Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 31 Rescue

Chapter 31 Rescue
Curse, activated.

Gui Chen never knew what a real curse looked like before.

But when his life was hanging by a thread, when he saw that scar, he instinctively understood what it was.

The most primitive curse in this world is the malicious intent to kill.

And this young girl was bearing such malice right now.

"The curse of the ruby ​​class! So you are going to die soon!" Chu Ji's crazy laughter rang in his ears, and Gui Chen's eyes widened in disbelief.

At the time, he thought it was just that woman's crazy talk, but now looking at the girl's wrist, Gui Chen's forehead was dripping with sweat.

Is all this true?
if it is real……

Then it was only natural that this hand wanted to kill him, and it was useless whether the girl meant it or not.

Killing and destruction are cursed instincts, Gui Chen has read about them in books, the power of this instinct is not something ordinary people can overcome.

Even if it is only slightly violated, it will be painful to death.

What's more, if it was really the legendary jade-level curse, it would be a miracle that the girl was able to hold him with this hand just now.

Gui Chen never imagined that one day the words on the book would become reality in such a form before his eyes.

Thinking of the girl's hand loosening and tightening just now, Gui Chen's heart beat violently.


Everything just happened in an instant, the girl's hand was still holding his wrist tightly, as if nothing had happened, but when Dang Guichen raised his head, his eyes suddenly hurt.

Her cheeks were all white.

The girl's expression didn't change much, but her face was as white as rice paper that hadn't been dyed with ink, and cold sweat dripped down from her forehead.

Hit him in the face.

But Ying Baoyue clenched her lips and said nothing. If it wasn't for the twisting flesh and blood on her wrist, no one would even know what happened.

With that body... How much malice did she endure?
She was alone, against what?
However, the power of people in this world is always insignificant, the girl's cold sweat rolled down Gui Chen's cheeks, and the next moment the fleshy scar on her wrist twisted even more violently, even the onlookers were terrified!

There was even a hissing sound like a soldering iron in Gui Chen's ears!
"Mingyue!" Gui Chen cried out.

He is an ordinary person and he doesn't understand, but even so he knows what a terrible thing this girl is fighting, and how cruel this silent fight has gone.

"Enough! Mingyue! Let it go..."

Gui Chen finally couldn't take it anymore and yelled loudly, but the next moment.





The young man's fierce words froze, leaving only a silent cry.

A salty liquid fell to the corner of his mouth.

Gui Chen raised his head and stared blankly at a series of falling blood.

But it didn't flow from the girl's fingers, but from her arm, from the upper arm to the forearm, through the red scar, through his wrist, and onto his face.

Gui Chen stared blankly at the scene in front of him, a scene he would never forget in his life.

Blood seeped from the dress he had bought her, scrambled from her upper arm.

Just when the curse on her left hand was desperately trying to throw him off, the girl actually bit her upper arm hard!
"What are you doing!"

Gui Chen desperately regained consciousness and yelled at Ying Baoyue.

"Let go!"

"I won't let go."

However, the girl above spoke without hesitation.

"I'm just making sure it's still my hand."

She stared coldly at her wrist.

"This is my hand, this is my war, it has nothing to do with you."

Has nothing to do with him?

Gui Chen never thought that someone would talk like that.

Speak to him, and to your own hands.

The girl just stared at the scar on her writhing wrist, her voice was calm but contained a terrifying will.

"This is my hand, just curse and don't try to control me, or do you want to be broken or cut off?"

Her voice was soft but threatening.

"Hey? If you were my hand, you should know what kind of person I am."

The girl's voice was calm, as if she was talking about something so natural, "Until it breaks, I won't let go."

What an incredible statement.

However, Gui Chen somehow felt that even if there were other people around at this time, he would feel so instinctively.

This girl is serious.

She was not threatening a curse, but stating a fact.

She can really do it.

Her will is really so strong.So far he hasn't let go of his hand.

I would rather take back all the malice in myself than hurt him.

It was so powerful that even the curse was suppressed for a moment in front of her.

So how can he have the right to give up?

Gui Chen raised his head, the blood on the girl's arm was still flowing.

Her blood dries up his tears drop by drop, drives away his despair, and makes all the youthful blood in his body burn.

Can human blood be so hot?


"I caught it!" Gui Chen raised his bloody five fingers, and firmly grasped the originally smooth stone wall.

The countless long bloodstains scratched out on the broken wall became dark in the twilight, and finally a point of leverage was found. Gui Chen was panting heavily, and felt as if he was being stabbed when he grasped a trace of life.

This is a place that she desperately grabbed by swinging him over and over again. He was too desperate and didn't even know how long it would take.

How long did he... delay?how is she

"Very good," the girl's voice above was still calm, but it didn't comfort Gui Chen's heart at all. Although he managed to grab a place, he had nowhere to stay, and the girl's physical strength was also declining. Squeezed to the limit.

Can he really go up there?
"Calm down and listen to me, we only have one chance." In this desperate situation, the girl above still did not give up and did not waver.


"Adjust your breath, Guichen, listen to my password, one, two, three, four."

Gui Chen complied, but how could one calm down under such circumstances?Even breathing calmly?

"I..." The young man couldn't catch his breath. Is it so difficult to breathe?
"If you can't do these things, don't mention wanting to become a practitioner!" The girl's reprimand was left coldly, but it made Gui Chen's eyes widen.

Those clear eyes just looked at him like this, as if they could see into the bottom of his heart.

"Otherwise it's all wishful thinking."

wishful thinking.

Gui Chen has been scolded countless times for wishful thinking since he was a child, but none of them hit his pain point more than this time.

It doesn't matter if you are infatuated or delusional, but you don't want to be said that by her.

Don't want to run away from her.

will be seen.

Ha ha.

The young man took a big breath, desperately, trying his best to adjust, but he didn't know when, there was no other sound in his ear.

Only her voice.

The sound of her breathing.



Ying Baoyue quietly watched the young man under the cliff, and poured all the strength he had drained into that moment.

"Go up hard, climb!"

Last breath.

The moment his breath coincided with hers, her voice exploded in his ears like thunder!

Gui Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his fingernails shattered and jumped up!
And at the same time, someone raised his wrist violently!
How much energy does that slender body contain?

This was the only thing Gui Chen thought about in that moment of blankness.

His mind went blank.

It was an experience like flowing clouds and flowing water, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Power and aura burst through his body, and the world he was in was turned upside down in that instant.

Coming up.

At that moment, the scenery changed, Gui Chen stared blankly at the pale face of the girl who was getting closer.

With a snap, he threw her onto the grass.

on the ground.

on the ground.

Gui Chen suddenly turned over and lay down in a big character on the broken grass, staring at the sky above his head, his chest heaved and heaved, as if in a dream.

Gui Chen raised his hands in front of his eyes in a daze, only the bloody palms and pinch marks on his wrists could tell that all of this was true.

He is still alive.

He actually came up.

"Congratulations, isn't it possible to do it?" The girl's soft laughter came from beside her ear.

She lay beside him, her arms outstretched, strands of sweat-soaked black hair smeared on her cheeks.

Their hands lying powerlessly on the ground were very close, Ying Baoyue turned her face slightly, stretched out her fingers and pulled out the cloth strip she had been holding tightly from Gui Chen's palm, and slowly tied it back to the other wrist.



The boy stood up staggeringly, and leaned over to press the shoulder of the girl who was lying on the ground.

The girl who was pressed down on the grass by the boy's firm arm didn't show any panic on her face.

Gui Chen stared at the pair of crystal-clear eyes that were close at hand for a moment, then spoke hoarsely.


Ying Baoyue also stared at him quietly, smiled and said, "Why?"

"Why do you do this to save me?"

This is not the same as when he saved her back then.

It was easy for him to save her.

And she was just...

"Hmm..." came the girl's voice, and the girl in his arms pondered for a moment and smiled softly.

"Because you bought me clothes?"


It is difficult for Gui Chen to describe his mood at this moment.

This is an experience he has never had in his 15 years of life.

He knew the man was lying.

But this is a nonsense that only this woman can tell.

"It's just a piece of clothing. I can buy it for you anytime." The young man's voice was cold, but he couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

A drop of water landed on Ying Baoyue's cheek.

Ying Baoyue blinked.

"Guichen, are you crying?"

"It's long-winded! It's just sweat!" The boy turned over to the side once again, and the two of them lay paralyzed on the grass for a long time.

Until the moon rises from the western mountains, the stars appear.

When the moon shone on their faces, Gui Chen, who had been silent all this time, took a deep breath and got up, then silently looked at the girl lying on the ground, and the next moment, he knelt down beside her.

"I'll carry you back."

"No need..." Ying Baoyue sat up, "Not yet..."

"If you keep talking, I'm leaving." The young man yelled impatiently, grabbed her hand and put it on his shoulder, "The sun is setting, and it's not the first time, don't waste my time to go home for dinner time!"

Looking at the boy who was about to explode, Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly, and took the other hand.

 The [-]-word chapter is also a chapter that can reflect the character of the heroine very well.

(End of this chapter)

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