Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 32 Sweet

Chapter 32 Sweet
"Is this ointment working well?"

The girl on the back asked with a smile.

Gui Chen walked down the mountain with Ying Baoyue on his back, while trying to ignore the weird feeling caused by the pain in his body slowing down and other senses becoming sharper, he let out a breath.


Guichen did not expect that the first time he made a successful ointment, it was the first time he used it on himself.But thanks to the girl's reminder, the pain in the fingers that had been treated with golden sore medicine actually eased.

Feeling the cool touch of the fingertips, Gui Chen felt a little emotional, "I didn't expect it to be really effective."

You must know that even if he followed the formula of the Pharmacopoeia, the things he made were always unsatisfactory...

This is definitely the most successful medicine he made.

Just with the help of the man on his back...

"Do you really not need to paint the wounds outside your palms?" The girl on his back was very quiet, obediently laying on his back, not even breathing in the slightest, but Gui Chen kept his feet steady, hoping to stay as calm as possible. to her.

After all, he now has a little understanding of this girl.

She clearly understood his injury, but he didn't understand how much she was injured.

Don't know how much she hurts.

Her upper arm and wrist... Gui Chen slightly lowered his head and looked at the girl's wrist that was around his neck. I don't know if it was his illusion, but the red scar looming from the gap in the cloth seems to have changed color. Go deeper.

What is...

Gui Chen moved his chin slightly towards Ying Baoyue's left wrist, his pupils gradually shrank, and he felt a wave of heat before he got close, this...

"Gui Chen."

The girl's voice sounded above his head, and Gui Chen's whole body trembled.

"Don't touch it." Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly, "Don't touch it."

I always feel that her tone seems to be coaxing a child...

But this scar is indeed not something he can understand at the moment, Gui Chen retracted his chin and frowned, "Then the wound on your upper arm..."

"Now the upper arm will be stained on the clothes," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I'll take off my coat before I get back, after all..."

After all, she couldn't take off her coat here, could she?

Gui Chen felt even worse after hearing what she meant, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"Okay, then let's go back quickly..."


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded inappropriately in the summer night, and the boy running in the woods froze for a moment.

Ying Baoyue laughed on Gui Chen's back, "Are you hungry?"

If it wasn't for carrying her behind his back, Gui Chen really wanted to hit a tree now.

But it’s normal to be hungry. I don’t know how much hard work they have gone through in the afternoon. What is the use of the bowl of porridge at noon? It’s serious to go home and have dinner...

and many more.

Gui Chen suddenly remembered something and his scalp exploded, and he stopped abruptly.


"what happened?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man who was suddenly as shocked as if the sky had fallen.

"I forgot to hunt wild game." Gui Chen turned his head and looked at the girl on his back with a complicated expression, "There is no rice at home."

Before going up the mountain, he clearly told his mother that he would come back from hunting game for dinner.

As a result, it was dark now, and there were too many things that happened before, but he forgot about it.

In the summer night, cicadas were singing and clamoring, but the teenagers and girls who had escaped from the dead looked at each other in the woods.

Life is really real.

"Ah..." Gui Chen took a deep breath, his head was getting bigger and bigger, and he went back empty-handed like this, not only himself, but the whole family would be hungry.

In a sense, he is really the hope of the whole family.

Not to mention whether he can still hunt with his current physical strength, the mountains and forests at night are very dangerous, not to mention game, but there are many beasts infesting...

"Guichen, let me down." The girl on her back suddenly let go of his neck and patted his shoulder.

"Hey, don't try..." Although he was worried about the dinner, Gui Chen had no intention of letting go of Ying Baoyue at all, and the injury on the man's back made people even more concerned.

"Or you can take three steps forward to the left." Ying Baoyue's voice interrupted his thoughts, and the next moment Gui Chen's body stepped out without thinking, as if instinctively.


Gui Chen looked down at his feet in disbelief.

It should be the physical sequelae left by hanging on the cliff before listening to the woman's instructions, well, it must be like this.

Before Gui Chen could feel ashamed, there was a rustling sound in his ears, Gui Chen raised his head, but his eyes were suddenly filled with a fiery red.

"This is……"

He was standing in front of a large cluster of fiery red plants, and the red flowers looked familiar for some reason.

"I didn't expect there to be here too," Ying Baoyue lay on Guichen's back and stretched out his hand towards the flowers, "There were also many in front of that cliff before."

That's right, Gui Chen remembered, she seemed to be standing in front of such a large cluster of flowers before he fell off the cliff.

"what is this……"

However, just as Gui Chen opened his mouth to ask, a cold leaf was suddenly stuffed into his mouth.


The girl's cool laughter came from beside her ears, "Take a breath."

Gui Chen instinctively inhaled, and the sweet honey juice flowed out from the bottom of the flower, which was so refreshing that even his eyebrows and eyes seemed to cool down.

"Is it sweet?" Ying Baoyue asked with a smile.

The boy with the flower buds nodded his head up and down.

"This is a canna flower, you can eat it," Ying Baoyue reached out and snapped one off and stuffed it into her mouth, and said after drinking the juice, "But it's not to eat the petals, but to suck the water under the buds. "

The girl held a red flower on her fingertips, and stuffed another flower into his mouth, "Try it yourself."

Gui Chen opened his eyes wide.

The flower juice is very sweet, as if it can penetrate into people's hearts.

He has been on the mountain for so many years, but he didn't know that this food is so delicious.

There are still many things he doesn't know.

"Three inches away from your right foot, do you see the grass with three leaves?" Ying Baoyue pointed with her fingertips, "Pull out and look. Remember to be clever."

Gui Chen squatted down with her on his back, stretched out his hand and pulled out... the leaf broke.

The air was quiet for a moment.

"Turn sideways." Ying Baoyue said.

Gui Chen pursed his lips and did so, only to see the woman on his body reach out from his leg and grab another similar-looking grass next to him.

With a bang, a crystal clear carrot was pulled out.

"This is wild radish, and it's quite sweet."

It is also called crystal radish in modern times, and it is delicious in cold and stewed soups.Especially when adding chili oil to the cold salad, shredded and mixed, the pliable, spicy and refreshing taste is simply amazing.

Ying Baoyue said from the bottom of her heart.

Gui Chen stared at the carrot in the girl's hand for three seconds, then took it silently and threw it into the medicine basket.

His self-confidence took a hit again.

He suddenly felt that even if he hadn't brought the girl back from the mountain, she would never have starved to death.

His hunch at the beginning was indeed correct.

Not to mention anything else, this girl's familiarity with various plants is terrifying, as if it is not a memory but an instinct engraved in her body.

Guichen stood up, silently picked off a banana taro flower and stuffed it into his mouth.

Fortunately, he can eat flowers even if he can't pull out radishes.

Ying Baoyue smiled and looked at the autistic young man, "It seems that you like it very much, this sweet..."

However, before she could finish speaking, a clear and tender male voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

"Sister, it's sweet!"

The sound was fleeting, leaving only the cold moonlight in front of my eyes.

Ying Baoyue was stunned, and suddenly clenched the clothes on her chest.

What was that just now?
Her... memories?
(End of this chapter)

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