Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2452 Weird things

Chapter 2452 Weird things

Is this feeling really...?

Li Ji had never witnessed the human-god breaking through the realm with his own eyes. He just relied on the instinct of a heaven-level practitioner to detect that the movement of this realm was far stronger than that of the heaven-level, and even surpassed the second-level god's son.

What is the realm above level two?

Li Ji's whole body was shaken, and his instinct as a cultivator made his body and soul begin to tremble uncontrollably.

It is an irresistible urge to surrender and kneel down.

After realizing something strange about himself, Li Ji felt even more frightened.

What does it feel like? Is this a human god?

Is this the vision of the birth of a being who is as human as a god?

Ying Baoyue sat up and remained silent.

Li Ji suddenly remembered that Shao Siming had seen a first-level practitioner breaking through the realm at close range, and grabbed her arm, "This is really..."

Ying Baoyue looked a little pale, "Yes, but no."

Yes or no?

What do you mean?

"This is indeed a movement that only occurs when a practitioner of level two or above is born, but Aji, don't you think it's strange?"

"A first-level practitioner is about to be born," Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "But where is the second-level practitioner?"

Li Ji was stunned for a moment, suddenly feeling horrified.

He understood.

According to common sense, level one practitioners are formed by level two practitioners who break through the realm. Since a first-level practitioner is about to be born, there must be a second-level practitioner there before that, right?

But the strange thing is...

He did not feel the aura of the new second-level cultivator.

If the opponent has been hiding his aura before, the practitioner cannot hide it before breaking through. At least for a moment, other heaven-level people could feel the presence of this second-level practitioner.

But no.

Nothing at all.

Li Ji did not notice the presence of second-level practitioners other than the Eight Gods on this continent.

This order is wrong!

Unless Ji Mo Dongfang Yi and one of them want to break through to the first level, he, Ying Baoyue and other heaven-level people should first notice that a new son of god is born, and only then can a new human god be born. .

The birth of the Son of God cannot be hidden from anyone.

According to the practice in the spiritual world, when a new son of God is born, a ranking ceremony will be held on the Shanhai Continent. The new son of God will take turns challenging the existing eight gods to determine his position among the eight gods.

The Rank Ceremony has been held six times so far, and the last time was when Lin Baoyue broke through.

How is it possible that a new human god has appeared when a new son of God has not appeared?

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue looked at each other with serious eyes.

Just breaking through the realm at a certain level is scary enough, but it's not just an ordinary realm breaking, the situation is so weird.

This is level one, and the card was born at this point in time...

Both of them had nothing to say, so they quickly packed their clothes and rushed out of the room.

Just after the door to their room opened, the doors to other surrounding rooms also slammed open.

Wan Liuyun arranged for everyone to rest in a similar room. Ying Baoyue and Li Ji were at the highest level and noticed the fastest. After they ran out of the room, other high-level practitioners also noticed it one by one. Distant movement.

Ying Baoyue looked at her traveling companions. Most of them were already high-level practitioners, but their faces were panicked, which showed that they were all suppressed by the aura in the distance.

"Hug the moon."

Li Meiniang's expression turned ugly, "What's going on with this movement? Is it breaking the boundary? But where are the people who broke the boundary?"

She was the most advanced among the remaining group of people and had the most combat experience. She could tell something was wrong at a glance. There is a huge thing in the distance that is about to break through, but before breaking through, this person seems not to exist.

"I don't know either," Ying Baoyue looked around at her companions who had run out, and was stunned when she found that Ji Jiashu was not there, "Where is Chunhua?"


Only then did the horrified people realize that Ji Jiashu was not there. They looked around in panic, and Ji Jiashu's voice suddenly came from the end of the corridor.

"I'm here!"

When Ying Baoyue heard the news, Ji Jiashu quickly ran to her along the corridor, panting, with dark circles under his eyes, "No, it's not..."

Ying Baoyue put her hand on his shoulder, injecting real energy into him to calm his inner breath, "Isn't it what?"

"It's not Chun Yuye," Ji Jiashu gasped and straightened up, "I just came back from the dungeon where Chun Yuye was imprisoned, it's not Chun Yuye."

After he finished talking to Ying Baoyue and Li Ji, he did not go back to his room to rest. Instead, he went to the dungeon in the city to see Chun Yuye.

When he noticed the distant aura, he happened to be talking to Chun Yuye.

Chun Yuye originally ignored him and dozed off with his eyelids closed. But when the breath rose in the distance, Chun Yuye, who was originally drowsy, suddenly stood up, and the shackles on his wrists and ankles were pulled away. Clanging sound.

He stood deep in the cell, looking south in shock, and murmured, "Has it started yet?"

"It's started? What's started?"

The sound of Lin Wan Gong came from mid-air. Ying Baoyue and others raised their heads and saw Lin Wan Gong falling from the sky and actually jumped from the roof.

Ying Baoyue didn't have time to ask him why he was in that place, so she grabbed his arm and asked, "Can you detect the specific location?"

Lin Wan Gong went up to the roof just to detect the location of the aura. Hearing this, he frowned and said, "It's very tricky. The location is constantly changing."

"I guess that guy is hiding underground, using underground formations to hide his location."

If he were on the ground, no matter what formation he used, he would not be able to escape the tracking of other high-level practitioners.

"Everyone who breaks through the heavenly realm must be hidden underground," Li Meiniang sneered, "It seems that he is not a grandmaster, but a rat."

"Mei Niang, don't talk like that!"

Wan Liuyun was shocked. If the owner of that aura really became a human god, Li Meiniang would have no good consequences if she offended him.

"Is there anything I dare not say," Li Meiniang said calmly, "Even now I don't know where the person who broke through the realm is. Is there a ghost from the underworld who wants to break through the realm?"

This was really a hell of a joke, and everyone was silent.

Ying Baoyue was suddenly frozen, "You said... ghost?"

"Hug the moon?" Li Meiniang opened her eyes wide, "You have thought of something, haven't you?"

She was talking casually, but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Ying Baoyue's reaction... what did she realize?

"Mei Niang," Ying Baoyue looked straight at her, "Maybe the one who broke through this time is really not a human being."

"What did you say?"

Everyone was shocked. If it wasn't someone breaking through the realm, what was that?

Could it be that the dead can break through the realm?

Wait, speaking of it, Ying Baoyue seems to be really a dead person, at least she was once a dead person.

Everyone was frightened and waiting for an explanation. Ying Baoyue looked at a person coming from a distance, "Huo Zhan, you came just in time. Where is Ying Xun?"

"His Majesty?"

Huo Zhan was sent by Ying Xun to see what was going on, but before he could stand still, the group of people surrounding Ying Baoyue suddenly turned their heads and looked at him, which made him feel scared.

"Your Majesty, he is resting at Shanhaiju. Is there anything you can do?"

"Call him over," Ying Baoyue's expression was extremely serious, "I have something to ask him."

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