Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2467 Awareness

Chapter 2467 Awareness

Lin Wan Gong's hand holding the sword hilt tightened unconsciously.

In the desert under the moonlight, a bright white line slowly rises from the horizon.

He looked at Li Ji silently without saying a word.

This attitude actually reveals the truth.

Li Ji took a step forward and looked directly at Lin Wan Gong's face full of vicissitudes of life, "You really know something, right?"

He had doubts when Lin Wan Gong sent a message to Song Zhai to ask about Ying Baoyue. If Lin Wan Gong didn't know anything, why would Song Zhai ask him to send that inexplicable sentence?

Thinking back to Ying Baoyue's reaction after talking to Lin Wan Gong alone, Li Ji had some vague suspicion in his mind.

Lin Wan Gong turned away and stared at the rising sun, "Why are you asking me?"

"The two of us are not familiar with each other, right?"

He and Li Ji didn't even speak alone.

"Are we familiar? Why do you think I should know who you are?"

"Or do you think that I should know everything because of my high level?" Lin Wan Gong turned his head and looked directly into Li Ji's eyes, and smiled lightly, "In that case, you should go to Ji Mo, he must know your life experience very well."

"I think so too," Li Ji looked at Lin Wan Gong calmly, "but I'm afraid Mr. Dong Huangtai is not willing to tell me."

"I went to see him when I was young, but I didn't get the result. He only interrupted all the meridians in my body."

Lin Wan Gong's pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment he forcibly regained his composure.

"Then why do you think I know?" Lin Wan Gong laughed at himself, "I am no better than the Eight Gods, I am just a mediocre person."

But you are the brother of a human god.

Li Ji wanted to say this, but he felt that Lin Wan Gong didn't want to hear this.

"Because you seemed to hate me when you first met me."

Li Ji still remembered that when he first met Lin Wan Gong at the Soochow Intermediate Ceremony, Lin Wan Gong looked at him unkindly. Especially when he appeared next to Ying Baoyue, Lin Wan Gong's eyes even showed hatred.

Of course, the heaven-level cultivators were very good at cultivating qi, and Lin Wan Gong's rejection of him had never been shown openly and had never been noticed by others.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhaohua remembered it wrong," Lin Wan Gong said with a half-smile, "We have never met each other before. If you think I look at you in a bad way, it's because I am born with a bad face."

Li Ji looked at him steadily and said, "Master Sword Master, I am here to sincerely seek advice tonight."

Li Ji looked into Lin Wan Gong's deep eyes and said, "Senior, I want to be with Baoyue forever."

The smile at the corner of Lin Wan Gong's mouth disappeared.

He looked at the masked young man in front of him expressionlessly, "Are you together already?"

"I don't know if it counts," Li Ji said softly, "but she and I both remembered what happened in the past. When this war is over, if we are both still alive, I will take back my previous relationship with her. Token, ask her again."

Regardless of whether Ying Baoyue agrees this time, as long as she doesn't resent it, he will always stay by her side.

Lin Wan Gong's eyes were almost cold, "Why do you want her to be with you? With a man who still doesn't dare to show his true colors?"

Li Ji frowned, "She told me not to take this mask off until I reached Level 2. It's not that I don't want to take it off."

He reached out and touched the cold bronze mask on his face, "I should be able to take it off soon."

"Really?" Lin Wan Gong looked at him, "Are you about to reach level two? Congratulations."

He said congratulations, but there was no blessing in his tone.

"Thank you, senior."

Li Ji felt something was wrong. Was it his imagination? Lin Wan Gong didn't seem to want him to break through? After all, he is also Ying Baoyue's fighting force. Is there anything wrong with level two of breaking through the realm?

"You said that you and Baoyue both remembered the past," Lin Wan Gong's voice was as cold as ice, "Who are you lying to?"

"You haven't remembered everything at all." There was something wrong with Ying Baoyue's memory. When talking to him, he could clearly feel that she was hiding something.

As for Li Ji...

"If you really remembered everything, why did you ask me?"

Li Ji fell silent, "You are right."

It's not so much that he didn't remember it, it's that his memory has been problematic since birth. It has been intermittent and fragmented from time to time. Later, it was manipulated by others and he couldn't tell the truth from the false.

Lin Wan Gong narrowed his eyes.

"You really want to know?"

The night wind picked up sand and blew it between them.

Li Ji didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

His eyes showed his attitude.

I don't know how long the two of them looked at each other in silence. Lin Wan Gong slowly said, "You are about to ascend to Level 2, a person who is about to become the Son of God. Have you really not noticed anything?"

If we talk about combat effectiveness alone, Lin Wan Gong believes that he is not sure of victory in a one-on-one battle with the person in front of him.

Even though the secrets about Li Ji were so great and no one had told him about his life experience, as a heaven-level practitioner who could sense the rhythm of heaven and earth, it was impossible for him to be unaware of the condition of his body.

Lin Wan Gong knew in his heart that Li Ji had already had a suspicion in his mind and came to him tonight to confirm it. If Li Ji couldn't be honest with him, there was no need for him to tell the other party the secret.


Li Ji's voice was hoarse. Looking at Lin Wan Gong's cold eyes, he spoke with difficulty.

"I sometimes feel that there is actually another 'me' in my body."

Lin Wan Gong's hand holding the hilt of the sword trembled, and he looked at Li Ji with a deep look.

"When I was a kid, every day at a certain time, the meridians all over my body would be in severe pain, and my whole body would feel so swollen that it would burst." Li Ji closed his eyes, "Whenever that time comes, I would feel like there is something in my body. Another being stirred inside me."

"My body is too small to contain that 'me'. As I get older, that 'me' grows bigger and bigger."

After becoming a sky-high price, Li Ji gradually realized many things when recalling his childhood experiences.

For example, the sharp pain he experienced every day when he was young was very similar to the feeling when his meridians were about to be burst by the vitality of heaven and earth during the breakthrough.

If you accept the conjecture that there is another "he" in his body, then many unexplained things in the past will have answers.

The growth rate of his body and meridians could not keep up with the growth rate of the other "him", so every day he worried that he would not be able to see the sun the next day, and often had nightmares about being torn apart alive.

But all the pain ended that year after he escaped from the palace and met Lin Baoyue.

He actually couldn't remember what Lin Baoyue did to him at that time. He only remembered that she led him into a formation, faced him and tapped her temple.

Her blood merged into the formation on the ground, like a sacrifice.

Lin Wan Gong listened to Li Ji's narration expressionlessly. He looked unfazed, but veins popped out on the back of his hand holding the hilt of the sword, as if he was trying his best to restrain his anger.

"What exactly do you want to ask?"

Li Ji took a deep breath and looked into Lin Wan Gong's eyes, "Has the other existence in my body been sealed?"

Lin Wan stared at him intently, the night wind blowing the man's gray hair.

After a moment, he said calmly, "What else?"

"If you hadn't been sealed, how could you have lived to this age?"

Lin Wan Gong looked into Li Ji's eyes quietly.

"Based on your life experience, you should not live to be fifteen."

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