Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2438 White Clothes

The team that came this time did not have the thundering sound of horse hooves, but it had a strong aura of practitioners.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a black flag raised high.

"That is……"

When the Daqin cavalry who were about to continue fighting saw the flag, they all stopped and were so shocked that they lost their minds.

"Wang Qi?"

"His Majesty is going on a personal expedition?"

"How is it possible? Isn't your Majesty in poor health?"

Ying Baoyue also saw the flag. The team coming from a distance was just a small team, only about a hundred people. It looked like just a vanguard team, which was insignificant compared to the 30,000 troops led by Chun Yuye.

But the flag that that team carried was very eye-catching. It was a pure black flag with a soaring snake pattern embroidered on it and a big word "Win" written underneath.

This is the flag of the Ying family, and more importantly, it is a pattern that can only be used by kings.

Only the emperor can use this flag on the battlefield.

"God, did I read that right?"

"The last time this flag was raised on the Evernight Great Wall was seven years ago when the late emperor was still alive..."

A veteran in the cavalry team murmured, and other soldiers showed awe when they heard it.

"Your Majesty, are you really here?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes became complicated. The last time she saw the Great Qin King's flag raised on the battlefield was when Emperor Taizu was still alive, but the old emperor mentioned by those veterans was referring to Ying Hao.

Ying Hao also fought in person, and the second emperor once raised his flag on the Great Wall of Evernight, only to announce his death.

The flag of the King of Qin arrived, and the King of Qin once again led a personal expedition.

But who is coming this time?

Ying Hanri?

According to the intelligence in Afang Palace, Ying Hanri was already too sick to get out of bed. How could he still have the strength to lead the conquest in person?

Looking at the small team approaching with the king's flag, the strange feeling in Ying Baoyue's heart became more and more intense.

The other Great Qin cavalry around them also held their breath. The cavalry squad was followed by a pure black carriage with black wheels, which looked extremely extraordinary. The carriage was escorted by more than a dozen royal guards, with flags fluttering and looking majestic. Many people recognized that it was Ying Hanri's carriage and personal bodyguard.

All signs indicate that it is King Qin's team.

The Forbidden Army was directly serving the emperor. If Ying Hanri really went on a personal expedition, then they would have to obey the King of Qin first, and then the generals and military symbols.

Looking at the uncommanded team, Chun Yuye did not become hysterical or panicked. Instead, he looked into the distance with a playful expression.

Ying Baoyue glanced at Chun Yuye, feeling suspicious.

Chun Yuye was so calm. Could it be that... the person who came was not Ying Hanri?

Originally, it was very strange that Chunyu Ye could steal the military symbol and order the imperial army. What happened in Afang Palace?

As the team approached, earth-shattering cheers erupted from the Forbidden Army, and Ying Baoyue finally saw clearly the appearance of the cavalry at the front carrying the royal flag.

She knew the face under the armor.

Ying Baoyue's heart instantly hit rock bottom.

The person holding the flag is Huo Zhan.

Could it be that……

"Your Majesty has arrived, why don't you dismount your horses and kneel down quickly!"

Huo Zhan's powerful roar filled with true energy spread throughout a hundred miles. Many Great Qin cavalry shook their horses and dismounted and prepared to kneel down, but Chun Yuye suddenly poured his true energy into his voice and snorted coldly.

"You want to impersonate the King of Qin with a broken flag?"

"I am the general who was sent to lead the troops by His Majesty with the Tiger Talisman. I have never seen this group of fake villains before!"

"When we left Guiyang, His Majesty was still in Afang Palace, so it was impossible for him to lead the expedition in person!"

Chun Yuye's voice was like a sharp sword piercing into the noisy team, "These people dare to pretend to be His Majesty, which is tantamount to conspiracy!"

"Come here, capture these rebellious officials and traitors!"

The originally immobilized cavalry team became chaotic again, and many people were shaken by Chun Yuye's words.

"Yes, His Majesty had not left the city when we left. How could we reach the border now?"

"Your Majesty is in poor health, how could he rush so fast?"

Chun Yuye's words were indeed very provocative. Ying Hanri was not a practitioner, so he could not withstand the forced march and could not reach the border so quickly.

But Ying Baoyue knew another possibility. The person in the carriage is King Qin, but not Ying Hanri.

"How dare someone pretend to be His Majesty? And drive in His Majesty's car?"

"Damn it, a bunch of rebels! I want to clear you up!"

"Rebel, go to hell!"

The Great Qin cavalry suddenly became excited. Many cultivators among the cavalry rode directly towards the leading team. They hit a thick barrier halfway and fell from their horses.

On the noisy battlefield, a calm male voice sounded.

"Let's see who dares."

The voice was long and distant, without a trace of murderous intent, but its momentum was stronger than that of thousands of troops.

The originally restless Daqin cavalry heard this voice and pulled the reins of their horses one after another.

What is terrifying is not this sound, but the power of heaven and earth contained in this sound.

"Heaven level?"

Not far away, among the hundred-man team flying the king's flag, there was actually a heaven-level grandmaster.

Many cavalrymen were stunned. They never expected that the heavenly masters who were usually not seen in the capital would run out today as if they didn't need money.

"Is it the Imperial Master?"

Although there was no divine son in the former Qin Dynasty, when Ying Hanri came to the throne, he reluctantly found a third-level heaven-level practitioner to serve as the national advisor.

"No, I have met the National Preceptor, and the National Preceptor's voice is not that young."

"Look, who is that man in white?"

"How come I've never seen it before?"

Among the people present, only a few people recognized who the owner of that voice was.

Ji Jiashu glanced at Ying Baoyue, who was standing next to her, and found that she was staring blankly in the direction of the sound. She was like a statue, as if she could no longer see anyone else.

A sour feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart and gradually spread to his limbs.

Ji Jiashu wanted to close his eyes, but in the end he didn't.

He followed the direction of Ying Baoyue's gaze and looked into the distance.

This time, he was also stunned.

Under the black flag hunted by the Qin army, a practitioner in fluttering white clothes appeared.

This was the first time Ji Jiashu saw Li Ji wearing white clothes.

The man's white clothes and white hairband were spotless. He stood out in the all-black Qin army. Surrounded by the clothes and belts fluttering in the wind, he looked like an immortal.

Only those dark eyes remained as deep as ever, and even through the cold mask, one could know the direction of his gaze.

It seemed that he could only see one person.

Ji Jiashu slowly turned his head and looked at Ying Baoyue beside him.

Across thousands of troops, they stared at each other.

"The next time we meet, I will put on white clothes."

Li Ji's voice rang in Ying Baoyue's ears.

He kept his promise.

What about her?

"Next time, I will go see you."

"I'll run to see you."

Ying Baoyue grabbed the sword and started running.

She didn't use her true energy and stumbled all the way as she ran forward.

He will always be her boy in white. (Li Ji’s agreement with Baoyue can be found in Volume 4, Chapter 431, “Appointment”)

Sorry for taking so long. My eyesight has not fully recovered yet and my vision is foggy. Anyway, I will try my best.

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