason why Chun Yutan didn't want to be bound to him.Once Zhao Guang is defeated, he will be dead as a co-conspirator.

As an under-appreciated King Zhai, Chun Yutan just wanted to stay in a remote place and earn more money by showing off in front of the White Wolf King when he had the opportunity, but he never had any ill intentions.

Of course Zhao Guang knew what Chunyu Tan was thinking, which was why he put the knife on his neck when he was not prepared.

"Of course I know this is a road of no return," Zhao Guang said expressionlessly, "Chun Yutan, I am fighting with my head up."

If Chun Yutan was unwilling to help him, he would have no choice but to kill him.Otherwise, when Chun Yuyi raises his arms and shouts, he is likely to be attacked from both sides.

Chun Yutan understood the determination in Zhao Guang's eyes, and his face suddenly turned livid.

What kind of person is the most terrifying in this world?
None more so than a desperado.Such people can do anything.

Zhao Guang is now a desperado, forcing himself to a dead end.

The blade on his neck was getting closer and closer, already cutting through the oily skin.Cold sweat broke out on Chun Yutan's forehead. He glanced at a carriage that had been following Zhao Guang Wang's army from the corner of his eye, and was forced to shout out the last words, "Even if you die, have you ever thought about Ji Ange? You What will happen to her if she loses?"

Chun Yutan knew in his heart that Ji Ange was Zhao Guang's last weakness. Zhao Guang had kept her in the army these days and never let her out of his sight.

His words were filled with true energy, and Ji Ange in the carriage could hear them.

As long as Ji Ange steps in to stop it, maybe there will be a turning point at this time.

Zhao Guang was silent for a moment and said calmly, "I don't need to worry about it. I will kill her myself before that."

The curtain of the carriage behind the king's army moved, but no one appeared.

Zhao Guang knew that Ji Ange heard it, and at the same time she had no intention of stopping him and was willing to live and die with him.Zhao Guang felt a little sweet and a little bitter in his heart.

Chun Yutan looked at the relief on Zhao Guang's face, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

The couple was relieved, but what about him?

Chun Yutan was so frightened that his trouser leg was suddenly grabbed by someone.

When the other cavalrymen around saw the two King Zhai facing each other with swords, they all froze and did not dare to approach. Who would touch him at this time?
Chun Yutan lowered his head and saw an unexpected figure, "Son?"

Yi Zhixie was no taller than the horse's legs, standing between the two horses, holding his trouser leg with one hand and Zhao Guang's leg with the other, with a serious look on his face.

Zhao Guang also noticed the actions of Chunyu Tan's adopted son. He couldn't bear it, but he also made up his mind that if the son stopped him, he would also get rid of the child.

However, Yi Zhixie's choice was unexpected, "Dad, uncle, together."

Does this mean they should cooperate?
Chun Yutan didn't expect that his adopted son would choose to side with Zhao Guang, and was extremely surprised.But when he remembered that the child was saved by Ying Baoyue, he suddenly felt relieved.

"That's all," Chun Yutan glanced at Chun Yuyi, who looked calm among the cavalry in the distance, "I probably won't be able to run away either."

With Chun Yuyi's narrow-mindedness, even if he changes sides now, he may not gain the trust of the other party. Once this person ascends the throne, he will also be purged.

This man could even kill his own father and kill several cousins ​​without blinking an eye.

It's better to follow Zhao Guang and give it a try. If he succeeds, he may finally be able to turn around in his life.

People who follow Ying Baoyue always seem to have magical luck. Maybe it will work for Zhao Guang this time?
"Let go, I'll do it with you!"

Zhao Guang glanced straight at Chun Yutan, with a smile on his lips.

He bent down, picked up Yizhi Xian and put it on his horse, put the knife away and retreated.

Chun Yutan covered his bleeding neck and let out a long breath.

He knew that Zhao Guang had taken Yi Zhixie as a hostage, but he had no intention of caring about it. There was no point in playing such a verbal scam at this time.

They don't have time to swing from side to side.

Baili Celing had already led his men and horses to rush in front of the two royal armies, with Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe's men and horses chasing closely behind.Under the command of Zhao Guang, the army of King Shizhai began to tilt. Chun Yutan tightened the reins of his horse, turned around and shouted, "Line up, turn left!"

The military formations of the Tenth and Eleventh Royal Courts began to retreat diagonally to the rear almost at the same time. Together, they were like a sack that opened wide, covering all the rebels and the pursuers behind them. Go in.

"My sons, listen to your orders!"

Zhao Guang and Chun Yutan raised their whips almost at the same time, poured in their true energy, and shouted orders.

"Don't attack the rebels!"

"Kill the royal troops from the First Royal Court and the Second Royal Court!"

As soon as the military order came out, the cavalry present were stunned for a brief moment, and then quickly began to execute the military order the next moment.

The cavalry of different kings had different flags, and there had been conflicts in the past. The king's troops were the most loyal and elite cavalry of each royal court. Under orders and prohibitions, they soon started fighting fiercely.

Baili Celing took the opportunity to turn around with the rebels and charge towards Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe's men again.

Chun Yuyi and his group, who were originally content with their ambitions, were instantly surrounded from three sides.

"Wait, what's going on? You bastard, how dare you betray Xirong?"

Chunyu Yi's eyes widened and his face was ferocious.

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