Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 28 The Holy Maiden

Chapter 28 The Holy Maiden
The eyes of the girl opposite are always so calm.

She obviously doesn't remember anything, but it seems to represent the secret of the whole world.

Ruthlessly revealing his years of doubts.

Gui Chen clenched his lips, and closed the book in his hand, the writing on the cover was already blurred, but the large characters on it were still conspicuous.

"A must-have for practitioners to get started! The latest version of Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty! If you want to become a top ten, you must learn this book!"

The enthusiastic cries of bookstore clerks in the market still echoed in his ears, and Gui Chen still remembers the excitement he felt when he saved up a month to buy this book, as if he had grasped the secret of entering that superior world.

But now he is 15 years old, not ten years old, and he already understands that most things in this world are not that simple, let alone the level of cultivation that is said to be close to the realm of God?

If one can become a cultivator with just a copy of "Pharmacopia", then the practitioner is too worthless.

But what could he do?

The longer he studied the Pharmacopoeia, the clearer he became.

What a vast and profound world this is.

It was so deep that he stretched out his hand desperately, but he couldn't reach the edge.

Of course it's not the fault of the book in his hand, after all, this is the only book that can allow ordinary people to enter the tenth level since the practice system was tested, and only the owner of Beihanzhai is so generous and willing to share some secrets with the world.

However, the ability to understand these secrets depends on the talent of the individual.

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

There is another way of saying, it depends on fate.

He has no talent, nor does he have that fate.

Even if some people are not talented, they have parents who find him famous teachers to feed them pills.And I have nothing.

That's right, he was talking about his younger brother Gui Rong.

"What you said makes sense," Gui Chen looked at the girl in front of him and said, "It's definitely not that simple."

"It's just that," the young man changed the topic, his voice was tired, "but he can't even learn how to dispense medicine, and he can't be an ordinary doctor. What's the point of thinking about it at a deeper level?"

This also makes sense.

Ying Baoyue pondered, since the name of the tenth rank is a miracle doctor, it cannot be completely unrelated to curing diseases and saving lives.

Although the tenth level is the lowest level, it is the threshold for dividing ordinary people and practitioners.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and there must be some decisive factor in the process of advancement.

Ying Baoyue had a hunch that that factor would never be made public, and it was probably something that could only be realized by oneself.

It should be a factor that is difficult to control, even if you know it, it is difficult to do it.

At least not quantifiable.

Otherwise, practitioners are really everywhere.Even if the aristocratic family and the immortal officials want to conceal it, it is difficult to avoid leaking things that can be easily understood and spread.

in the end……

What is practice?

Looking at the decadent young man under the tree, Ying Baoyue suddenly stepped forward and took the pharmacopoeia from his hand.

"What are you doing?" Gui Chen, immersed in the emotion of failure, was startled and angry.

"Come and discuss with me," Ying Baoyue stared into his eyes.

Both of them know nothing about cultivation now, but, "as the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang, and the two of them may find a breakthrough together."

"Where did you hear these common sayings..." Gui Chen was a little speechless, but seeing the girl's firm gaze in front of him, the boy's expression gradually changed.

The mountain called practice has weighed on him for so many years, and he wanted to give up countless times.

Because it is too difficult.

He is so difficult.

He didn't want to see the disappointed eyes of his mother and sister back home, so he went up the mountain every day, so that at least he could prove that he had tried his best, and it was all because that goal was too difficult...

"Okay, where did we just talk about?" However, the words of the girl in front of him directly interrupted his thoughts.

Facing the straight-forward question, Gui Chen didn't react and instinctively opened his mouth.

"Speaking of... the conditions for becoming a miracle doctor at the tenth stage are definitely not ordinary doctors."

The two rookies under the tree actually discussed the conditions for becoming a genius doctor in this way.

"Since you're not becoming an ordinary doctor, do you want to be particularly outstanding in a certain aspect?" Ying Baoyue pondered.

"You mean..." Gui Chen had never considered these questions before, and he became even more dazed.

"Based on your current situation, I don't know how long it will take to finish learning all the pharmaceutical methods in this book," Ying Baoyue said.

For some reason, Guichen felt that the girl in front of him looked at him with sympathy.

It must be his illusion.

"But maybe you can choose only a few prescriptions and achieve certain achievements first." The girl continued.

"Success?" Gui Chen repeated in a daze, but the next moment he suddenly understood what the girl in front of him meant.

"You mean..." Gui Chen suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Although it is said that this approach is quick and quick, but the genius doctor must be to cure the disease and save the life." Ying Baoyue said.

"You might as well not challenge the difficult prescriptions, choose the most commonly used prescriptions first, and cure some people first to see the results."

Gui Chen's eyes lit up.

This is the practice of accumulating merit first.

Before, he only felt that if he didn't make a breakthrough, it must be because his medical skills were not good enough, so he continued to increase the difficulty of the prescription.

Hearing what the girl said at this time, he suddenly felt that this direction was worth a try!
There is one more thing Ying Baoyue didn't say, that is, if this person continues to try those complicated prescriptions, he is not saving people or harming people...

But looking at the young man who was suddenly excited and took back the pharmacopoeia in her hand and flipped through it, Ying Baoyue was still thoughtful.

She felt that this matter was still not that simple.

In this life, she doesn't know how to become a practitioner, but everything has a purpose. The Emperor Taizu created the practitioner system, and she thinks it should at least not be to train doctors.

"What do you... think is a better prescription for me to choose?" Gui Chen, who was flipping through the book, suddenly turned around and looked at Ying Baoyue with complicated eyes.

He should have chosen by himself, but the conversation just now made him subconsciously want to hear her opinion.

"The golden sore medicine from the 330th party should be good." Ying Baoyue thought for a while and replied.

After all, the most common thing for the people in the village is to have a bump, which is more practical and acceptable than soup and medicine.

very suitable.

She sure knows.

It didn't even occur to him for a moment.

"Why are you so familiar with the Pharmacopoeia?" Gui Chen stood up and quietly looked at the girl in front of him.

He knew she remembered something small, and she had told him she knew the book Pharmacopoeia.

But her familiarity with the book was just too unusual.

He has read this book for five years and turned the pages to pieces, but just now he suddenly had the illusion that this girl knew this book far better than he did.

Ying Baoyue looked at the boy who was frowning and staring at her.

Why is she familiar with this book?

Because this book was written by her.

Ying Baoyue said silently in her heart.

Of course she couldn't say that to the boy.

"Forget it," but before she could speak, Gui Chen suddenly seemed to lose interest and turned around to continue flipping through the book.

Thinking about it carefully, this girl's familiarity with this book has nothing to do with his practice. It is only proper for him to prepare the prescription first.

"But thanks to the saintess of Beihan Pavilion who wrote this book," Guichen looked at the prescription with a trace of reverence in his eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the writer was amazing, "so ordinary people like us have at least a way out." You can go."

Ying Baoyue, who was about to turn around, stopped in her tracks.


"Yes, Saint Xie Bingqing," Gui Chen said respectfully, staring at the Pharmacopoeia, "You know the Pharmacopoeia, but you don't even know the author?"

Ying Baoyue turned around.

"Sorry, who wrote this book..."

She looked at the boy under the tree and showed a kind smile.

"Could you repeat that?"

 Shao Siming's coffin was about to be overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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