Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2451 Attack

Chapter 2451 Attack

"I killed my biological mother."

This sentence was so heavy that Ying Baoyue didn't know how to comfort her.


Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand and gently stroked Li Ji's hair, "You think too much. I shouldn't ask, how could you remember what happened at that time?"

Li Ji's mother passed away when he was born. How could a newborn baby have memories?

Li Ji was silent for a moment, "Did you guess who I was when you saw me nine years ago?"

"How else would you know that my mother died shortly after I was born?"

Ying Baoyue's hand froze, "Aji..."

"Tell me, Baoyue," Li Ji sighed, "I am no longer the child nine years ago. Over the years, I have investigated a lot of things about the Soochow royal family, and I have guessed my own life experience to some extent."

Ying Baoyue clenched her hands into fists, "Then have you guessed the relationship between you and Zhao Guang?"

"I know," Li Ji showed a complicated smile, "I'm afraid Zhao Guang is the only one who doesn't know."

Zhao Guang has even kept his own life experience secret for many years, let alone knowing that he has an older brother who does not exist in the family tree.

"He has called me second brother for so many years, but he doesn't know that I am really his elder brother," Li Ji said quietly, "even though my eldest brother doesn't want to admit that I am."

Among the three brothers, only one knew everything from the beginning.

When the queen of the late King of Soochow died, the prince was also present, which means that Zhao Muren saw the scene of his birth with his own eyes.

At that time, Zhao Muren was already over ten years old and should have understood everything.

He watched his mother die in childbirth, watched the birth of his "brother" who had the same father and mother, and watched his "brother" be declared a "stillbirth" by his father and disappear from the palace. Then Zhao Muren stood next to the King of Soochow, watching the Baili family destroyed with his own eyes, and watching his uncle being sent to the border.

More than ten years later, he watched that "younger brother" disappear and reappear with his own eyes, and was adopted by the Soochow Imperial Master as his adopted son.

But from beginning to end, Zhao Muren never recognized him or mentioned anything related to his life experience to him.

In that huge palace, even Zhao Guang, an unpopular prince, could find him and bring him precious food to the abused man. However, Zhao Mu, as the prince, never came to see him once.

They are obviously brothers from the same father and mother.

That's a terrible person.

Sure enough, as his father said when he was born, he was not a child of the Zhao family, but a child "sent" to this family. So did Zhao Mu just pretend that he had never existed?

Ying Baoyue listened silently to Li Ji's story about what happened to him before he met her. She had heard part of it from Xiao Li Ji nine years ago, and now it has basically been completed.

She was not surprised that Li Ji was able to find out her life experience. After all, a child who can be hidden in a palace since childhood, even if he lives in a cold palace, must have an unusual identity.

If you search according to age, you will definitely find out that Queen Baili died in childbirth. If you search further, you will find out about the stillbirth of the Soochow royal family.

Everything from now on is not difficult to deduce, it just depends on whether the person involved is willing to admit it.

"Zhao Muren..." The face of the single king appeared in front of Ying Baoyue's eyes. Only then did she realize that even when he was young, he was probably not as wild as he seemed.

The person who saw Li Ji's birth back then and is still alive might be the only one left in the world, Zhao Mu.

It's a pity that her memory recovered too late, otherwise she might have been able to find out something when she was in the Dongwu Palace.

When thinking of Zhao Mu's Ying Baoyue, he couldn't help but think of Li Meiniang, who had always had informants from all over the world along the Great Wall of Night. According to the speed of information transmission, it shouldn't be long before Zhao Mu's received the information that General Meihua had reappeared in the world.

Not sure how the man would react.

"Okay, what happened in the past is in the past, don't mention it again."

Ying Baoyue regretted mentioning his mother in front of Li Ji. She slowly stroked the hair on his head and said, "You are very tired these days. Go to sleep."

"Wait a minute, you haven't told me why you suddenly thought of my mother." Li Ji didn't want to let her get away with it. "What happened?"

He is not a dead person, everyone else can detect it, and of course he can also detect that Ying Baoyue is not in a good mood. But Ying Baoyue didn't speak, and he couldn't bear to ask her.

He had an inexplicable feeling that Ying Baoyue's abnormal mood seemed to be related to him. This idea was extremely narcissistic, but it lingered in Li Ji's heart, making him afraid to ask.

Ying Baoyue mentioned his mother for no reason, which frightened him even more.

"Nothing happened," Ying Baoyue sighed, "I just remembered that hair tie. You said it was left to you by your mother."

Without that hair tie, she and Li Ji would not recognize each other.

In a sense, it was Li Ji's mother who helped them reunite.

For Li Ji, who was alone, he always regarded that hair tie as his most important thing. Although he said he no longer wanted to be his biological mother's son, he must have been missing his mother very much.

Li Ji fell silent upon hearing this, "My mother and my father are different."

"My father didn't want to admit that I was his son, but my mother regarded me as a treasure."

He could never forget the gentle voice of that woman he heard at the beginning of his life.

Even though he killed her, she didn't hate him, she still loved him.

Even though he was coveted and slandered as a monster when he was young, and was almost eaten by others, he still maintained the original kindness and warmth deep in his heart and did not lose himself. This was all due to his mother.

It was the hair tie his mother left for him that let him know that he was not a child of unknown origin, but a man with a mother.

"I understand," Ying Baoyue felt a little hurt but also a little relieved.

She suddenly understood why her master had given birth to Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange despite being insulted by everyone in the world. At the same time, she also understood why Ying Xun's biological mother caressed the child who killed her before she died. Such a happy smile.

"You know in your heart that you cannot have a child with him. If she gets pregnant, his mother's fate will be your fate."

Song Zhai's voice rang in Ying Baoyue's ears.

Would she have backed down from something like this in her previous life?

Obviously not.

Ying Baoyue slowly exhaled. This was not the reason why she chose to leave Xiao Li Ji.

what is that?

"Don't be used by the gods!"

Did the gods take advantage of her?

With her state, what can she do for the gods? What did the gods need her to do?

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes, seeming to catch something.

But she was too tired, her consciousness gradually blurred, and she gradually fell asleep.

Li Ji's breath also became peaceful, and the two fell asleep facing each other.

I don't know how long I slept, but a faint tremor rising from the ground suddenly rose from Ying Baoyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes suddenly, and Li Ji, who was sleeping opposite, also opened his eyes at the same moment.

The two of them read the horror in each other's eyes at the same time.

This breath is...

"Human God?"

Is there anyone breaking through the realm and level one?

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