Chapter 29
"Even if it's the golden sore medicine, the reconciliation method is too difficult..."

The sun was no longer hot, and the setting sun was gradually sinking into the horizon, but a certain boy under the tree was sweating from overthinking.

Staring at the prescriptions in the "Pharmacopia" that needed to be reconciled on the spot, Gui Chen placed a row of pharmaceutical equipment under the big tree, but he couldn't find the key medicine no matter what.

"The root of ephedra... grows in the grass under the tree. The leaves and branches are as small as broad beans. The main root is purple. If you pull it out, you need to be careful when picking it..."

Guichen read the words that he had already learned by heart, and his headache was about to split.

From the grass, look for medicinal herbs whose ground parts are as small as broad beans and break when pulled out. Is this prescription deliberately making trouble for others?
Gui Chen stared at the big tree and he pulled out a large piece of weeds, helpless.

"I think it's probably this thing."

However, at this moment, the cool and leisurely voice of the woman came from behind him, and Gui Chen turned around, only to see the girl who was sitting on the tree admiring the sunset sliding down the tree and walking towards him.

When passing a tree by the side of the road, Ying Baoyue bent down and reached into a tuft of grass.

She picked up a bean-shaped thing from the grass, but there was a long string of roots dragging underneath it. Her technique was very special and did not harm the taproot.

Ying Baoyue handed the root system of the plant in her hand to the boy under the tree.

"I think it would be better to put this herb at the end."

Gui Chen dubiously put it into the medicine bowl.

A quarter of an hour later.

He stared at the finished product.


The purple plaster flowed from his fingertips, and it was the closest to the color described in the book that he had never mixed before.

"That's really great, congratulations." The girl sitting next to him with her knees tucked in the grass said with a smile.

He is not the one to congratulate.

He was not the one who found the ephedra root.

The medicinal material that he had searched for for so long and hadn't been found, this girl actually picked it up with just a stretch of her hand.

Knowing about herbs is one thing, being able to find them is another.Guichen couldn't accept it, and couldn't believe it, could it be a mistake?
"How do you know where the ephedra root is? Didn't you lose your memory?"

Gui Chen turned his head abruptly, looking at the profile of the girl beside him.

"I don't know either." Ying Baoyue gently touched the fluffy leaves, and smiled after thinking about it.

"I don't know if you can understand it." She paused, "I feel as if I can understand what they say."

If it’s an animal, it’s okay, it’s the first time Guichen sees someone who says he can understand grass.

This is even more clever than those who pretend to be magic sticks. The young man groaned for a long time and finally could only squeeze out a sentence from his teeth.

"You really have a problem with your brain, don't you?"

Compared to this weird explanation, Gui Chen would rather believe that she hit it by mistake just now.

Well, it must have been a mistake.

It seems correct to say so, Ying Baoyue pondered, after all, she is currently a girl with amnesia, and there seems to be a tree in her mind.

Can't say it's all right.

This person still doesn't deny it... This makes Gui Chen even more speechless.

"I'm sorry I was joking just now, you forget, anyway, thanks to your help today."

Gui Chen put the prepared ointment into a porcelain bottle and stood up.

"But anyway, it seems that you are still very talented in pharmaceuticals." Gui Chen glanced at the girl next to him who was completely unaware of what he had done, and still couldn't help asking.

"Are you really not Beihan Pavilion, not a member of the Saintess?"

"No." Ying Baoyue shrank her pupils, looked up at Gui Chen with a smile, and denied it again.

"Really? Didn't you lose your memory? Still so sure?" Gui Chen asked suspiciously.

For a woman who knows the Pharmacopoeia like the back of her hand and is also interested in cultivation, Gui Chen really can't think of anything other than a disciple of the Beihan Pavilion Saintess.

"Even if I lose my memory, I can be sure." Ying Baoyue categorically denied it.

She really didn't want anything to do with that Holy Maiden.

That's right, saint.

Ying Baoyue really never expected that during the eight years since her master Da Siming Lin Shubai was detained as a witch for a generation, there would be a saintess on the Shanhai Continent.

Ying Baoyue is not interested in the title of the so-called saint, but the problem is that this stranger, the saint, claims to be the author of "Pharmacopia", which is well known to women and children in the Shanhai Continent.

This is really interesting.

Back then, the original editor of the book "Pharmacopia" was actually a certain chief minister.After the unification of the empire, a teacher from a certain country eagerly recruited an errand from the Emperor Taizu to edit prescriptions and train junior practitioners' classics. As a result, she became popular in 3 minutes and dumped it to one of her unlucky apprentices without compiling two lines.

This is the past and present of the birth of "Pharmacopia".

It's just that she and her master had special identities in her previous life, and she was worried that this medical book would be used to deify it, so she chose to remain anonymous when it was made public.

But I didn't expect that after many years, not only would it be stolen, but it would also be used as a serious practice teaching material.

But in fact, Ying Baoyue is not sure whether she can help people start practicing, because she...

"I don't know if this medicine will work or not." Looking at the ointment in his hand, which had been made with great difficulty and was not all due to his own strength, Gui Chen suddenly punched the tree, "It would be great if I were a natural practitioner." !"

Then there is no such trouble and pain at all!

A born practitioner.

Ying Baoyue also happened to think of this, and her heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

On the Mountain Sea Continent, there are actually two ways for the birth of low-level practitioners.

One is practiced by ordinary people, while the other is inherited from parents.

That's right, practitioners can also be born.

The most recent example is Chu Ji.

However, the conditions for the birth of a natural practitioner are extremely harsh. First of all, both parents must be at least a mid-to-high-level practitioner of level six or above, and the child born may not necessarily be.

The second is that natural practitioners, even if they are born with grades, are mostly the lowest grade ten, grade nine is very rare, and grade eight is even rarer.

It is rare in the world to be a natural practitioner of level seven or above.

Ying Baoyue felt severe pain in her wrist, and she looked down at her palm.

Every time her memory recovered, the scar on her wrist would become more painful.

And at this time, she finally remembered why she didn't remember the low-level entry-level cultivation methods.

Because Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to be a natural practitioner.

And it was a practitioner who shocked the entire practice world back then, and was abandoned in the forest by his parents who were ordinary people because he was born with psychics.



"What's the matter with you?" Gui Chen, who was originally emotional, looked at the girl who suddenly froze beside him and calmed down instead, and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, it's getting dark, let's go back." Ying Baoyue recovered and said.

"Okay," Gui Chen put away the equipment and stepped into the medicine basket, and the two walked down the mountain side by side.

"Speaking of which, in the Pharmacopoeia, the evening is called the time of encountering demons, and it is said that many rare medicinal materials will appear inexplicably at this time." On the way down the mountain, Gui Chen said while looking around.

"There is such a saying," Ying Baoyue looked at the eager young man, feeling helpless. This was just a legend she wrote down casually back then.

But rare herbs are fake, and some delicious plants that only bloom in the evening are real.

Ying Baoyue was attracted by a bunch of fiery red flowers on the side of the road, "Guichen, wait a minute, I want to pick some of these..."

Ying Baoyue didn't turn her head, greeted Gui Chen and walked towards the side of the road, but at this moment, she didn't notice the boy beside her who was walking in another direction.

Gui Chen looked at the blue lotus flower shining faintly on a tree in the twilight at the edge of the cliff in the distance, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"God, it's actually a green iron lotus..."

That is the elixir recorded in the Pharmacopoeia that can revive the dead!

Before Gui Chen could finish his sentence, he immediately ran away and stretched out his hand towards the flower!
After all, it's on a tree some distance away from the edge of the cliff, and it's not dangerous at all if it's not stuck in the cliff.

The legend of this kind of flower is fleeting!

"Qingtielian?" Ying Baoyue, who was standing in front of the scorched taro bushes, suddenly turned around when she heard this!

How could there be green iron lotus in this kind of place?

There was an extremely subtle humming sound in the ears.


At the same time she heard the name, she quickly turned around and ran towards Guichen.

There was nothing else in the eyes of the young man running towards the edge of the cliff, but just when his fingertips were about to touch the blue color, there was a huge roar, and the cliff head under his feet, even the trees and the ground, were instantly shattered. crack!

"Gui Chen!"

The breath of death spread over the face, and the boy's figure was submerged in the dust soaring into the sky.

In the intense sense of weightlessness, and the despair of certain death, Gui Chen felt himself falling into the abyss, with his arms stretched out in vain.

How could he fall to his death in such a place?

It is only a short moment from heaven to hell.

There is no place to die.

But the next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of bones and flesh cracking, his falling body stopped suddenly.

Gui Chen raised his head in a daze.

One drop, two drops, three drops.

There is warm liquid.

dripped on his face.

It is human blood.

whose blood?

(End of this chapter)

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