Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2436 Faraway

Chun Yuye's sword flew out more than ten feet and got stuck in the crevice of the city wall.

He didn't panic or step back, he just looked at the person in front of him.

There was a moment of dead silence on the chaotic battlefield, as if time had stopped.

All the cavalrymen who were fighting desperately froze for a moment. Most of them didn't see what was happening at all, but they felt that the atmosphere was strange for no reason and stopped their movements instinctively.

Just because of the arrival of one person, the "situation" of the entire battlefield was changed.

Only advanced practitioners can understand why.

Because what appears is a heaven-level practitioner.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the figure in front of him.

It's alive and moving, it's not his hallucination.

He once watched this person disappear from him. In despair, he could only lie to himself that she would definitely come back.

But no one told him whether she could really come back or when she would come back.

Looking at this figure, Ji Jiashu suddenly felt sour all over, and a strange and sweet taste emerged from the bottom of his heart, as if he was finally able to put down a burden he had carried for a long time.

"You're back."

Ying Baoyue looked at the scarred young man behind her, guilt welling up in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Ji Jiashu shook his head.

Just by looking at the sand on her body, he could tell how fast she came.

He didn't know when she broke through to the heavenly realm, it probably wasn't long ago. It stands to reason that the Water Mage could escape death after breaking through the realm, but she did not rest after breaking through the realm. Instead, she quickly rushed across the desert.

She was alone, which meant that no one in the world was faster than her.

"Have you two finished reminiscing about old times?"

Chun Yuye did not pull out his sword and stood there with empty hands, just looking straight at Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue turned around and saw Chun Yuye's cloaked body, her eyes trembled slightly.

She didn't speak, she just thrust the Sunset Sword into the ground, and the surging vitality of heaven and earth rose into the sky, sweeping towards both sides of the Great Wall with the city gate as the center.

She stood there, her whole body like a city wall.

The strong wind blew close to the ground, and all the heavily armored cavalry horses neighed and their legs trembled. No matter how hard their masters whipped them, they refused to move forward.

The originally overwhelming Qin cavalry offensive was blocked, those who climbed up the city wall fell off, and those who wanted to climb began to retreat under the terrifying pressure.

In the storm of true energy, the cavalry who had no idea what was happening finally saw clearly the figure standing in front of the city gate.

"Who is that?"

"When did you come?"

"Woman? A heaven-level practitioner? Could it be that she is..."

"No, no, no, aren't our ages right?"

"Wait a minute, isn't that Your Highness the Princess? Didn't she marry to Nanchu? Why is she here?"

Ying Baoyue heard the voices of the cavalry and smiled, "It turns out there are still people who remember me."

Ji Jiashu stood up unsteadily, "Since you are married to me, isn't it normal to stay by my side?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes narrowed slightly, hesitating for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but finally did not speak.

She looked back at Shanhaiguan, where the city gate was closed, "I didn't expect you guys to be able to hold on."

When she and Zhao Guang led the cavalry to the Great Wall, the mountain ghost used wind to send news, telling her that there was a traitor in Shanhaiguan and that Meng Shi was trapped.

She was so anxious that she immediately decided to rush to Shanhaiguan alone. However, due to the instability of her true energy and the onset of the curse caused by breaking the boundary, she was delayed for a while on the way.

According to the strength of the border guards, she originally thought that the gate of Shanhaiguan had been completely breached at this time, and she could only save people from the chaos.

What's even more terrifying is that even the mountain ghost didn't tell her that Chun Yuye would come from the interior with the cavalry of the former Qin Dynasty.

Faced with such an unexpected force, it stands to reason that Shanhaiguan would not be able to withstand it no matter what.

"I couldn't hold it back, thanks to them." Ji Jiashu looked towards the top of the city, and Ying Baoyue followed his gaze. When she saw the knight in shining armor standing on the wall, she suddenly froze.

The knight in shining armor also froze, just looking straight at her.

The two people's eyes looked at each other across the tall city wall, as if they had traveled through time and space.

Ji Jiashu noticed something unusual, "Baoyue, do you know each other?"

The knight in silver armor looked at Ying Baoyue and slowly took off the helmet on his head.

Under the waterfall of black vents, the battlefield was once again dead silent.

This time, not only the enemy troops, but also the soldiers around the knight in silver armor were stunned, and Ji Jiashu's eyes widened.

"Boss...Boss, he..."

"Wait a minute, Captain... cough, Captain is..."

"I must be dazzled. Someone come and give me a punch. Boss, she... is actually a woman?"

Under the smooth black hair, a plum blossom-shaped flower bloomed in the center of the woman's eyebrows.

The knight in shining armor who took off his helmet and visor was undoubtedly a woman.

The subordinates around the knight in shining armor stayed together, as if they had never thought that the knight in shining armor would look like this under the armor.

Only Chun Yuye looked at the plum blossom between the woman's eyebrows, thoughtfully.

The rumors turned out to be true.

After so many years, the woman who was rumored to have disappeared is still alive.

Plum Blossom General, Li Meiniang.

Ying Baoyue looked at the woman on the wall and smiled as if she was crying, "Mei Niang, I'm back."

Li Meiniang, the knight in silver armor, looked at the girl below the city and slowly knelt down on one knee, and said softly, "I respectfully welcome the general."

She had been waiting for this moment for the eight years she had lived on the Great Wall anonymously, disguised as a man.

She thought she would keep watching until she died, but she didn't expect this moment to come.

"Thank you for waiting for me to come back," Ying Baoyue held the Sunset Sword tightly, her voice trembling, "My General Plum Blossom."

"General Plum Blossom?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes suddenly opened wide, and then he realized who he had met.

The most famous military general in the border more than ten years ago besides Da Siming and Shao Siming, the leader of the legendary cavalry Silver Chan Guard, Plum Blossom General Li Meiniang.

According to rumors, she had died with the destruction of Yin Chan Guard, but she didn't expect to be still alive.

Not only was he alive, he actually raised an army again and guarded Shanhaiguan.

All this is for...

Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue beside him, with extremely complicated emotions welling up in his chest.

His strength has recovered a lot and he can stand up and walk.

Ying Baoyue was very close to him, and he should have walked to her and stood side by side with her, but looking at the person in front of him, a strange feeling suddenly hit his heart.


Ying Baoyue noticed the change in Ji Jiashu's aura, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," Ji Jiashu looked at her with a complicated expression, "But can you tell me who you are?"

The person in front of him was Ying Baoyue, but not the Ying Baoyue he knew.

She was very close to him, yet seemed far away.

out of reach.


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