Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2462 Throne

Chapter 2462 Throne

A fire suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, and rows of torches were blazing.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were stung by the sudden bright light. She resisted the light and raised her head, only to realize that they had reached the end of the sword path. In front of them was a large hall, with a tall nine steps standing deep in the hall.

Above the steps is a pure black throne with a soaring snake totem carved on its back.

Beside the throne, there was a person standing vaguely.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, and her blurred vision gradually became clear.

Only then did she realize that there was not one person beside the throne, but two people.

A woman with a big belly slumped under the throne, holding her belly and shaking all over, with blood flowing from her body.

There is a circular magic circle on the ground under the steps. A young man in royal robes lies unconscious in the center of the magic circle. It is Ying Hanri!

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the only conscious living person present.

A man wearing a Zen temple ritual robe stood beside the throne with his hands behind his back. His back was to the palace door, and his hair was all gray in a bun.

He was dressed in ordinary clothes, and his figure was not even tall. Looking at his back, he looked like an ordinary old farmer.

But Ying Baoyue knew that this was no ordinary person.

"You are……"

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the back, and the hand holding the Red Lotus Sword couldn't help but tremble.

"First meeting, no, maybe not the first time."

The gray-haired man turned around with a Shura mask on his face.

This mask is exactly the same as when Ying Baoyue first met Chunyu Ye in the cloud forest!

These eyes...

Looking at the eyes exposed in the mask, Ying Baoyue thought he was Chun Yuye in a daze.

The two men had the same cold, wolf-like eyes.

But Chun Yuye's eyes were blue, while this man's eyes were brown, which is common among people in the Central Plains.

"What?" The white-haired old man noticed her trance and narrowed his brown eyes slightly, "Your Highness, did you mistake me for someone?"

"No," Ying Baoyue composed herself, raised her head and whispered softly, "You are not him."

This person is not Chun Yuye.

Even in terms of temperament, body shape, and eyesight, they are very similar to Chun Yuye.

But he is not Chun Yuye.

She already guessed who this person was.

"This is indeed not the first time we have met," Ying Baoyue stared at the brown pupils in the mask, "Although I may not remember it, you should have been spying on me from behind."

"The Imperial Master of Xirong, Lord Yun Zhong."


The white-haired old man laughed and said, "Your Highness, you are joking. I am very busy and don't have time to just stare at you."

"Your level in this life is not worthy of my attention."

"However," Yun Zhongjun narrowed his vulture-like eyes, "how should I call you now? Ying Baoyue or Lin Baoyue?"

"It's up to you," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "How did I change from Lin Baoyue to Ying Baoyue, doesn't Mr. Yun Zhong know?"

Yun Zhongjun laughed, his laughter hoarse and unpleasant, "It seems that Your Highness the Princess blamed all the troubles on me? Do you think I was the one who murdered Young Siming back then?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes were cold, "At least you can't have nothing to do with it. Half of my soul is trapped underground in the Zen courtyard. Isn't it you who did this?"

Yun Zhongjun smiled and said nothing, "So Her Highness the Princess is here to seek revenge on me?"

"I'm not here to find you," Ying Baoyue's eyes stayed on the woman under the throne, and her pupils shrank slightly. This woman was wearing a queen's dress, and her belly was terribly big. Something was twitching in her belly, and she looked like she was about to give birth.

"Baoyue, that is the former Queen of Qin!"

Li Ji once visited the queen's palace at night. Although he did not see Yun Zhongjun's appearance clearly, he remembered Ye Lujing's appearance.

"That child is going to..."

At this time, he also noticed the fetal movements of the child in the queen's belly. Judging from the size of the fetus, it was not a miscarriage. The ghost fetus was already ripe and had passed away. The Queen of Qin Dynasty had already shown signs of giving birth.

However, there is no delivery bed or midwife in this place, only unconscious pregnant women.

The former Queen of Qin seemed to be in a daze. She didn't know what Yun Zhongjun had done to her, making her not even aware of the pain.

While Yun Zhongjun was speaking to them, the blood under Yelujing's body was flowing more and more, turning into a small pool of blood.

"She's about to give birth," Ying Baoyue looked at the bloody scene. Even though she knew the child shouldn't have been born, she was still terrified.

This state of heavy bleeding reminded her of the scene when Ying Xun's mother gave birth.

"Yun Zhongjun, where is the midwife? Where is her maid?" Ying Baoyue asked sharply.

Yun Zhongjun looked at the bleeding woman under the throne, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, "Those people don't need it."

So who is needed?

Ying Baoyue suddenly felt horrified when she thought of what this person had just said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I didn't expect Her Highness the Princess to be so compassionate," Yun Zhongjun looked at Ying Baoyue with a smile, "If Her Highness the Princess can't bear it, how about delivering the child herself? No matter how powerful the midwife is, she can't compare to Her Highness the Princess's unparalleled medical skills, right? "


Yun Zhongjun looked straight at Ying Baoyue and said meaningfully, "Your Majesty, the princess is in disbelief that her nephew cannot give birth to a baby, so he is stillborn, one corpse and two lives?"

Ying Baoyue squeezed Li Ji's hand and trembled.

Li Ji felt her trembling, and the alarm bell rang in his heart, "Shut up! This is not the child of the former King of Qin at all! It is the sin you conceived after having an affair with the queen, and it should not have been born at all!"

"Sin? You say he is a sinner?"

Yun Zhongjun's eyes cooled down and he looked at the man next to Ying Baoyue, "I didn't expect that a child who grew up being called a bastard would one day call other children a bastard. Zhaohua, you have really grown up."

"Don't you know better than anyone what it feels like to be treated as a child who should never have been born?"

Li Ji's eyes widened, and memories of his childhood came to mind. He couldn't help but take a step back, sweating like rain.


Ying Baoyue suddenly woke up and realized that every word Yun Zhongjun seemed to be calm and gentle, in fact, every word was aimed at the trauma deep in the two of them, pressing harder and harder.

This man is very good at manipulating people's hearts!

"Ah Ji," Ying Baoyue reached out and wiped the sweat off Li Ji's forehead, "Don't think too much, you are different from him."

Ying Baoyue's hands were cold, but they made Li Ji tremble all over and his mind became clear.

He raised his head, his eyes returning to normal.

Yun Zhongjun looked at this scene with a dark light flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense," Ying Baoyue looked past the former Queen of Qin who was bleeding profusely, "What exactly do you want to do? You have worked hard, I'm afraid you won't fail here, right?"

She and Li Ji were both bypassed by Yun Zhongjun just now.

This child was born under Yun Zhongjun's various designs. How could Yun Zhongjun watch it die in the womb?

This person has already prepared everything, just waiting for all the conditions for the birth of the ghost fetus to come together.

So, what are the conditions?

At this time, Queen Qin Qin suddenly woke up under the throne and let out a shrill cry of pain, "Ah! My child!"

As the woman screamed in pain, more and more blood flowed from her body, flowing down the steps like a stream, until it merged into the magic circle under Ying Hanri.

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