Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2466 2 Difficulties

Chapter 2466 Dilemma

The originally bright sky darkened, the energy of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, and dark clouds filled the sky, blocking out the sun.

The ground shook slightly, and even the fine stones jumped.

This movement is...

Li Ji was blocked by the barrier and was about to gather his true energy to attack again. He noticed the changes in the world and looked up to the sky in shock.

"This is……"

Ji Jiashu was anxious when he saw Li Ji being blocked and was about to help, when he suddenly stopped.

The originally noisy square gradually became quiet, and all the practitioners looked to the sky with fear in their eyes.

"This movement is..."

On the Evernight Great Wall, Li Meiniang, who was desperately resisting the Xirong cavalry, raised her head and looked in the direction of the former Qin capital in shock.

Under the Great Wall, Zhao Guang, who was leading the soldiers and Zen disciples in a bloody battle, raised his head and looked to the east with wide eyes in horror.

In Shanhaiguan City, Lin Wan Gong stood on the roof of Liuyun Tower, looking at the former Qin capital, and slowly clenched the sword in his hand.

In Liuyun Tower, Wan Liuyun broke a string, and Qian Bofang stood beside her with a broken teacup at his feet.

"Still not able to stop it?"

Wan Liuyun stood up slowly and looked in the direction of Qin's capital city.

"The ghost fetus has been born and is waiting for level one."

Lin Wan Gong suddenly appeared in the room and walked up to Wan Liuyun and Uncle Qian.

"Before, there were only signs of the birth of a first-level practitioner, and there was no aura of a new second-level practitioner," Lin Wan Gong said with a serious expression, "Now the aura of a new second-level practitioner has appeared."

He originally thought that the ghost fetus would be the first level when he was born. Now it seems that it is still a bit reluctant, but this child is still born with the luck of breaking through the realm of human and god, and it starts to break through the realm at birth.

But the aura of the Ghost Fei Breaking Realm seemed to be missing something crucial, and it seemed like it was always short of breath.

He is only one step away from the human god, but it seems that He cannot obtain that step in the mother's womb. He can only be born in advance and search for it in the outside world.

The ghost fetus is now eagerly seeking its last breath, and its breath seems extremely hungry.

"Lord Sword Master," Wan Liuyun's realm is close to the heavenly level, and she is also extremely sensitive to the movement of the aura in the distance. Her voice trembles slightly, "That thing seems to be looking for something."

Lin Wan Gong clenched the sword in his hand, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

What are the conditions for the birth of humans and gods?

All practitioners know that level 2 is above level 1, but almost no one knows what conditions must be met for level 2 to break through and become a human god.

Because there is only one person in the world who has ever reached this realm.

That is his sister Lin Shubai.

Lin Shubai is dead, and no one knows the secret of level one breakthrough.

But in this world, there is a person who has always been by the side of the gods and humans, watching Lin Shubai step by step from an ordinary person who was born with no ordinary person to the pinnacle of a cultivator, rivaling the gods with a human body.

That is Lin Baoyue.

Lin Baoyue's birth is a mystery. When she was a child, there were rumors in the spiritual world that she was a born holy body for spiritual practice. As long as she was swallowed, her spiritual realm would greatly increase.

This rumor is obviously baseless, but what if someone believes it?

What if Ying Baoyue and Li Ji rushed to Afang Palace as part of the mastermind's plan?

What are the conditions for the birth of a ghost fetus?

"Master Sword Master, General, is she in the palace now?" Wan Liuyun noticed something from Lin's expression on the bow, and his body trembled violently.

"I can't feel her breath. She should have sealed her acupoints with golden needles before," Lin's hand with a bow and sword bulged out with veins, "but I felt it briefly before."

But after that, Ying Baoyue's breath disappeared, as if it was cut off by something.

Beads of sweat broke out on Wan Liuyun's forehead, and he suddenly grabbed Lin Wan Gong's lapel, "Master Sword Master, please go to Afang Palace quickly! I have an ominous premonition, General, she is in danger!"

If the existence of Ying Baoyue is really a key link in the birth of the ghost fetus, then this is a war between high-end combat forces. Even thousands of troops and horses cannot protect her, unless there are practitioners who can rival the gods. If there is anyone among the practitioners in the world who besides the Son of God has combat prowess comparable to that of the Son of God, it is Lin Wan Gong.


Lin Wan Gong's face was pale. He was about to say something when rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside the door. A silver-armored guard with blood on his face rushed in and fell in front of Wan Liuyun.

"Everyone Wan, the border is in a hurry. The enemy suddenly has tens of thousands more troops. The army is pressing on the border. General Meihua will not be able to hold on!"


Wan Liuyun was stunned, "Why did tens of thousands of troops suddenly appear?"

"My subordinates don't know that in addition to the disciples of the Zen Academy, several other members of King Zhai's army have defected." The silver-armored guard's eyes were cracked, "But our troops here are about to be exhausted, and the rebels have already mobilized." However, they were still unable to resist, and more than half of the Northern Wei army was damaged. General Mei personally led his troops down to the tower to fight, but the opponent not only had more troops, but also many high-level practitioners! "

"At least ten of the eighteen elders of the Zen Yuan came!"

Wan Liuyun was frightened when he heard this. If this continues without reinforcements, Li Meiniang will undoubtedly die on the battlefield.

"General Mei didn't let me come to you," said the blood and tears on the silver armored guard's face. "Mei Jiangjun asked you to take the overall situation into consideration. She said that she would defend the spiritual wall even if she was shattered into pieces."

What's the big picture?

Wan Liuyun felt cold all over. She understood what Li Meiniang meant, but she really didn't know which side was the most important.

The lives of Li Meiniang and Ying Baoyue, the soldiers at the border, the imperial guards and officials of Afang Palace, the Great Wall of Night and the Afang Palace, no matter which side is not guarded, the world will be turned upside down.

Lin Wan Gong closed his eyes and remained silent while Qian Bofang and Wan Liuyun stared at him stiffly.

The floor tiles under Lin Wan Gong's feet were cracked like spider webs, which showed how shaken he was in his heart.

"Liu Yun," Lin Wan Gong opened his eyes, "I'm going to rescue Lingbi. I'll leave it to you in Shanhaiguan."

"Lord Sword Master!"

Wan Liuyun's voice trembled, but he didn't know what to say.

Lin Wan Gong chose to save Li Meiniang, which meant that he gave up on saving Ying Baoyue.

"If Baoyue were here, he would have asked me to go to Lingbi at this time," Lin Wan Gong knew that his decision would probably cause him to lose her again. He was in great pain, but he gritted his teeth and made the choice.

"That's Level 1! No matter how powerful your Royal Highness the Princess is, she...she also..."

Wan Liuyun lowered his head and burst into tears.

"I know, it's just..."

Lin Wan Gong looked in the direction of Afang Palace, "If something inevitable happens, there may be someone who can resist it."

But he didn't want this to happen in his heart, because neither Ying Baoyue nor that person could bear the consequences.

"Can anyone resist level one?"

Wan Liuyun raised his head dully, "Who?"

The corners of Lin Wan Gong's eyes twitched and his eyes became dazed. The face of the man who found him alone the night before Ying Baoyue and others left Shanhaiguan appeared in front of his eyes.

"Lord Sword Master."

In the dark night, Lin Wan Gong was practicing his sword alone in the desert. He was a little surprised when he noticed the coming person's aura.

"It's rare for you to come to me alone. What's the matter?"

The bronze mask on the man's face shone faintly in the moonlight.

"I have a question to ask you."

Lin Wan Gong narrowed his eyes and sheathed his sword, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know who I am?"

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