Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2463 Birth

Chapter 2463 Birth

The moment the first drop of blood entered the magic circle, the strange patterns carved on the ground lit up little by little.

The alarm in Ying Baoyue's mind screamed piercingly, and she instantly drew her arrow and struck towards the blood flowing on the ground.

The lowest step was cut off with a click, revealing a deep ravine, but the blood flowing down the steps rose into the air, as if it were alive, crossing the vertical and horizontal sword energy drop by drop, towards Ying Hanri The magic circle under him flew away.

This scene was like a magnet attracting iron filings, making Ying Baoyue's scalp numb.

"Aji! Stop those blood beads quickly!"

Li Ji heard the sound and drew his sword, and dozens of needles popped out from his back. He tried to control these blood beads with water magic, but Li Ji was shocked to find that these blood beads did not listen to the water magician's orders!

Yun Zhongjun, who was standing on the steps, looked at the two men drawing swords at the bottom of the steps with his hands behind his hands, smiling and saying nothing.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the calm monster beside the dragon chair, feeling chilled in her heart.

This is definitely not the blood of ordinary people, not Yelujing's blood.

Whose is that?

On the steps, Yelujing's lower body was still bleeding.

Her face became paler and paler, and even her screams gradually became quieter. She could only hold her stomach and look at the blood flowing beneath her body, her eyes gradually becoming desperate.

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists tightly and closed her eyes, unable to bear to look at it anymore.

She knew that Ye Lujing already knew that she would not survive.

Yelujing has become an empty shell at this time and is gradually being hollowed out.

If, as Li Ji said, this child is the child of Yun Zhongjun and Yelujing, then what kind of mood does Yelujing feel at this time?

The child's father chose her just to give birth to this child.

She was used as a production tool, and it was a tool that could be thrown away after use.

Yelujing was the first sacrifice chosen by Yun Zhongjun in order to give birth to this child.

How did this person do it, be so cruel?

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes, clenched the sword in her hand, crossed the ravine on the ground, and walked up the steps step by step.

"Hug the moon?"

Li Ji's pupils shrank, and his scalp exploded as he watched Ying Baoyue walking towards Chao Yunzhongjun and Yelujing.

"Aji, please take good care of Ying Hanri."

After Ying Baoyue said this, she walked up the steps without looking back.

Li Ji found that there were more than a dozen needles exposed in the clothes on her back. He was shocked and wanted to catch up. However, the magic circle under Ying Hanri was getting brighter and brighter. He could not let it go and was in a dilemma. .

Yun Zhongjun stood by the throne, watching Ying Baoyue walking towards him and Yelujing, without making any defensive gestures, and she was terrifyingly calm.

He said with a smile, "What? Your Highness the Princess wants to come and help the Queen deliver the baby?"

"I'll kill her."

Ying Baoyue walked to a place only one step away from Yelujing, clenched the red lotus sword in her hand, and the sword ignited with blazing fire.

The moment the sword fire was ignited, dozens of golden needles came out of her back, and they all fell on the steps with a crackle. At the same time, there were blood drops, and the blood rushed out of the needle eyes, Ying hugged her. Yue's back was instantly stained red with blood.

"Hug the moon!"

Li Ji was frightened when he saw this scene. He did not expect that Ying Baoyue would choose to force out the golden needle in such a short period of time, which would cause great harm to the practitioner's body.

"Oh? Does the golden needle seal the acupoint?"

Yun Zhongjun looked at this scene and his eyes changed slightly, "I remember you Central Plains people always say that children are innocent, but now Shao Siming wants to attack unborn children?"

"And this woman," he glanced at Yelujing, who was lying limply on the ground, "she has no crime. She is just a mother who wants to save the life of her child."

"But Young Siming, who had no parents in his previous life, probably cannot understand the love of his parents."

Yun Zhongjun said with a smile but not a smile, "A woman who is able to handle a child is worthy of being the disciple of the Grand Master of the Qin Dynasty. She puts the country first." "Such a sin, I'm afraid you will be punished by God in the future."

Li Ji stood at the foot of the steps and felt his scalp numb. He knew Ying Baoyue. Her personality was extremely gentle, and it would be more uncomfortable for her to do such a thing than to kill her.

However, in a duel between masters, the most taboo thing is to be distracted. A swordsman cannot hesitate when using his sword.

But Ying Baoyue had never faced such an opponent before, and Li Ji didn't know if she could do it.

This Yun Zhongjun is really despicable in taking advantage of the weakness of people's hearts.

"This is indeed a sin," Ying Baoyue raised her sword towards Yelujing on the ground, "but it was not a sin caused by me."

"If it is, I'm willing to take it."

"This child may not want to come into this world."

In the dark underground palace, the sword light suddenly shined!

Yun Zhongjun's pupils shrank and his expression changed.

"Hug the moon!"

Huge amounts of true energy collided and exploded on the steps. Li Ji was so excited by the sword wind that he couldn't help but retreat. His blood surged all over his body. He couldn't open his eyes in the strong wind. He stepped on the corner of Ying Hanri's clothes on the formation with one foot. Grit your teeth.


Crackling, the golden needle on Li Ji's back was forced out by the strong wind. Blood spattered, and a few drops fell on the formation. The formation actually lit up again.

But Li Ji's attention was on the steps at this time, and he did not notice the changes in the formation under his feet. After he forced out the golden needle, he immediately used his true energy to clear away the violent wind in front of him, and the scene on the steps gradually appeared in front of him.

The throne that was originally carved with the Teng Snake God had turned into powder, and a deep sword mark appeared on the steps, which was exactly where Yelu Jing was originally lying.

But Yelujing's figure has disappeared from under the throne.

What about those three people?

Li Ji's heartbeat accelerated and his whole body became cold.

The dust fell slowly.

The figures of three people appeared on the steps.

Ying Baoyue knelt on one knee, and the red lotus sword was stuck on the ground, leaving a deep mark, as if he was forced to retreat after being hit hard.

Yun Zhongjun stood in front of Yelujing, supporting Yelujing with one hand and raising his other hand in the air.

Yelujing had fallen into a coma, and Yun Zhongjun had no weapons in his hands.

Li Ji watched this scene in shock, so just now Yun Zhongjun dragged a pregnant woman with his bare hands and blocked Ying Baoyue's full blow?

This person's strength is too amazing.

What's even more frightening is that Li Ji can't even tell what sect this person belongs to. He is different from the Xirong practitioners or the Central Plains practitioners he has seen.

Ying Baoyue felt severe pain all over her body, and the red lotus sword buzzed in her palm. Her vision was a little blurry, and she looked up at the man opposite who blocked her attack with his bare hands.


"Could it be..."

Yun Zhongjun's eyes flickered, and he looked back at Yelujing, who was unconscious. He took out a golden needle with his fingertips and inserted it into the acupuncture point on her neck.


Yelujing opened her eyes suddenly and let out a shrill cry. At the same time, her lower body squirmed.


Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank violently.

She seemed to see a dark thing crawling out of Yelujing's body.

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