Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2453 Evil Fetus

Chapter 2453 Evil Fetus

"What do you want from me?"

Ying Xun sat on one side of the table, frowning and looking at Ying Baoyue sitting on the other side.

He had already put on his armor and was preparing to return to Afang Palace in an hour with the 30,000 forbidden troops stolen by Chun Yuye.

"It is said that a first-level practitioner is about to break through? Is it about that?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "I want to ask you, where is Ying Hanri? Is he dead?"

Ying Xun did not expect that Ying Baoyue would ask so straightforwardly. He was stunned and glanced at Li Ji who was standing at Ying Baoyue, "Didn't Zhaohua tell you?"

"I want to hear what you say," Ying Baoyue looked straight into Ying Xun's eyes, "Did Ying Hanri fall into your hands?"

Li Ji did tell her that Ying Hanri disappeared in the Ganlu Hall, but from the perspective of the struggle in the court, what Li Ji knew was not the truth.

For Ying Xun's group, the best outcome for Ying Han is to disappear.

If he was alive, Ying Xun would still have to worry about whether to kill him.

If you don't kill, you will always be a threat to the throne. If you kill, it will damage the reputation of the new king.

The best result would be for him to disappear.

Therefore, Ying Baoyue had reason to suspect that Ying Hanri's disappearance was deliberately caused by people from Ying Xun's group.

Ying Xun, who has been immersed in power since childhood, can naturally understand what Ying Baoyue means. His fists placed on the table slowly clenched, "You want to ask, did I send someone to hide Ying Hanri? "

"I don't want to threaten your throne," Ying Baoyue said calmly, "Ying Hanri is not worthy of being king, I just want you to tell me the truth."

"Xun'er, is Ying Hanri in your hands?"

"Not here," Ying Xun's eyes became serious and he looked firmly into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "At least as far as I know, our people couldn't catch him."

To be honest, when the veterans of the former Qin Dynasty and him were planning the initial move to seize the throne, the most critical step was to capture Ying Hanri.

They really wanted Ying Hanri to "disappear" at the beginning.

They had colluded with Ying Hanri's personal eunuch, and were preparing to quietly transport Ying Hanri out of Afang Palace with a silver box through a secret passage when Ying Hanri was unconscious after inhaling the incense.

But everyone thought that just before the fire broke out in Afang Palace, Ying Hanri had disappeared.

The personal eunuch lifted off Ying Hanri's quilt, and lying inside was a gagged palace servant.

At this point, his people had no choice but to make mistakes and announce that Ying Hanri was missing.

"Is there a substitute?"

After listening to Ying Xun's story, Ying Baoyue suddenly felt a chill.

Before the fire broke out in Epang Palace, Ying Hanri was actually taken away.

"What about the fire in Afang Palace?" Ying Baoyue glanced at Ying Xun, "Did your people set it off?"

"It was supposed to be," Ying Xun said without changing his expression, "but then the fire started too fast, and I found that it wasn't just our people who set the fire."

"Wait, you were planning to set the fire?"

Li Ji was startled, and took a step forward to look at Ying Xun in astonishment, "Do you know how many palace people were killed in that fire?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhaohua, I kept hiding this from you before," Ying Xun raised his head and glanced at Li Ji, his face a little pale, "To achieve great things, there must be some sacrifices."

Ying Baoyue had seen the ugliness in the palace since she was a child, so she was not surprised that the elders of the former Qin Dynasty would resort to such tricks.

"So Ying Hanri is really not in your hands?" she asked bluntly.

Ying Xun raised his head and looked directly into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "Do you want me to swear in the name of my father?"

The two looked at each other across the table.

Li Ji looked at this scene and his back felt a little chilly.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something, the Ying family's bloodline was indeed somewhat different.

"No need." After looking at each other for a moment, Ying Baoyue lowered her head and said calmly, "I believe you." "Since it wasn't you who did it, then Ying Hanri was taken away by someone else."

Li Ji frowned, "It should be Yun Zhongjun's person, right?"

"But why did you take Ying Hanri away?"

Ying Hanri has been poisoned by chronic poison, and he probably won't live long. The Queen of Qin was about to give birth. For Yun Zhongjun and others, Ying Hanri was basically of no use other than writing the edict of passing the throne.

But once Ying Hanri leaves Ganlu Hall, even this only point of use will be useless.

After all, once Ying Hanri disappears, Ying Xun will definitely take the opportunity to ascend the throne. Without the throne, Ying Hanri will be no different from a useless person.

So why bother taking him away?

It is not an easy task to remove a living person from Afang Palace.

"There is only one explanation," Ying Baoyue tapped her knuckles on the table, "What Yun Zhongjun needs is the living blood of the Ying family."

Ying Hanri's brain was useless, and the only thing left on him was his body.


Li Ji didn't know much about sorcery, so he was shocked when he heard this.

"What does he want to do?"

Ying Baoyue was silent and did not speak. Li Ji noticed something from her expression, "Could it be that the first-level practitioner who is about to break through is..."

"You're right."

Ying Baoyue stood up and looked out the window solemnly, "I can only think of one possibility for a first-level practitioner to appear out of thin air."

In addition to the resurrection of ghosts, there is a completely new existence in this world.

"That first-level practitioner is not a ghost," Ying Baoyue glanced at Li Ji, "He is a newborn baby."

"It should be the child in Queen Qin's belly."

"What did you say?"

Ying Xun stood up suddenly, and the stool behind him fell to the ground. "Baby? Level 1? How is this possible?"

Even if he is as powerful as Lin Baoyue, he is only born at level six.

A newborn baby can break through level one...

A born god...

This this……

Ying Xun couldn't help but cry out, "What kind of monster is this?"

Ying Baoyue didn't want to call her a monster to an unborn child, because she had been regarded as a monster since she was a child.

But she had to admit that this child was really abnormal.

She had long known that the child in Queen Qin's belly was abnormal, but Ying Baoyue never imagined that Yun Zhongjun could actually create a natural human god.

"Because it's not a normal child, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to give birth to."

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "It probably requires a special ceremony."

Ying Xun shuddered, "What do you mean?"

In this world, apart from Emperor Taizu, perhaps only Shao Siming of that time knew the most about formations and evil magic. Ying Baoyue's words made him shudder.

Ying Baoyue also felt cold all over and said softly, "For example, using my father's body as a sacrifice."

A strong wind blew outside the house, making the wooden windows creak.

"and many more……"

Li Ji suddenly said blankly, "But the father of that child is not Ying Hanri?"

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