Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2437 Dilemma

Ji Jiashu has long been aware of some things as he once said to Li Ji.

But it's one thing to guess, it's another thing to actually notice the changes in the person in front of you.

Ji Jiashu had already made up his mind that no matter who her true identity was, she would always be the Ying Baoyue in his heart who was engaged to him every day.

But Ji Jiashu found that he had forgotten one thing, that is, people will change.

A person's personality is shaped by past experiences. When a person has too many memories that you have not participated in, she is likely to no longer be the person you are familiar with.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu's complicated eyes with mixed feelings in her heart.

Of course she knew what Ji Jiashu was asking. From the way he looked at her in the past, she had realized that he had long suspected her identity.

But he never asked her, never doubted her words.

This is Ji Jiashu, this is the glorious Chunhuajun.

So even if she had a thousand reasons to hide them from him, she couldn't tell them.

"I'm sorry," Ying Baoyue said softly, "I lied to you before."

This was the second time she had lied to him.

She has deceived many people, but perhaps Ji Jiashu is the only person she has deceived twice about her identity.

Back then, under the big banyan tree, she lied to him that her name was Teng Snake. This was the first time.

Then she pretended to be his fiancée and asked him to protect her many times in this identity. This was the second time.

"Don't lie," Ji Jiashu's eyes were a little bright, but he smiled, "You always have your reasons and your difficulties."

Ying Baoyue would rather he not be so gentle at this time.

"I'm not your fiancée," she finally said. Ying Baoyue controlled her emotions and tried to speak in an elder's tone, "When I first saw you, you were still a baby."

That was when Ji Ange was poisoned and she struck the Imperial Master's Mansion with her sword.

At that time, she had not thought of seizing Ji Mo's wife's child to threaten her and let the woman taste what pain was.

Although Ji Mo took precautions in advance, she actually quietly entered Ji Jiashu's room before she arrived at the main entrance of the Imperial Prefect's Mansion.

Then she saw the swaddled baby.

Ye and the nanny were knocked unconscious by the medicine she had given in advance. The medicine was only for adults and would not hurt children. She walked quietly to the bed and stared at the baby sleeping soundly on the bed.

Although she was small, she could already see Ji Mo's appearance in her eyebrows, and her cheeks were rosy, showing that she was well-raised.

Ji Ange was sleeping next to Ji Jiashu. His face was sallow, his breath was weak, and he looked obviously malnourished. Ji Mo was probably afraid that she would attack Ji Jiashu, so he asked someone to carry Ji Jiashu to Ji Ange, thinking that this was the safest way.

The stark contrast between the two children made Ying Baoyue feel furious.

She had no intention of actually attacking a child, but it was okay to take the child away as a demonstration so that Ye and Ji Mo could learn a lesson.

She walked to the bed and was about to reach out to hug the baby, but the swaddled baby suddenly woke up.

A baby should be afraid when seeing a stranger, but the child looked at her with his big dark eyes open without crying or fussing.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head and looked at the child.

Ultimately, she did nothing that day.

She turned around and left the room, and finally chose to express her anger in front of the gate of the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion with a sword mark that penetrated the mansion.

This was her first encounter with Ji Jiashu.

Ying Baoyue stared at the person in front of her. His face changed from the look of a child to the beautiful one it is now.

She never thought that more than ten years later she would be bonded with that baby in such a way.

"We actually met more than ten years ago, but you didn't remember it at that time."

Ji Jiashu stared at Ying Baoyue blankly, and it was difficult to describe how he felt.

He knew why she brought it up now. The huge time difference between them made him unable to breathe for a moment.

The palms under Ji Jiashu's sleeves were clenched into fists, "So, you are..." "You already know who I am, don't you?"

Ying Baoyue's smile was more bitter than crying, "Your father knew it the first time he saw me."

That's why her father had that attitude toward her at the first-level ceremony.

In an instant, all past doubts were answered.

She was a familiar person from his father's generation, and she had never been someone he deserved to stand side by side with. He was simply not enough.

How could he, a young boy in his teens, be worthy of Shao Siming, one of the eight gods?

"Jia Shu, don't think too much," Ying Baoyue noticed something was wrong in his aura and was a little worried, "The grudges of the previous generation are the previous generation's business and have nothing to do with you."

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes and forced a smile, "I know."

He no longer looked at Ying Baoyue, but looked past her figure towards Chun Yuye who was thoughtful across the way. The conversation between the two of them was not blocked, and Chun Yuye could obviously hear it.

"You're not surprised."

"I'm surprised you don't know," Chunyu Ye raised his head and looked at the wall of the Evernight Great Wall. "The story of Shao Si Ming's resurrection from the dead has spread throughout the continent. How come no one heard it on the Evernight Great Wall? Could it be that the news was Locked down?”

Ying Baoyue was not surprised. Her original declaration at the White Wolf Court was infused with heavenly essence. Although the sound could not really spread across the continent, high-level practitioners should be able to hear it even on the other side of the Great Wall. Her voice transmission.

But the wind smell on this side of the Great Wall was unusual. Someone might have blocked her voice transmission.

It should be done by mountain ghosts.

"It seems you heard the message," Ying Baoyue looked at Chun Yuye, "But how did you know it was me?"

Chunyu Ye smiled, "Just like you know that He Lianyan is me, I will never mistake you."

"Speaking of which, there is an engagement between the two of us," Chun Yuye said with an evil look in his smile, "I don't care who you are, why don't you consider staying with me?"

Ying Baoyue was neither angry nor smiling, she raised her sword and pointed it at him, "Before that, hand over the military talisman."

"Hahaha," Chun Yuye laughed, "If you marry me, I will give you the military talisman."

Ying Baoyue didn't bother to pay attention to his joke. Chun Yuye was just a pawn of the mastermind behind the scenes, and he didn't have the ability to do things according to his own preferences.

The flames began to gather on the Sunset Sword, and she spoke softly, "Do you think I can kill you now?"

Chun Yuye stopped laughing, stretched out his hand, and with a click, the sword that was stuck in the crack of the stone flew back to his palm.

"You can try."

Ying Baoyue's eyes became cold.

The aura on Chun Yuye's body was weird and could not be measured by the standards of a normal practitioner. However, before becoming a demon, he had managed to break through the heavenly realm by relying on the power of the White Dog God.

If she really takes action, she is not sure of victory.

Moreover, a battle at the heavenly level would inevitably affect the surrounding areas. If they started fighting directly on the battlefield, they would not know how many casualties they would cause.

"What, you hesitated?"

Chun Yuye grinned, took out the tiger charm from his arms, and said sullenly, "Who told you to stop? Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound of horse hooves shook the sky. Li Meiniang put on her helmet and stood up suddenly, pulling out the spear on the ground.

The melee started again.

The monstrous bloody smell rose into the sky again. Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth as she looked at Chun Yuye, who was standing in front of the Qin army and arrogant.

Just as she was holding the sword tightly, her hand suddenly froze.

"What's the noise?"

Just dozens of miles away, she noticed an unusual vibration on the ground.

Another army is coming to Shanhaiguan!

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