Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 27 Secret

Chapter 27 Secret

Yes, indeed it should disappear.

Ying Baoyue's five fingers holding the tree trunk tightened one by one, like a hole that could be gradually closed under invisible force.

The last picture she saw before passing out was not her illusion.

Thinking about it, it was the tomb of that person after all, so how could there be a hole wide open in such a weird space.

Ying Baoyue looked around the uninhabited dense forest in Liao. She didn't remember anything before she was put into the coffin, but she had inquired about it with Gui's brothers and sisters two days ago.

The exact location of Emperor Taizu's tomb is unknown.

At least not known to ordinary people.

In the rumors about the little girl provided by Guili, it was also said that His Majesty Taizu's mausoleum is in the sky.

It's all about what.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were dim.

That person started building the mausoleum after he ascended the throne. The emperor's mausoleum is related to the fate of the country, and the site selection should refer to the location calculated by the master who is the national teacher.

However, in the main hall that year, Emperor Taizu followed his immortal official way later than his master, "Go into the ground, and then walk six hundred feet to the side to search for the treasure again."

At that time, the rumors about the renunciation between the master of the state and the emperor started from this quarrel in the hall.

The rumors are now irrelevant.

But in short, it was these six hundred feet that caused their master and apprentice to completely lose their position in the imperial mausoleum.

It also makes everything confusing.

If he hadn't woken up underground himself, Ying Baoyue would never have imagined that the tomb of that person would be in this mountain.

During Emperor Ying's lifetime, there were obviously three legendary burial sites, but none of them mentioned this mountain.Now it seems that the location of the other three mountains is a smoke bomb that the person deliberately released.

Just to hide the location of the real underground palace.

There was no army guarding him, no practitioners by his side, the man who was said to have been blessed by the gods all his life, chose to end his life in such a mysterious way.

But why?
Why hide the location of your mausoleum?
In order to prevent tomb robbers, the mausoleums of general princes do cover their locations to some extent.But Emperor Ying is different. As an emperor, he can obviously find the world's top practitioners to guard his tomb, unless...

Thinking of this, Ying Baoyue suddenly felt her heart skip a beat.

Unless, no one can keep the things in this tomb.

Or... the deadline is approaching before he has arranged everything.

What secrets are hidden in that tomb?
Ying Baoyue took a deep breath. No matter the reason, it seems that it is even more difficult to find the entrance now.

Yes, look for.

Even though there was nothing in front of her eyes, Ying Baoyue knew it very well.

The entrance must exist.

The two mysterious people who murdered the princess before were so busy with time, it must have been briefly opened the entrance through some kind of secret technique.

But I think the secret technique has a time limit, and it will disappear once the time is up.

So now, how on earth is she going to find that entrance?

Thinking of the formation on the black coffin she saw for the first time when she woke up, Ying Baoyue's wrist ached even more.

That entrance must not have been found by her staying on this mountain for three days and three nights by digging every inch of soil and every stone.

The entrance that will disappear.

Among them, there must be... something that practitioners can only find.

That huge and terrifying underground palace, which seemed to go deep into the ground, was itself an extremely complex and treacherous formation.

It gathers the wisdom of the most elite practitioners in the world.

Ying Baoyue let go of the hand holding the tree trunk, and clenched her wrist tightly.

If you want to solve this mystery, you must find the person who built the mausoleum or knew the inside story.Or you can only start with your own strength.

Commonly known as self-reliance.

Of course, to get inside information, the fastest way is to go back to the former Qin Palace, whether it is to use the identity of the princess to investigate, or to find the mastermind of the murder. In any case, the two people who murdered the princess and the "adults" behind them must know something what.

But this was an option that Ying Baoyue ruled out from the beginning.

Because this is the most dangerous path.

It's just throwing yourself into a trap.

After all, to restore Ying Baoyue's identity as a pro-princess, she will probably be poked into a sieve by various assassinations before she becomes strong.

Even if she survived the assassination, she would be packaged and sent to Nan Chu as a tool.

Returning to the cage, there will never be freedom.

Just don't be too miserable.

But if she wanted to start with herself, Ying Baoyue slowly sat down on the tree branch, which was also a question she had been thinking about these days.

In my life...

Do you really want to become a practitioner?



"what happened to you?"

Gui Chen's voice came from under the tree trunk, "Did you see anyone?"

"No." Ying Baoyue sat on the tree and looked down, shaking his head.

"Nothing at all."

"Really..." Gui Chen thought that the girl was a little disappointed when she found no one was looking for him, but when he heard that there was no one, he felt a little complicated.

If she hasn't recalled her memory all this time, and no one has come to find her, then is she...

"Maybe it's because we haven't met yet," Gui Chen comforted, "After all, it's such a big mountain."

Even he couldn't remember where he picked up the girl.

"Okay, since you haven't seen anyone, why don't you come down quickly," Gui Chen took off the medicine basket behind his back, and took out a tattered old book from it, "I'm going to gather medicine, follow closely, throw it away." I don't care."

Guichen went up the mountain to collect herbs, which is not unusual, but it looks very strange to bring a book to collect herbs.

It was such an old book whose spine was almost torn apart, which attracted all of Gui Chen's attention the moment it was opened.

The young man completely put away his other thoughts, his eyes seemed to be attracted by the yellowed pages, he searched under the trees and in the crevices of the rocks while looking, and stretched out his hands to some plants from time to time, but shrank again after a while Put it back, and continue to stare at the old book.

It seems that there is a golden rule written on it.

But in fact, this is just a book that can be seen everywhere in the former Qin market, and it can be bought for thirty copper coins.Even so, it still attracts countless ordinary people, and it has been popular in the mountains and seas for more than ten years.

"Is this... the Pharmacopoeia?"

Ying Baoyue walked to Gui Chen's side, looking at the familiar text and pictures in the old book in Gui Chen's hand, with a nostalgic look on his face.

"Yes," Gui Chen hugged the old book to his chest, as if he was holding a life-saving straw.

"I didn't expect this book to be still on sale after so many years..." Ying Baoyue felt a little emotional for a moment.

"What are you talking about?" The boy under the tree frowned and looked at her. "This is the only introductory book on cultivation on the market. It is a priceless treasure for ordinary people. How could it not be sold!"

"Really?" Seeing the excited young man, Ying Baoyue was a little taken aback.

This is actually... it was just a medical book at first...

"Everyone is saying that as long as you can read through this book and learn all the preparation methods of the above medicines, you will definitely become a tenth-rank miracle doctor!" Gui Chen clenched his fists and said.

"Is that true?" Ying Baoyue suddenly looked at him and said quietly.

"Although I don't quite understand this, but if you can become a practitioner just by having a high level of pharmaceutical technology, then doctors with excellent medical skills are all practitioners."

But the fact is clearly not the case.

In this world, doctors are still doctors, but practitioners are still practitioners, inhuman existence.

"Everything..." Ying Baoyue looked at the face of the young man who understood but was unwilling to admit the truth.

"It shouldn't be that simple, right?"

 Of course it can't be that simple (laughs)

(End of this chapter)

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