Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 26 Disappearing

Chapter 26 Disappearing
Gui Chen completely froze at the table.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to buy something for a woman, but he never thought that the woman wanted something so special.

Especially when people are speechless.

The girl he picked up didn't want clothes, jewelry, or rouge, but wanted...


He also added very thoughtfully that it was the kind used to kill people.

"what happened?"

Seeing the people around her looking at her with ghostly eyes, Ying Baoyue was startled. Sure enough, it would be better not to add the latter sentence?
She didn't really want to kill people, but if she didn't make it clear that if Gui Chen bought her for decoration, wouldn't it be a waste of money?
Looking at the stiff young man, Ying Baoyue thought to himself that the sword is a bit too expensive?
"If you don't have a sword, you can use a knife..."

She tentatively opened her mouth.

"Actually, as long as it's a weapon, anything is fine." Ying Baoyue continued.

The room was still dead silent.

Looking at Gui Chen who was still silent, Ying Baoyue was cruel, "It's really not possible, you can use a kitchen knife or hatchet..."

How obsessive is this about weapons?
"No," Gui Chen raised a hand to stop it, his eyes were a little confused, "Wait, wait."

Ying Baoyue stopped talking.

Gui Chen shook his head, "Only these, I can't do."

That's it.

"Of course, it's not that I won't buy it for you," Ying Baoyue didn't react yet, Gui Chen quickly explained, "I don't know if you lost your memory, these things can't be bought even if you have money."

Of course, he was just explaining the reason, not because he was worried that the woman would mistakenly think that he would not buy it for her.

"Hmph, why don't you want these?" Gui Li snorted coldly, looking at Ying Baoyue with icy cold eyes, "I think you want my brother's life! I have never seen you who will repay your kindness! "

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

What exactly happened here?
"Gui Li, don't be like this," Gui Chen frowned and stood in front of Gui Li, "She just doesn't know."

"What happened?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"Our family doesn't chop vegetables very often, so you probably didn't see it," Gui Chen looked at her and said lightly, "Our family doesn't have a kitchen knife."

Guijia Xiaoyuan is too poor, and there is no chance to use a kitchen knife to cut meat.

"The three households share one kitchen knife," Gui Chen said, "When you need to use it, borrow it from the one that is stored this month."

This is……

Ying Baoyue raised her head.

"The order to withdraw troops." Gui Chen stared into her eyes, "It started eight years ago."

Order to withdraw troops.

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists.

Eight years ago, the Taizu passed away, and the Second King ascended the throne. He received the soldiers of the world, gathered the capital of the king, cast them as twelve golden men, and weakened the people of the world.

When the second emperor ascended the throne, instead of amnesty, he issued an order to withdraw troops.

Ordinary people can no longer keep weapons in their homes. Kitchen knives and hatchets must be registered for neighbors to share.

Of course, with his original status, it is not impossible to get weapons. Apart from soldiers and military officers, family members and practitioners have the opportunity to get weapons.

But now he is no different from a commoner.

Maybe even more humble.

For ordinary people, weapons are already out of reach.

If you want it, you have to risk your life.

Gui Chen quietly stared at the girl in front of him, he could accommodate some of her small wishes, but for such a rebellious request, he really didn't need to risk his life just to satisfy the wish of a strange girl.

"I understand, I will solve this myself."

Before Gui Chen could continue to explain, the girl in front of her simply gave up.

How can you embarrass others like this again.

Ying Baoyue stood up.

"I'm going to change clothes."



What exactly does she want to do with the sword?

Sitting inside the house, Gui Chen was thinking absently while waiting.

Remembering Gui Li's warning to him when he entered the house, Gui Chen clenched his fists.

"Brother, this woman is too dangerous! You must be careful. Stay away from her!"

Gui Li didn't know what he had noticed, so he pulled him aside and secretly warned him that this woman was unusual.


She is indeed unusual.


"I've changed it."

Gui Chen's doubts flew to nowhere when he saw the girl walking out of the room.

"What kind of clothes do you want to buy, young master, for a girl? Not the one you like? Haha, what kind of woman is that?"

Under the questioning of the stall owner, he instinctively opened his mouth in embarrassment.

"It's a child with a very fair complexion, as beautiful as... like... the moon."

God, what did he say at that time...

"Moon?" He still remembered the surprised eyes of the old lady, and he became more and more ashamed.

"Then, this cloud pattern one should be the most suitable."

Indeed, it fits well.

Seeing the girl walking in front of him, Gui Chen was a little taken aback.

The bright moon is in the sky, the moonlight is like water, and the moon halo surrounds the clouds.

The girl's body in front of her was so slender that it seemed that it would break if she was not careful.

No matter how you look at it, this is a weak woman.

What else can such a weak woman do?

"Gui Chen?"

Gui Chen put away his thoughts, shook his head violently to gather his mind, and returned to his cold and rigid appearance.

"Let's go."




Gui Chen felt that he might take back his words for a while.

Because the girl in front of me is weak and pitiful, but she can climb trees.

In the hinterland of the former Qin Dynasty, in the depths of Mount Li, which had always been regarded as a forbidden area by the imperial family of the former Qin Dynasty, in the dense primeval forest, in the uninhabited dense forest, at this time there stood a desperate young man.

"You, how did you get up there?"

The girl's white skirt is swaying, hanging down from a high place, and the melodious leaf flute sounds in her ears. This is an intoxicating picture.

The boy carrying the medicine basket under the tree looked up at the girl sitting on the tree playing the leaf flute, his heart beating like a drum.

Half for unexplainable reasons, but generally for confusion and humiliation.

"How on earth did you climb up?" Gui Chen looked at the towering giant tree in front of him, his temples throbbed violently.


The next moment, accompanied by the girl's chuckle, a figure quickly slid in front of him.

"So you don't know how to climb trees? Then I'll show you again."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her bare arm and grabbed a branch, and with a slight swing, she climbed onto the branch, and looked down at the young man under the tree as if she saw a monkey.

"Are you a mountain ghost?" Gui Chen asked in disbelief.

How on earth did such thin arms crawl so fast?

"If I have a weapon, I can climb faster." The woman's laughter like a spring came from above her head. She stood on the tree branch and looked far away, her beautiful eyes reflected the setting sun, shining brightly.

It can make people lose their words for an instant.

However, at the next moment, Gui Chen found that the girl who originally had an expression of enjoying climbing a tree suddenly stared blankly.

"What's wrong?" Gui Chen called under the tree.

"No, it's nothing." Ying Baoyue tightened her five fingers holding the tree trunk, and there was a heart-piercing pain from her wrist.

She stood on a high place, staring at the depths of the dense forest.

Staring at the place where there was a cave she had stepped out of.


No more.

Entrance to the Royal Tomb.


 Plus update, double update~
(End of this chapter)

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