Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 30 Trap

Chapter 30 Trap
"Is it time to meet the devil..."

In the dark depths of Yanshou Hall in Da Sima Mansion, Chu Ji sat alone on the seat and said to herself.

The woman in the dark showed a playful smile.

With these words, the corners of her mouth moved to the left and right, and the two sides of the face actually showed completely different smiles, half sweet and half gloomy, which looked very strange.

All the servants were sent out of the house and ordered not to approach, Chu Ji continued to talk to herself with a smile.

"Isn't it enough to live to the age of 15? I think I'm really merciful to him, don't I? What do you think?"

"It's old enough to get married. Even if something happens to a child of this age, it's because he didn't pay attention, and he can't blame others." The voice in her head dragged on and spoke hoarsely.

"I also hope you remember who stopped you from doing it so early."

If she didn't care about it, this impatient stinky girl would like to kill her wife's children the next day after she was kicked out of the house.

What a complete fool.

"Of course I remember." Of course Chu Ji didn't know that the person in her body was slandering her, but she just remembered that the mother and son who had made her feel like a stick in her throat for the past seven years were going to die. She felt refreshed but also a little puzzled.

"By the way, why did you suddenly agree to let me do it?" Chu Ji smiled sarcastically, "I thought you were going to wait until that brat even gave birth to a grandson."

"With you here, all the women in the former Qin Dynasty would not dare to take a step closer to that boy. There is nothing to worry about," the man sneered, "Why are you pretending?"

"Hmph, I did it to protect our girls from the former Qin Dynasty from being poisoned by trash," Chu Ji covered her mouth and smiled.

However, the corners of her eyes twitched the next moment, and her words were filled with venom, "But it's different now, that weird little girl..."

Thinking of the woman who suddenly appeared next to Gui Chen, Chu Ji couldn't even maintain half of her sweet smile, as if she remembered something and suddenly opened her mouth.

"You suddenly allowed me to do it, does it have something to do with that little girl?"

The voice in my head was silent for a long time.

Chu Ji felt more and more weird in her heart.

She knew that this person never cared about the relationship between men and women. In the words of that person, "To have a grandson is not to have a woman by your side every day or two. If you have me, you can make it impossible for him to be born."

Ordinary things are out of sight, this old thing has never been the same thing that she worries about, after all...

"That's right." Just when Chu Ji was puzzled, the old female voice suddenly responded.

"Of course I'm not worried about what happened to that girl and your husband's son-in-law," the man said disdainfully.

"then you……"

"That girl is a sudden variable, and it's hard to guarantee that it won't affect our final plan."

"What?" Chu Ji couldn't believe it, "You actually think she will affect your plan?"

At best, Gui Chen was only part of their plan.

She always just thought that that girl would affect Gui Chen, but this person thought that such an ordinary little girl who is not a practitioner would affect their whole plan?

"Then just kill that little girl and it's over?" Chu Ji said nonchalantly with a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

There is no little girl with unknown parents, and crushing her to death is as easy as crushing an ant.

"It's not that simple," the man said slowly, "Since it's an odd number, don't touch it, we can speed up our plan here."

"Of course, if she encounters an accident in the plan, it is destiny, and she can't blame others." The old voice said quietly.

"Then why can't you just touch that girl?" Chu Ji was so disgusted.

The man was silent again.

If it wasn't her who was in Chu Ji's body at this time, even if it was a peerless master of the earth level who was promoted to the clouds by ordinary people, she would find it troublesome to kill that little girl directly.

But she won't, her companions have all vanished into thin air. The only reason she can survive is her instinct for danger.

This intuition has saved her countless times so far.

"Whirlpool." The person in his head suddenly said quietly.

"Whirlpool? What is that?" Chu Ji asked with disgust.

"The breath on her body is like a whirlpool."

"Have you ever heard of moon halo?" The man said slowly, "That little girl is in this state right now."

The hoarse and old voice seemed to crawl out of the ground.

"She's hiding herself."

However, what is hidden under the surface of the water is something that even oneself cannot see.

"Then... will she have any influence on the trap tonight?" Chu Ji's arrogant eyes showed a strange color, "The spy said that she also went up the mountain with that brat!"

"No," the man said firmly, "Once the machine array is activated and the ground shatters, it will only take a moment. If the two of them are together, they can only roll down the cliff together. If they are not together..."

The old voice sneered.

"If there is someone in this world who can hold on to a soldering iron, I really want to meet him."



Wet drops of blood streaked across his chin and fell into the bottomless abyss.

He is not dead.

Gui Chen, who was hanging in mid-air, raised his head stiffly, the dust dispersed, revealing the slender figure on the edge of the cliff.

He will never forget the scene in front of him for the rest of his life.

The boy opened his eyes wide, watching the almost impossible scene in front of him.

His whole body was in the air, and there was an abyss under his feet, only the wrist of one hand was tightly grasped.

That figure held one hand tightly on the sharp edge of the shattered cliff, and stretched out the other hand to hold him at the most critical moment.

Blood oozes from the girl's fingers, falls from the edge of the protruding gravel, and falls onto his upturned face.

At that moment of brilliance, it was the girl who rushed out from nowhere.

hold him.


The sound of rocks rolling could be heard again, Guichen's heart beat violently, and he shouted out the girl's name.


The girl's blood wet his temples and blurred his eyes, making Gui Chen feel the despair of wanting to die for the first time in his life.

He couldn't imagine how the girl managed to hold him in such a quick moment, but seeing the blood drops falling in mid-air, Gui Chen became even more frightened after the initial shock.

The shadow of death was still tugging at his feet.

No, even got her involved.

It is almost impossible for a young girl to hold the entire body of a grown man.

It turned out that the moment he fell, what he heard was the sound of the girl's arm tearing flesh and blood.

His body has been completely vacated, and there is nothing around him to rely on. If this stalemate continues, his weight will only pull Ying Baoyue down!

"Mingyue, you..." Gui Chen gritted his teeth again and shouted, "You can't hold back!"

"It's a good thing you don't usually do well..." Ying Baoyue firmly grasped the cliff wall with her right hand, and smiled at Gui Chen, "If you're not dead, give me a way to get up."

Her shoulders and arms were in severe pain as if they were about to be torn off. Even though Gui Chen was thinner than her peers, she would not be able to last long with her current body, not to mention...

At that moment just now, her left hand was faster than her right hand.

It was her left hand that held Gui Chen's wrist.

"Let go." At this moment, Gui Chen's low voice suddenly came from under the cliff.

"If this continues, both of us will die," the boy said dejectedly.

He didn't want to give up his life if he could, but now it was a dead end.

He must die.

She didn't let go, and she didn't want to kill one more person.What's more, as a man of aristocratic family, when he was abandoned by his father, his future was gone.

The son inherited his father's business, but his father didn't want him, and even gathering medicine would encounter a cliff collapse. His life was really terrible, and it might be the end to be buried alone in the mountains.

"Maybe this is my fate." Gui Chen laughed at himself, his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water.

"Fate, you big-headed ghost!" Unexpectedly, the girl above her head shouted.

As if a basin of cold water was poured on the head, Gui Chen's whole body shivered.

"I can't even tell the difference between a trap or an accident, let's talk about the fate of wool!"

Is she... angry?

Gui Chen raised his head in a daze, and looked at the girl above her head whose eyes were so cold for the first time, her words pierced into his heart like an ice pick.


The girl's voice was cold, but Gui Chen felt as if he had been slapped in the head.

it's all...

"Understood, come to me quickly!" The girl's scolding sound was so kind to his ears at this time, it was a voice that represented life.

"Okay..." Gui Chen turned his head quickly, desperately looking around for any bumps.

At this moment, a white strip of cloth suddenly floated in front of his eyes.

Gui Chen raised his other hand and subconsciously grabbed the strip of cloth.

"It's hot..."

It's obviously just a piece of cloth, but it seems to have the heat that is about to burn in the next moment!
Just when Gui Chen reflexively wanted to throw the cloth strips out, the familiar patterns caught his eyelids.

This is the cloth strip that seems to be tied around her wrist all the time.

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue's hand, which was quietly pinching Gui Chen's wrist, suddenly trembled violently!
Gui Chen's wrist loosened at one moment and was tightly pinched again the next moment!
"What's wrong with you!" Gui Chen turned pale in shock and looked at the girl above his head.

The next moment he looked at the picture above his head, his pupils shrank.

The white cloth strips floated down, revealing the covered red scar.

It was as bright red as fire, and as weird as blood.

This was the first time Gui Chen saw the woman's left wrist.

Little did he know that the scar would become a haunting nightmare for him.

The next moment, the muscles and bones under the red scar on Ying Baoyue's wrist suddenly trembled and twisted, and even her fingers began to tremble, as if there was a violent force trying to control her hand!

The fierce murderous aura and the aura of death followed like a shadow again, looking at the strange scene in front of him, Gui Chen suddenly understood something.

this hand.

want to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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