Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2465 Death

Chapter 2465 Death

The underground palace reappears in the sky.

The original Manna Hall on the outer floor collapsed completely, and the underground palace occupied the location of the original main hall.

Thousands of people standing outside the main hall looked at Ying Baoyue and others on the bloody high platform, and were shocked and speechless. Ying Baoyue looked at the civil and military officials and thousands of troops under the high platform, and was also stunned and speechless. Come.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

The square under the high platform was full of people at this time, and it was crowded like hundreds of officials attending court.

No, it was more uniform than the hundreds of officials who came to court.

In addition to the officials with surnames from Ying Hanri's dynasty, there were also the Jinwu guards in the palace, the guards responsible for protecting King Qin, and the imperial guards from the three camps in the suburbs that Ji Jiashu and Ying Xun had taken away before. Some of them had never seen their faces but were surrounding Ying Xun. The people who went up were the old people from the former Qin Dynasty, and they all crowded into the square in front of the main hall.

These people seemed to be arguing about something. The two armies stood behind the officials, and they looked like they were about to start a fight.

But at this time, the sudden appearance of the underground palace interrupted the dispute between these people.

Everyone in the square turned into stiff statues.

"Jiashu, why are you here?"

Ying Baoyue stood up from the pool of blood. She suddenly saw the scene of hundreds of officials gathered together and couldn't hide her shock. But what shocked her the most was that Ji Jiashu and Ying Xun actually appeared here.

Yun Zhongjun can make arrangements for everyone else in advance, but Ji Jiashu and Ying Xun...

Didn't she ask Ji Jiashu to escort Ying Xun to hide in the suburbs?

Why do they still come here?

Why did Ying Xun and Ji Jiashu enter the palace overnight at this time?

During the few hours she and Li Ji entered the palace, what happened outside?

"Hug the moon..."

Ji Jiashu held the Chunlei Sword tightly, and his eyes fell on Ying Hanri, who was lying in the formation on the high platform. He knew what Ying Baoyue wanted to ask.

Now is not the time to be surprised, the situation is already extremely urgent.

"Baoyue, listen to me," Ji Jiashu transmitted the message into the secret, so that Ying Baoyue and Li Ji could quickly understand the situation.

"Less than two hours after you and Zhaohua entered the palace, the former Qin State Master suddenly issued an edict to the whole country, announcing that Ying Han had died and his son would inherit the throne."

"The edict says that the coronation ceremony of the new King of Qin will be held in two hours in front of the Ganlu Hall of Afang Palace."

Ji Jiashu glanced at the distraught Ying Xun beside him, "After receiving the news, His Majesty rushed back with the imperial army."

Ji Jiashu didn't say any more, but Ying Baoyue already understood what happened.

Ying Hanri had disappeared before but was not confirmed dead, and the pregnant Yelujing was not found. Yingxun's faction must have been panicked when they received the edict from Ying Hanri's death and his son's succession.

In this case, the old faction of the former Qin Dynasty will definitely not be able to sit still. Ying Xun and others will inevitably rush into the palace to prove the legitimacy of their regime and interrupt the so-called enthronement ceremony.

Although Ying Hanri was mediocre, there were officials around him who supported him. In addition, father and son were more in line with the etiquette and laws of the Qin Dynasty. Once this so-called succession edict was made public, there would definitely be conservative officials who would support Ying Hanri's son to ascend the throne.

The two distinct factions in the square must have been fighting over this just now.

But after listening to Ji Jiashu's words, a huge question suddenly appeared in Ying Baoyue's mind.

The former Qin State Master issued an edict, Ying Han died, and his son inherited the throne... Every piece of news was a bombshell, but there was something that Ying Baoyue couldn't figure out the most.

"Who did you just say was the former Qin Imperial Preceptor who published the imperial edict?"

If we say that the former Qin Imperial Preceptor appointed by Ying Hanri after Lin Shubai passed away and ascended the throne, his status was low and his presence in the entire spiritual world was extremely low. Ying Baoyue could not even remember the name of that Imperial Preceptor.

"Is he here now?"

"Are you there?"

Ji Jiashu was stunned by the rhetorical question. He received the news outside the palace, so he naturally assumed that the former Qin Imperial Master was in the palace. He originally thought that he would be able to see the mysterious former Qin Imperial Master after entering the palace. Ji Jiashu rolled his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar-looking old man in gray robe opposite Ying Baoyue, "No... isn't he?"

All the civil and military officials below the high platform heard this and looked at Yun Zhongjun on the stage.

Ying Baoyue was stunned.

She originally wanted to refute that this person had just named her the Imperial Master of Li Qin, not the previous one.

But suddenly a cold air rushed straight to Tianling Gai, and Ying Baoyue suddenly understood everything.

Who said that Yun Zhongjun couldn't be the same person as before?

Yun Zhongjun created a message gap and fooled everyone.

The so-called former Qin Guoshi who had been by Ying Hanri's side for seven years might never have existed.

Even if there was this person in Afang Palace, that person was just a substitute for Yun Zhongjun. Just as Chun Yuye once disguised himself as Helian Yan, a person wearing a mask can disguise himself as another person at any time because no one knows his true appearance.

Since Lin Shubai's death, Yun Zhongjun has assumed the position of the former Qin Imperial Master and has been lurking around Ying Hanri.

Before the palace collapsed and the underground palace ascended, Yun Zhongjun once said to her, "Do you want to ask everyone present who is the former King of Qin?"

He had long known that there would be so many people standing outside the hall, because these people were all transferred by him.

He designs everything and everyone enters his chessboard.

Yun Zhongjun had calculated all the time. He already knew when she and Li Ji would enter the underground palace. He had already used the imperial edict to notify the civil and military officials to gather in the main hall, and at the same time attracted Ying Xun and others.

Just when the underground palace collapsed and rose to the ground, the "actors" outside the main hall also arrived.

He wanted to make his chosen former Qin king ascend the throne in full public view.

"Hahahahaha," Yun Zhongjun heard Ji Jiashu's question and smiled while holding the imperial edict, "As expected of Ji Mo's son, he has good eyesight."

"There is a holy intention from the former king, and I have indeed been named the former Qin State Master."

"The late king?"

A former Qin official screamed under the high platform and pointed at Ying Hanri, who was lying dying in the formation on the high platform, "Isn't your Majesty still fine?"

The man's screams awakened the sanity of all the officials in the audience. Looking at Ying Hanri lying in the formation on the stage and the bloody baby in the pool of blood, screams of exclamation suddenly sounded in the square.

"His Majesty!"

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry and escort me!"

Some officials rushed up the steps under the high platform with their guards, trying to rush to Ying Hanri's side. However, just when they were about to rush to the formation, they heard several loud bangs, and the heads of those running at the front were all broken. A stream of blood fell down.

It was as if a transparent wall had been erected outside the high platform, blocking everyone out.


Li Ji looked at the blood stains hanging in mid-air on the high platform and felt a chill in his heart.

You know, he was also standing at the bottom of the steps. It's just that it's not the outermost step, but the second step that people outside see.

If Yun Zhongjun has the ability to seal one, he can seal the second one.

Li Ji couldn't care less about watching Ying Hanri on the formation, and rushed up the steps below the dragon chair. However, there was a bang on the top step, and he was separated by an invisible wall.

Li Ji drew his sword to strike, but his energy hit the barrier set up by Yun Zhongjun, but like a fish entering the sea, the barrier did not move at all.

At this time, there were only three people left on the top stage.

Ying Baoyue, Yun Zhongjun and... that ghost fetus.

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